Series That I Wanna Give A Proper Chance At Some Point: Vol. 3

Much like the saltiness of your average Twitter user, the disappointment I have for myself knows no limits, for I still have played very little games compared to everyone else, but with the help of these lists, maybe I will one day persuade myself to get off my ass and actually clear some of this out. Also, this might be the last one of these I do for a while (key word being "might"), seeing as how I am running out of games to talk about that I wanna play at some point.

I am a huge fan of the Banjo-Kazooie games, so whenever they announced that somebody was making another Banjo-Kazooie-Except-Not-Really-Game, you better believe I jumped on that shit as soon as I could. However, from what I had experienced of it, I thought it was mid as hell, and didn't bother with playing through the whole thing, but that was quite some time ago, so Imma need to give these games a chance again to see if they are worthy of replacing the beloved bear and bird.
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark
Speaking of Banjo-Kazooie, Rare in general is a company that I can't help but love, especially when it comes to their N64 lineup of games, but out of all of them, Perfect Dark is one that has alluded me for some time. I do remember playing it and its prequel for a good little bit, and I thought both were pretty good for what I had experienced, so I should probably get back to those and properly play through them before that new game comes ou- starts laughing.......... yeah, right, that game is NEVER coming out.
Have you seen the graphics of these games, or at least, specifically the first one? It looks like ASS! But, I have heard good things about it, and I do wanna try them out at some point, even if I don't feel as strongly about this one as others that I have put on this list. But you know, may as well get to it before that new game comes out, so I can move onto playing that one by the time 2046 rolls around.
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate
As I have mentioned on one or two occasions, I am not a D&D guy whatsoever, so I have never really had experience with Baldur's Gate or any other titles in this series, but my interest in the series has peaked because of this little game called Baldur's Gate III, which blew up seemingly out of nowhere last year, which caught me off guard, and made me wanna check the series out to see what the fuss is about. Then again, all of those people that heap praise onto it could be wrong, and only a proper critical eye can detect how much of a piece of shit these games really are. All in due time though.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Just the concept of this adorable-ass character committing crimes like this is a hilarious concept to me, and this dude has gone from committing tax evasion to just straight up robbing banks! He is an absolute menace to society, and I love him. Probably should give his games a shot too, just so that he can go onto committing more crimes for the foreseeable future.
Famicom Wars
Famicom Wars
Back when the Advance Wars 1 & 2 remakes were coming out, I actually did try my hand at Advance Wars to see what it was about, and I... didn't make it too far. I am not a turned-based strategy guy at all, so I wasn't able to get a proper handle on what was going on, got intimidated, and just left to play other things. I do wanna go back to these games at some point, maybe with a full-grown brain that will know how to pull off some of this shit.
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
Before you assume anything, yes, I have played Plants vs. Zombies before, and that game fucking ROCKS, alright? However, I haven't played any of the other games in the series that were released afterwards. Yes, I know, half of these games are just microtransaction-filled pieces of shit that PopCap should be ashamed of themselves for, as should EA as well, but I mean, they still play similar enough to where I still wanna try them, as well as the other games, out. Don't worry though, cause I'll make sure that EA doesn't get a single cent out of me through any kind of microtransaction.
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance
If I can include a Mario sub-series in this bitch, I can do one for Sonic as well, and it feels well-deserved, because I have ZERO experience with the Sonic Advance games as a whole. I have heard so many great things about them, and I've been wanting to get to them, but then Sega always has to go around to announcing "Sonic's Ass Blast No. 873" or some shit, and I'm like "Ok, fine, I'll play that one instead", then I get burnt out on Sonic, and move onto to other things. It is a neverending cycle, but trust me, one of these days, I will properly tackle these games to see what all the fuss is about.
Salt and Sanctuary
Salt and Sanctuary
I haven't seen or heard too much about the Salt games, but from the little bit I have seen of them, they look promising. It's like if Dark Souls was made into a 2D game, which, granted, is not a new concept in the slightest, but the way this game does this has me curious more then any other that I have seen, so yeah.... definitely gonna have to give this a shot at some point.
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends
Guys, it's about time I confessed something to you......... I am a fraud... a FRAUD, I tell you! I'm so much of a fraud, that my name should be changed to MegaTheFAKEOne because of it! Why is that? Because when it comes to Mega Man, I only have experience with the classic and X games: aside from one or two exceptions, I haven't even TOUCHED anything from Legends, Zero, ZX, Battle Network, Star Force, or whatever else is out there. I look forward to reading your comments telling me how much of a piece of a fake piece of shit I am for this, but for now, I swear on my life that I will get to them at some point in my life. I'll even refuse to die for this cause, it is too important to me.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
So, I'm not one who plays too many of the Nickelodeon games out there, because I like to think I'm smarter then that, but these ones do have somewhat of a good track record behind them, so that's what makes me want to give them a proper shot. I do own both games, and I played the first one for a bit, but I haven't played either one enough to give them a fully-fledged opinion, so I will have to take care of that one of these days.
Wii Sports
Wii Sports
