Games Played in 2024 Ranked

Guess I'd better start a new list for this year.

Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Hard to maintain enthusiasm for a game Ive put 500 hours into already, but it kept my interest well enough to the end
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
Replay, As great as it ever was
Absolute banger
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
Great documentary/collection
replay. Not quite as good as the first time, but thats to be expected, given the nature of the game
Data Garden
Data Garden
Says a lot with very little. Its very impressive both as an exercise in minimalism and as storytelling. I like the metaphor of the garden being built from all the interactions
Deus Ex
Deus Ex
(Replay) As good as it ever was, but god does it get annoying to have to a manually save constantly
Extreme Evolution: Drive to Divinity
Extreme Evolution: Drive to Divinity
That was great, whatever the hell it was
Total War: Shogun 2
Total War: Shogun 2
Starting off with a replay of an old favourite, still a great game
A Belief in a Perfect Today
A Belief in a Perfect Today
A poem in game form. Having lived in brighton for around 3 years in my very early adulthood I appreciated a lot about this brief piece. The comparison between the Palace Pier and the remains of West Pier was interesting as a literary device (which I interpreted to mean the flashy but hollow attempt at recapturing a relationship which is not as good as it used to be vs the ruined remnants of a genuine but damaged friend group). I might be completely off but thats just what I got out of it. Its very brief, I'd recommend
The OG genre masher
Detective Ridelle
Detective Ridelle
Gays Attorney
Fading Afternoon
Fading Afternoon
Much better on replay, though still don't love it
Grow Home
Grow Home
Did not expect something this good to come out of Ubisoft of all places
Finally finished a great game, Xen was both worse and not as bad as I had heard it would be. Xen and Interloper are fine IMO. Nihilanth and Gonarch's Lair are awful though
Mu Cartographer
Mu Cartographer
Pretty interesting, if frustrating at times. Theres one piece of the puzzle I couldnt figure out, and that turned out to be because there wasnt one, its hard to explain without spoiling. Anyways it took me 2 hours to complete and its definitely worth that kind of investment
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Replay. Still a great game. Did a second run on pro mode but the second krauser fight absolutely filtered me. QTEs on PC are a bitch and I just cant knife him quick enough
Buckshot Roulette
Buckshot Roulette
Holds up pretty well, reminds me of dark souls, in terms of the weight and delay of your actions feeling great to master the timing of. Some cheap bullshit later on though, and after stage 12 I ended up breaking out the save states
Cipher Monk
Cipher Monk
Pretty cool puzzle game based off of the cistercian numeral system. Its kinda cool how minimalistic it is, and how its "tutorialised" with a single PNG with examples to extrapolate from. Incredibly funny that there is language select which changes 2 single text boxes
Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt
Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt
Well, my wishes were granted I guess. Nice to be able to exist in a meticulously crafted recreation of ptolemaic egypt without having to play assassins creed
not in love with it, but respect it
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2
Again, finally finished a great game that I don't love. I appreciate the craft but it feels so... conveyor belt? The core gameplay is so kind of one note the set pieces and variety need to make up for it, and the quality of those varies quite a bit
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
cool tech demo. Hearing "when we were developing HDR as a technology" shocked me quite a bit, had no idea that was these guys
Pretty cool, didn't blow me away or anything but the presentation was interesting enough to keep me invested till the obligatory tedious final boss fight
Player Non Player
Player Non Player
Pulse Codex EP
Pulse Codex EP
I respect it, but way too stressful for my tastes
Total War: Three Kingdoms
Total War: Three Kingdoms
I've been getting into wuxia stuff and reading up on the romance of the three kingdoms and general history/lit of china. Its an okay game I guess. I'm not super into the hero mechanics tbh
Trail of the Wretched
Trail of the Wretched
Pretty good prose and sound design, takes some imspiration from Disco Elysium whilst leaning harder into the the aesthetics of tabletop games. Unfortunately the ending sucks, its abrupt as hell and not in a No Country for Old Men kinda way
Words of Yendor
Words of Yendor
Serviceable scrabble em up
Ace of Seafood
Ace of Seafood
Amusing enough for a few hours, but not interesting enough to be much more than that
Bright Lights of Svetlov
Bright Lights of Svetlov
Dont usually like this type of argument, but genuinely I dont see why this would work any better as a game than a short film
House of Asterion
House of Asterion
Its ok as an adaptation of a borges short story, but it definitely smacks of game jam game. Not that there's anything wrong with being a game jam game, but its a format which rarely survives being transplanted from said context
Infinite Craft
Infinite Craft
Good for a quick laugh
Insomnia: Theater in the Head
Insomnia: Theater in the Head
Its fine, art is pretty well done
Kimekyawa: Genkai Beat-chan
Kimekyawa: Genkai Beat-chan
Modern Tuwuimes
Mosaic Mysteries
Mosaic Mysteries
Cute, just completely devoid of substance or particular structure. Not 100% necessary but still
Sky Rogue
Sky Rogue
fine, just kinda repetitive and grindy
Super Castlevania IV
Super Castlevania IV
Didnt like it all that much
Tarotica Voo Doo
Tarotica Voo Doo
I respect it for the sense of tactile physicality it tries to bring and the uniqueness of it all, but good god does it get annoying real fast. I was probably close to the end, but the timing for that fucking combat encounter against the dad was so aggravating I just don't care anymore, fuck off
The Farnese Hercules
The Farnese Hercules
Pretty cool, it just overstays its welcome quite a bit. It needed to be tougher or shorter. If you are going to play it, do like 3 puzzles a day, I think thats the intended way
The Invincible
The Invincible
Gorgeous looking, excellent environment design from the desert like regis 3 to the spot on retrofuturistic 70's space age tech and interiors. It just doesn't do gameplay all that well, its fine to be mostly a walking sim but it needed something more it didnt have, which I cant quite place. Compelling story thankfully, although its an adaptation of a well regarded novel so its hard to give too much credit for that. Runs like ass also
The Supper
The Supper
cool ig
Total War: Pharaoh
Total War: Pharaoh
Got as a gift essentially from @Dadhunter. Really cool ideas but man I just suck at this game, i dont really get how to succeed or even win battles consistently
short and sweet
Welcome to the Karoshi Club
Welcome to the Karoshi Club
Im not much of a horror guy, but even I can see the logic in exploring through heightened reality the sheer horror of the irl job market, it also doesn't have stupid cheap jumpscares so honestly amazing. That being said the MC's writing style brushes pretty closely to "I replaced every word with a synonym using a thesaurus so my english teacher would be impressed" level at times. Who the hell says edifice?!
Grow Up
Grow Up
TOTK to Grow Home's BOTW(derogatory)
Intimate, Infinite
Intimate, Infinite
Meh, poor execution of the concept imo. Though admittedly I think Garden of Forking paths has basically already been adapted a million times via Zero Escape and shit like that
Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling
Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling
Open Roads
Open Roads
a game which is... fine
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Like re4 but not as good and more racist
Roko's Basilisk
Roko's Basilisk
Not as clever or interesting as it thinks it is. The wikipedia page for the concept is a more entertaining read than this tbh
Voice Love on Air
Voice Love on Air
cool pun, but the routes are opaque as hell so being locked out of all the romance routes after 8 hours felt like a kick in the teeth. Also I swear william is voiced by Daisuke Ono? But the VAs use pseudonyms so I cannot know. Also I have the suspicion that the game uses AI art for some (admittedly minor) illustrations, which if true is fucking embarassing.
Harold Halibut
Harold Halibut
Imagine a below average Wes Anderson film that goes on for almost 9 hours and requires you to use a controller to get through it, that about sums it up
Mid. An amalgamation of better games done poorly. Also the propaganda videos being in the 50s american style even though its the Soviet Union annoyed me. Not just because of accuracy reasons but also because the only reason they did it was to be more like bioshock and fallout. Fuck off
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Blue Shift
If Randy Pitchford's computer had exploded during the development of this game, killing him, we could have been rid of 2 evils upon this earth
You Can Save Everyone
You Can Save Everyone
fucking fightstick game, jesus


Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Unity
I've had enough after 2 hours, why did I ever like these games, they are intensely frustrating. So much love and care has gone into a meticulously crafted and well researched depiction of 18th century france with interiors that could sometimes pass for cg remakes of shots from barry lyndon and its all in service of the middest gameplay and uninspired bullshit that wasn't even particularly well done in previous entries. Maybe the story gets good later but man, Arno is just discount ezio and the dialogue makes me wish for death. Please, someone leak the files for historical AC games, take these gorgeous environments, textures and lighting and just make anything else, hell, I'll take a glorified walking sim with text blurbs even.


Broken Reality
Broken Reality


Card Detective
Card Detective
Its got a cool comic book style, but I cannot be assed, idk maybe its the hangover but the card mechanics seem too complicated early on for my tastes. Sorry, I'm not in the mood


Death Stranding
Death Stranding
Interesting hiking sim, physicality of the system is intriguing, I put in about 5 hours though and the usual kojima bullshit started to wear thin. Also i thought this might be the first KojimaPro game I liked because it wasn't a stealth game... but sure enough there is stealth in death stranding and that's where I take my leave


yeah idk, something about it just wasnt hitting


pretty cool, but by the 3rd/4th level it was clear this was too galaxy brain for me


I liked it, but didnt finish it. Unfortunately I had to stop playing it for a week due to travel, and that always kills my momentum with a game. Didnt help that Encounter Part 2 sucks. Maybe Ill finish another day


Library of Babel 3D
Library of Babel 3D
I've Been Reading Borges' Ficciones short stories collection, and when I got to the Library of Babel I wondered if you could make a game simulating said library. It seems someone else also thought of it and made it. It really hammers home that line where the narrator talks about a group of cultists destroying a bunch of books before being stopped, "Uno: la Biblioteca es tan enorme que toda reducción de origen humano resulta infinitesimal. Otro: cada ejemplar es único, irreemplazable, pero (como la Biblioteca es total) hay siempre varios centenares de miles de facsímiles imperfectos: de obras que no difieren sino por una letra o por una coma". There's probably an english translation but essentially : any human scale destruction is bound to be infinitesimally small in the grand scheme of things, and whilst unique, every books will have many, many siblings which are essentially identical save for a comma or the like


Long Gone Days
Long Gone Days
Cool premise but idk, Im not hooked




Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
idk man


Stone Crawler
Stone Crawler
I took a chance on a type of game I don't really like and wasn't surprised when it met expectations


meh, interesting setting but the framerate drops and general toothlessness of the design leaves me cold


Under A Star Long Cold
Under A Star Long Cold
Spiritual successor to It Comes in Waves, very disappointing. Admittedly I do hate stealth games so maybe it wasn't going to be for me anyways, but yeah this doesn't have the charm to distract from its shortcomings like ICIW

1 Comment

2 months ago

Very late, but I wanted to say thanks for checking out Stone Crawler!

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