Tell me your favorite game and I'll probably recommend you something dumb like Death by Degrees

Super Cloudbuilt
Super Cloudbuilt
Super Cloudbuilt
Super Cloudbuilt
Dynamite Cop
Dynamite Cop
Wild Guns Reloaded
Wild Guns Reloaded
Vee - Dodonpachi might have my favorite explosions in the medium and Wild Guns gives you a lot of routing options thanks to the stage select and for the fact that you're constantly putting yourself in the middle of danger to rack up points and trigger your i-frame granting Vulcan Meter.
Urban Reign
Urban Reign
LS197 - Only have a little experience Battle Circuit but you might like Urban Reign and Dynamite Cop: the former of being one of the meanest beat 'em ups I've played, and the latter for being about unabashedly stupid as any game has ever been.
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Frozenroy - Had to look up footage of Summon Night, but I was immediately reminded of the Battle Network series, especially with its combination of RPG and action elements; I think *3 is generally considered the series best, and also makes for a good jumping-on point for series newcomers. I'd also give a nod towards Steamworld Heist* as a brisker than usual tactics game, with more hands-on control and a great atmosphere.
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
LukeGirard - ikd if these will hit, but I picked some stuff with a big emphasis on teamwork and that had swing-for-the-fences endings.
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Devil Daggers
Devil Daggers
HotPocketHPE - Recommending Devil Daggers as one of the rawest, most straightforward shooters I could think of, and, maybe because Critpoints is on the mind, I thought you'd click with Starcraft. I forget where she mentions this, but it strikes a good balance of player control while avoiding the "death ball" tendencies of its sequels.
SteamWorld Heist
SteamWorld Heist
Arx Fatalis
Arx Fatalis
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ridge Racer Type 4
Pangburn - Setting a precedent here by splitting the difference: I think Ridge Racer Type 4 is probably the only thing that rivals Jet Set Radio as far as Y2k vibes go, and Mirror's Edge has similar emphasis on skill mastery and style (Heard there's some great DLC that's stuck on console, so something to be aware of.)
Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment
Speedy - I think you'd get a kick out of the constant genre shifting of Sin and Punishment, which uses its run and gun foundations to barrage you with setpiece after setpiece- and while there's some suspect VO, I think the story is weirdly gripping. And this is going more off of ProudLittleSeal's glowing review, but Super Cloudbuilt has recently piqued my interest as story-driven and mechanically complex 3D platformer.
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
jg27 - Picked New Vegas because of the sheer freedom it provides; you can go anywhere from minute one and start stirring up trouble with the various factions without adhering to some strict mandated quest order. Haven't played Arx Fatalis myself, but I think it could be another contender, being one of the few games with a similar focus on the environment being a properly living, dynamic thing- where you can leave a piece of cheese by a fire and have it get toasted, among a host of other interactions to discover and spells to mess around with.
Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story
Archagent - Full disclosure: I haven't played Vagrant Story, but the youtube channel Resonant Arc has nothing but praise for this thing- every scene a masterwork in blocking and cinematography, presented through the stage-like limitations of cutting-edge PSX graphics. (Borrows a lot from classic French architecture too!) Thronebreaker might be worth a look as well, all the action of the game framed as a story being told to kill some time.
Void Stranger
Void Stranger
@Consciovs - Think these strike a similar balance of Hollow Knight's mystery, exploration, and danger. Suggesting another atmospheric 2D metroidvania seems like it might an uphill battle, so hopefully these capture the same wonderful mixture of emotions that permeates your time in Hallownest.
jeffbackloggd - Pseudoreglia is a game you'll need to push to get the most speed out of, but it's a cool blend of a 3d platformer and a metroidvania, where you'll fill out your movelist by exploring a Mario 64 style castle.

Super Cloudbuilt has been de-listed, but it's worth acquiring a copy as it's some of most expressive and thoughtful movement I've seen in a game. Definitely one worth looking at if you enjoyed Mirror's Edge.

Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
poyfuh - Echoing what you said, I picked two games that stirred something in me; works that wear their heart on their sleeve and get you to push past whatever mechanical grievances you might have with them just to see what's next.
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2


1 year ago

on my page it says melee but i'm gonna be a bit more fun with it and say jet set radio

1 year ago

Final Fantasy VI!!!!! The opera! The melodrama! The theatrics! The ensemble! The Italian classicality of it all!

It's just so cool.

1 year ago

Copy paste from Poyfuh’s list

I mostly like Action Adventure Platformers with a fair amount challenge, unique presentation, and great dialogue and maybe even a bit of story (essentially de Blob 2, Sly Cooper Trilogy and Super Mario Galaxy 2)

Here’s a bit more elaboration on the things I love about my preferences in general

1 year ago

It rotates seemingly every week, but at the moment it's Contra Hard Corps due to replayability and good explosions.

1 year ago

Did SMT 3 on another one, so I'll say Battle Circuit here

1 year ago

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, you probably know my tastes already though so hit me with whatever.

1 year ago

Been meaning to get to Vagrant Story anyway!!! Thank you!!!

1 year ago

R4 is def in my backlog (once I finish rage racer... I'm just way more of a sega racer guy) but thanks for reminding me of mirror's edge, every time I run into I always think about how cool it would be to try but end up forgetting about it. I should really give it a try before the end of the year

1 year ago

Hell yeah, those are marvelous recs. I kept putting Dodonpachi and Wild Guns off for the strangest amount of time.

1 year ago

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story

1 year ago

I figured I should exposit more but a BIG reason is Swordcraft Story's killer aesthetic and game design, along with lovely character designs and funny yet still serious dialogue. One of the first games I played with LGBT rep (Pratty/Sugar for life-), good battle system and crafting.
Updated the list- hope a few of these land and you find a new favorite!

1 year ago

My favorite game in this moment is The Final Fantasy Legend which i love for the way it lets its own sense of creativity and verve overtake all other elements that you might expect to go into a game and make it good? Like, there are a TON of gameplay systems crammed into that GBA cart, it doesn't explain most of them to you, the level design is often openly hostile to the player, a lot of the jokes the game pulls are at the player's expense. But that shit doesn't MATTER because it offers such a wonderfully unique vision of the world and such a confident explosion of setpiece moments and emotional hits across its episodic structure in its uniquely strange setting. If you wrote everything down about the game on paper nothing would sound new but when it's in my hands it just FEELS special y'know?

1 year ago

DD sounds fun. I've already played SC a decent bit many years ago, been a long time though and not much of SC1, so might give it a shot. Thanks!

1 year ago

Cool recs, don't really hear about them as much when beat em ups are discuss, but they look fun.

1 year ago

Interesting recs, Battle Network has long been on my list, so starting it at some point would be good. Mega Man is something I'm almost always interested in. Steamworld Heist is a game I've heard about but not a ton, so maybe I'll look into it more with this rec!

1 year ago

I'd like to see think I've played most of its closest companions at this point, but I'd love to hear what you can come up with for The Wonderful 101 :P

1 year ago

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

7 months ago

i see mirrors edge and titanfall 2 are already on here. i love mirrors edge for its fluid fast paced movement nd speed nd ive heard similar things abt titanfall 2. just generally a fan of movement/speed based stuff like those two and neon white and the 3d marios. anything like that wld be great

7 months ago

@jeffbackloggd - Updated the list with a couple of titles I think you'll like.

7 months ago

If you can find me a game that I fall in love with half as much as Hollow Knight, I will be eternally grateful

7 months ago

@Consciovs - Had to think for a bit on these, but hopefully they capture some of the spark of Hollow Knight!

4 months ago

i wld rly love to know how to even find super cloudbuilt anywhere. been delisted everywhere, as you know, nd it was only ever released digitally, so im not sure what u mean by finding a copy. if anyone on this website knows where to get it, i wld appreciate it so so much.

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