This one is for all of the titles that have the word Wii in the title, as well as Nintendo Switch Sports, because that technically counts as one of these games. I never really played a lot of these games, because I always lumped them all together as generic and lazy cash-grab titles that are meant to do nothing more then to just demonstrate what the Wii is capable of, but that doesn't seem like a fair category to place them in. Not to mention, I have heard plenty of great things about several of the titles, so maybe I will have to go see what they are all about... you know, after I have absolutely NOTHING else to play.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Hey look, it's the other series that Ubisoft likes to constantly pump out titles for that isn't called Assassin's Creed or Far Cry, except this one somehow feels EVEN MORE soulless and greedy! For the record, this entry goes for all of the Tom Clancy games, not just the Rainbow Six ones, as I am curious about a good portion of them, as well as if they are genuinely good or not. I mean, they gotta be, since they keep making them, right? Or at least, one of them was good, and then Ubisoft saw that it was good, and just decided to keep milking it dry with many mediocre or bad sequels. I guess I will find out eventually.
SteamWorld Dig
SteamWorld Dig
Much like Payday and X-COM, I see these games all the time on digital stores, which has somewhat made me interested in them, but not as much as how many of these things there are! I swear, the people that make these games are determined to pump out as many as they possibly can, as I am constantly reminded this series exists whenever they just announce a brand new game out of nowhere a lot. Is it really that good to put all of their eggs into like that? Again, I guess I'll have to see for myself.
Clock Tower
Clock Tower
The only game in this series I have ever played was the original game, after seeing JonTron cover that game around, I wanna say, 100 years ago, and it has made me curious about what the other titles are like. Granted, I haven't seen any footage of the other titles after the first game, but I mean, surely they are good, right? And hey, they are bringing back the original game, so that means I gotta get on that shit at some point soon.
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball
As a kid, I remember I LOVED playing the Super Monkey Ball games that were released on the Wii and DS, and even nowadays, I still love these games, even though I haven't played them as much. With that being said though, I have never given any of these games the proper playthrough treatment, which is a huge shame, especially consider how long I have been playing them, so I need to show these lovable monkeys some love at some point.
This entry is solely based on the design of the main character, because LOOK AT HIM! I wanna hold onto him and never let him go, he is so fucking cute! And not only that, but the games themselves look decent enough, with them looking like they play similarly enough to Limbo or Inside, both games that I really love, so these would probably be just what I am looking for in those regards.
Back in the day, I played a lot of the other games that PopCap made other then Plants vs. Zombies, such as this, Bejeweled, and Zuma, and they may be cheap, simple puzzle games that you can find a million clones of on the App store, but you know what, they are MY cheap, simple puzzle games, goddammit! I don't think I would necessarily give them the review treatment (or maybe I would, I dunno), but I do wanna at least revisit them to see if they are just as good as I thought they were back in the day.
Anytime anyone ever brings up a game around me that features some kind of crafting or survival element to it, I automatically have to keep myself from vomiting, because I am so goddamn SICK of these games! That's not to say that I hate them, but it feels like they are all over the place, and there's only so many times you can craft an axe and make a bed before you wanna throw yourself off a cliff. Despite that though, Subnautica is kind of an exception to this rule, because I like the idea of changing the typical survival setting to that of this futuristic ocean environment, filled with many terrifying sea creatures that would probably scare the shit out of me. Definitely wanna give these games a shot at some point, and maybe see if they will get me to actually give a shit about survival games again.
Gunstar Heroes
Gunstar Heroes
This one is for every single game made by Treasure, because out of all of the games Treasure has ever made, I have only played two of them, those being Gunstar Heroes and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor, but the only one I have ever beaten fully is Gunstar Heroes, and that is a goddamn shame. Based on what I have researched, they have a very interesting catalog of games that they have made over the years, and a lot of them have been praised by many, which really makes me wanna try them all out. I had a great time with Gunstar Heroes, but that is also merely scratching the surface of this company's legacy, so I definitely gotta get to all of their games at some point down the line.
This is for all of the games made or published by Nicalis, Inc., because like with Treasure, I am very interested in their lineup that they have. It seems like they prioritize retro-style indie games more then anything else, and if you have been following me for a while now, you may have noticed that I am kinda obsessed with retro titles. Not to mention, I have played several of the games they have helped put out before like VVVVVV and, of course, The Binding of Isaac, both of which I love dearly, so I wanna see just what else this company has hidden away that I could gush over as well.
I mean, do I even need to explain myself here? He is a goofy-ass octopus that didn't leave for the milk! What more could you want out of a video game protagonist? Not to mention, I do remember playing the second game, oddly enough, on my PSVita a while ago, and I remember having a pretty good time with it, so I do wanna revisit these games and see just how mighty the Octodad truly is.
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Ever since watching Caddicarus talk about these games extensively in his videos, I have been very curious about Oddworld and the many games that have been made for the series. I do own all of them, physically and digitally, and I do wanna try seeing if I can 100% them all, but it does seem kind of daunting, so I will have to build up the courage to face these games at some point. Until then though, I can only dream of playing them for myself...
So, I don't necessarily feel as strongly about these games as much as others, but I do relate to and fully respect Mr. Fortesque over here, as he is a goofy-ass skeleton, and at the end of the day, aren't we all just goofy-ass skeletons on the inside? Not to mention, the games look like they have a goofy, yet spooky atmosphere that I can really dig, so yeah, I'll definitely be checking these out sooner or later.
