Playing this game for me is alot like working for Blizzard, in the sense that I get assualted daily by people with a higher rank than me.

Damn for a game full of Sussy Bakas this game sure got old fast. But like Dr. Seuss says:
"Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because Amungus."

"Do you feel like a hero yet?"

No I kind of just feel sad and guilty.

I just quit my job at Aperture Science and all I got as part of my severance package was a field of wheat and my best friend.

Most people nowadays won't remeber that when Portal first came out it overthrew Anchorman's monopoloy on shit dudes quote. All cos of one fucking cake.

"We have become bros and as per the bro-code your mother is now off limits...maybe."


"Statistically not everyone would have been Kung-Fu fighting."
- Ben Shapiro

A cleric, a man of the cloth demanding payment for carrying out healing in the supposed service of the divine. I'm gunna go Martin Luther on his ass.

They should call this Sekiro: Shadows Die Thrice. Because I only died 3 times.


Boys you won't believe it Rocksteady listened to me and you get to fight a god damn shark in this game.

Bruh why do I always got to fight the Joker? I want to fight that Shark that Batman beat the shit out of back in the Sixties.

See's Mr Negative for the first time
Yo dude what the fuck, is that blackface!? Not cool man.


Dark Souls where you follow the story of William Avery, history's first Weeb.

Citizens of Columbia I present to you:

"God only Knows" performed by the gayest quartet in town!!!