No Zelda I'm not gay I'm just wearing this cute femboy outfit cos its too hot OWO.

"How many Big Daddies could you take?"

Me: "I don't know, like 4."
"Oh you meant those Big Daddies"

Citizens of Columbia I present to you:

"God only Knows" performed by the gayest quartet in town!!!

Bruh why do I always got to fight the Joker? I want to fight that Shark that Batman beat the shit out of back in the Sixties.

Boys you won't believe it Rocksteady listened to me and you get to fight a god damn shark in this game.

I just quit my job at Aperture Science and all I got as part of my severance package was a field of wheat and my best friend.

"Do you feel like a hero yet?"

No I kind of just feel sad and guilty.

Damn for a game full of Sussy Bakas this game sure got old fast. But like Dr. Seuss says:
"Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because Amungus."

Damn man please, you can't take Big Momma from me, I won't let you!!!

Yeah I solved this game, I'm pretty smart you see. Scotland Yard can suck my dick.

Leshy has the hands of the Tattletale Strangler.

I didn't know that cowboys had so many songs about pussy, so this game was very educational.

Hey man I beat this game. Not bad for a weird pile of goo or whatever the fuck I am made out of.