Hello Neighbor
Hello Neighbor
Look, I never said that all of these games had to be good, alright? I have heard about Hello Neighbor all over the place, whether it be from various YouTubers playing these games or from seeing them making spin-off after spin-off after spin-off AFTER SPIN-OFF, and........ none of it looks like it is good. However, I am a sucker for bad games, so I do wanna see for myself if these are as bad as people say they are, and if they are, I will so enjoy ripping them to shreds through the power of my words.
The Escapists
The Escapists
We have yet another example of one of those game series that I have seen constantly around either on the internet or in digital stores, always taunting me and teasing me with their very low prices. I do remember trying out the original Escapists a long time ago, and I didn't really vibe with it at the time, but I may have been in the wrong headspace then, so I do wanna give it another shot, to see if maybe I judged it too harshly all those years ago.
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium
This one is for all of the side and spin-off titles in the Pokemon franchise, because for the past couple of years or so, I have been trying to get back into Pokemon after falling off the series really hard a good while ago. I have replayed through a good number of the main games, and that's been fun, but aside from Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Trozei, I haven't really played through that many of the spin-off games before. There are a lot of these things too, a lot of which I really want to get to at some point, such as Pokemon Ranger, Pokken Tournament, and Hey You! Pikachu........... purely so that I can yell at Pikachu and make him sad. Trust me, it's all for a good reason.
When it comes to my history with Pac-Man, I am more of a Pac-CHUMP more then anything, as the only real games I have played through fully would be with the classic arcade game, as well as several of its variants. I haven't played that many of the side or spin-off games in the series, including Pac-Man World, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, Pac 'n Roll, and yes... I haven't even played Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures. I know, shame on me, but I do wanna get some more Pac-Fever in my life, so I will get around to playing those at some point, I promise you that.
Destroy All Humans!
Destroy All Humans!
So we have a game here in the style of something like GTA, where you play as an alien and go around causing chaos while destroying everything with your alien tech.................. this game was literally made for me, and yet I STILL haven't played it or any of its sequels. It does seem really funny and charming too, so I do wanna get to destroying all humans as soon as possible............... wait, no, don't quote tha-
Now that I think about it, Sony really doesn't do FPS games that much, don't they? Aside from this and a few others, there aren't that many FPS games I can think of that are explicitly made or published by them, which does make me curious as to how this series turned out to be. I mean, it did get a few titles before getting thrown into the street in favor of Horizon, so I figure it may be fun to go back to to see how it has held up.
Once upon a time, someone looked a group of worms squirming about and said "Wow... this is boring", and then he gave one of them a gun. Thus, the Worms franchise was born, with there being plenty of games made for it over the years, and I haven't touched a single one of them. They look like a lot of fun though, especially with some good buddies to blow up things with, so I'm gonna have to check out one of these games, see how they hold up.
Killer Instinct
Killer Instinct
With all of the fighting games that I have been playing and reviewing recently, it is only a matter of time until I get to Killer Instinct, even though I really want to. It just seems like a really cool fighter, and I'm sure that if anyone out there has at least heard of this game series before, then they must've heard the phrases "C-c-c-combo Breaker!" and "ULTRAAAAAAAA COMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at some point in their lives, as they are iconic lines. So yeah, I do hope I get to these games soon, and you may even hear me talking about them soon as well.
Jumping Flash!
Jumping Flash!
Like with Killer Instinct, I have plans to get to these games at some point soon, because I have been really curious about them. They are some of the earliest 3D platformers that you can get from video games as a whole, and while the presentation and control look pretty rough, it does have a certain charm to it that is very inviting. Then again, I guess I will have to see if that is the case whenever I do eventually play and review it.
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance: Fall of Man
Hey, y'all remember when Insomniac made Resistance?...... no? Me neither! Out of all of their big franchises, this is the only one that I haven't touched at all, nor have I seen any bits of gameplay for, which does kinda suck, cause I am curious about it. Not to mention, that alien skull right there has me believing that there could be a lot of fun bad guys to shoot down, so yeah, I would be all over it if I could snag a copy of it from somewhere.
A long time ago, I did review the original Strider on this website, and I really enjoyed it, but ever since then, I have held off from reviewing any other Strider games, and I have no clue why. I did try to play the NES game, but something about that one felt off, and I haven't given any of the other games a shot yet, but from what I have seen, they look REALLY FUN, so I definitely need to fix that ASAP.
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Hey look, it's the other fighting game franchise made by Arc System Works that isn't called Guilty Gear! I don't know too much about this one, but I do like a lot of the characters' designs, as well as how the fights are played out, so I do wanna give these games a shot at some point.
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco the Dolphin
FUCK THIS DOLPHIN, BRO. Every time I try to play through this game, I always end up getting frustrated at some part and quitting, even though I wanna see it all the way through and review it! Not to mention, I am curious as to what all of the other games in this series are all about, so maybe if this game would stop kicking me in the dick, I can get around to doing that.
Angry Birds
Angry Birds
Yes, I have played Angry Birds before, and honestly, who hasn't played it at least once? It was once THE mobile game, the one to defeat all other mobile games, and it baffles me that despite not having nearly as much relevance as it once did, it is somehow still going to this day. I haven't played much after the original title, and it has been a very long time since I did play one of these games, so I do wanna go back to them and see if they are actually good or not............ even though they may not be.
The Jackbox Party Pack
The Jackbox Party Pack
So, for the longest time, I was, and still kind of am, a You Don't Know Jack enthusiast, as I really love those games, and have played rounds of it so many times with friends and family. However, I haven't really played that many of the other games to stem from the Jackbox Party Packs, and there are a LOT of these things, so I feel like I should go through these when I am with some people, just to see just what kind of stupid shit we can find out of all of these to have a great time with.
Twisted Metal
Twisted Metal
Have you all taken a second to look at the character known as Sweet Tooth recently? Because when it comes to Twisted Metal, the only thing I know about these games is that Sweet Tooth exists, and he looks SO FUCKING COOL, DUDE. I don't know if the games would live up to this character alone, but they do look somewhat fun, so I do wanna give them a try and see if they were good enough to justify how many entries it ended up getting.
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Y'all remember that point in time back in 2011 when this game just came out of nowhere and took over the world? I'm serious, bro, it was EVERYWHERE for a good while, and a lot of kids, including myself, couldn't get enough of it. After a good while though, it kinda just.... phased off the Earth, never to be seen again. I haven't played any of these games in a while, but I do remember having fun with it back in the day, so maybe I should revisit it at some point and see if it holds up.......... but first, I'd actually have to go buy the game, a portal, and several figurines, but then again, they are all probably dirt cheap, so that won't be much of an issue.
The House of the Dead
The House of the Dead
One of my favorite arcade games from back in the day has gotta be House of the Dead, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would hold that opinion. I remember I would always take the time to play one of these games if an arcade or funzone-type-place had a machine of it there, and it was always so much fun. It has been a very long time since I have played these games though, and there are so many of them, so you already know I am DEFINITELY giving this series the review treatment at some point. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't.
RollerCoaster Tycoon
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Much like life simulation games, I have also never been fond of business management games, because I've always had that child-mindset of them seeming much more complex and daunting then they probably are. I do wanna play more of these games, with RollerCoaster Tycoon seeming like the most appealing of the bunch, because not only can you make a bunch of fun and creative rollercoasters, but you can also kill all of your park's patrons if they are starting to get on your nerves! What's not to love?
Army of Two
Army of Two
This one is kind of an odd choice, as I'm sure most of you probably don't even know what this game is, but hear me out for a second, ok? I have distant memories of watching my mom's boyfriend playing this game as a kid, and I always thought it looked really cool, and I liked how the game revolved specifically around you working together with your partner to get shit done...... or at least, I THINK that's what these games are all about. Guess I will have to play them myself to see if my mom's boyfriend has bad taste or not.
Cooking Mama
Cooking Mama
Alright, time for me to make a confession: I am a Cooking Mama fan.......... or at least, I WAS a Cooking Mama fan. I remember playing several of these games as a kid, and I remember loving them for how simplistic, yet immediately gratifying they were. However, it has been a long time, and the only one of these I have played recently is the original game, which was........ certainly an experience to say the least. I'm gonna need to see what the other games are about to see if I'm allowed to be properly ashamed of myself or not.
Like with Oddworld, this is another one that I have heard about through Caddicarus, and it looks pretty good from what I have seen. It kinda gives off LittleBigPlanet or Knack vibes, you know what I mean? Just being a very charming platforming game that is probably meant just to make you feel good vibes throughout the whole thing.......... or at least, I think that's what it is. I await for you all in the comments to tell me otherwise.
Viva Piñata
Viva Piñata
Before Banjo-Kazooie, before Conker, before Battletoads, before any of that other jazz, this was my only exposure to Rare for quite a while, and let me tell you, it was THE SHIT! I loved making my little garden in this game, getting all of these adorable pinata creatures, getting them to breed, upgrading my equipment, and so on and so forth. This shit was my childhood, but I haven't played it or any of the other games in the series in such a long time, so I DESPERATELY want to go back to it, so that I can relive a lot of those sweet childhood memories.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
I mean, with a name and cover like that, how can you NOT want to try out this game at least once? I have seen plenty of this game in action, as well as having played it a bit for myself, and it is some of the most chaotic shit I have seen come from the SNES era of gaming. I didn't get very far in the game myself, but I definitely do want to go back to it, as well as Ghoul Patrol, to see if I can conquer these zombies and save all my neighbors!
Alien Hominid
Alien Hominid
So, I played Castle Crashers a good while ago, and I remember having a great time with that game, which makes me wanna check out some of Behemoth's other games, specifically the Alien Hominid ones. I am a big fan of run 'n guns, and this game just seems like one of the best of that world, coupled with the chaotic art style and nature that the Behemoth is known for. Also, look at that alien's face............. how can I say no to that?
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Listen, what can I say? I'm a simple man with simple tastes. I see game with dinosaurs, I already like it, but then you give me the option to shoot these dinosaurs, and HELL YEAH, NOW WE'RE TALKING! I haven't played any of these games, but I have always wanted to, even if I heard that some of them are bad, so I will probably get around to playing them in due time.


2 months ago

Microsoft needs to port Rare Replay, but they are cowards.

2 months ago

man, i miss old caddicarus. hes decent now but he labeled his past vids with (OLD) like he has a disregard for his history

2 months ago

@hotpoppah I would kill for a rare replay port. Jet Force Gemeni has been in my backlog for too long but I don't wanna experience the bad N64 version

2 months ago

Perfect Dark is very good! If you'd ever played Goldeneye, Perfect Dark is a measured improvement on the game.

2 months ago

i did a whole skylanders deep-dive last year playing what I missed out on in its time (including the 3DS games!) and I found it pretty wholeheartedly mid in the grand scheme of things (though the last game was actually pretty alright!)

Some of the figures (especially for the last game) are actually reasonably difficult to get ahold of these days somehow, and the portal for the fourth game is the only one that works for all 6 titles so the cheapest way to play the games to its fullest extent is to buy the portal for the fourth game, a shitload of specific rewritable NFC cards, and a USB NFC writer and just spoof everyone so that way it's both the cheapest and most storage efficient.

if you ever decide to take the plunge and need assistance just hmu honestly, I've basically become an unintentional expert on these damn things whether I liked it or not lmfao

2 months ago

PLAY LEGENDS YESTERDAY! It is peak fiction, what are you waiting for?

1 month ago

This list introduced me to the Ecco franchise, so I decided to try the 3D game. The game is pretty, it’s a genuine pleasure just to idly swim around and look at things, the gameplay is a bit frustrating at times because the progression is presented in an unclear manner, however, the music is a delight to listen to

I still have a long way to go before I beat it, and it's a double-edged sword in terms of enjoyment, leading to slow progress haha

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