hall of shame 2024

continuing a tradition I dropped last year because of s&s, here's all the shit I shelved this year and a bit about them


another returnee from the 2021 list. made it to the end of the third chapter I think. hard to play this after so many re4 playthroughs this year lol


played this for a beach gen episode that'll be coming out shortly! SP is 15 hours of bot matches though so I did not finish lol


doesn't run that well on switch unfortunately (or rather, it's admirable but choppy). charts a nice third way from the jsr duology but its focus on the combo and scoring system is majorly hurt by total lack of execution requirements (see: the manual being totally free and very powerful) mixed with lack of roadblocks to you wandering around aimlessly racking up a multiplier. makes up for it with really intricate level design. I think I played about half


was doing a indie game server event over in Autumn's Rise (on my phone rn but look up Silverhand's profile on here), tried this one for a while but I'm real bad at roguelikes and fell off. really appreciated how the steady beat forced quick decisions in what could otherwise be a genre that favors a lot of forethought


shitty wii over the shoulder horror shooter. so boring and it makes my shitty wii's AV output super noisy (re4 has this problem too)


wanted to give this a go without a guide just to get the authentic experience (when I played other point and clicks as a kid I always used one). it's sorta funny and really well drawn / laid out but yeah the puzzles are pretty obtuse. probably 75% of things I've done correctly I did assuming they would have a completely different outcome


some friends had switched to this one from 4 so I obliged. love the new momentum mechanic for the fencer, sucks that you have to grind a bit to earn the movement upgrades though. but the grind is way better implemented than 4 so I'm not complaining


played most of IV in high school. came to this and fell in love again and then dropped it right before the end of the first stratum. got spooked by people telling me it would be a serious challenge to get through the stratum boss on advanced


good lord what did they do to this game. rarely will you see me claim an hd port fucked something up beyond repair but this hack job goes beyond vibes; it's legit hard to see what the fuck is going on with the crazy amount of bloom and distance blur. will restart this one on psp eventually


been hacking away at this every so slowly on my phone during work. it's sorta cool but the job selection is real hit or miss and the encounter design is generally undercooked. not that far though, maybe 15 hours in


ffxv and ffxvi fans having an insane mid-off trying to figure out whose favorite game does the best job making a mediocre adaptation of Current Year AAA tropes.


vaguely cool as a turn off your brain hunting game bcs every hunt is like sub five minutes. once I realized you're supposed to just use melee to charge up the gun and then play shitty tps for 10 seconds I was less enthused


this was a year of 7/10s so it was nice to play some of a bonafide classic at the very end. I sorta forgot how cool combat could be until I played this. only about a quarter of the way through, and I'm gonna wait to review it until an eventual hard clear. I'm wise enough now not to try to offer my opinion on a serious action game until I've earned it lol


it's so cool but it's just really hard. I might try to move this to real hardware soon to see if that will make me play it more


really great twist on lemmings into sort of a stream manipulation puzzle game, and then it goes off the rails in the second half. there is combat and stealth sections here lol


we're cooking a group playthrough of this... it's just that we don't want to beat it 😭 2024 for sure though


gritting my teeth a bit playing this one. the adage with this game (I think celia from critpoints said it before) is that it's totally worth it for time trials. stumbling through the levels is less than stellar though. when I'm feeling more charitable I'll give it another go


mh3u would've been on last year's iteration of this... I'm just not ready for another monhun early game. esp since this one is pretty handholdy early on. one day though


klonoa-like (derogatory). better narrative than either of those games but its pacing is meandering and restrictive. I end up begging to play the mediocre super magnetic neo-tier levels instead. and there's crafting with a shitty minigame to extract materials? the fuck?


not too far into this one but vibes-wise it's on point. haven't gotten far enough to see how the gameplay develops beyond steamrolling enemies. not looking forward to potential grind


was playing a lot of re5 mercs first half of the year so naturally I gave this a shot. don't have much to say about it other than that having a decent handheld version of mercs is cool


this was like first thing I downloaded when I bought a ps5 back in may. quite enjoyable but I feel like I have to play against the roguelite structure a fair bit. would need to replay the early sections to better articulate what works and doesn't work with the combat. got to the fifth biome


probably too game-y for its own good. having one rote puzzle per colossus significantly curtails their dynamism, and I haven't felt like any colossi (out of the 12 or so I've played) have really leveraged the climbing mechanics past the first few. a game for people who really love holding R1


it's good. I had my fun with switch era Nintendo though and I think I'm ready to tap out for a bit


meant to have this in my arcade grind rotation with iidx but iidx is just way more of an addiction for me. it's really great though! I'm not great at it though :(


just remembered I picked this up and dropped it for the umpteenth times, first on emulator and then on wii. got an everdrive 64 for Christmas though so next time is For Real (as soon as I get an expansion pak lol)


open world was out in 2023 for me, I'm not really into that shit anymore. expect the 8/10 review in 2026 when I pick this up again


enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. gets a little too close to hack and slash sometimes but still leagues above most other non-MH games I've tried. the extending hammer is neat, usually not big on timing mechanics but it makes you press the extension when it hits the ground after a hit, which makes you account for hitstun. would like to give this another whirl once my gf is done using my ps5 for ac6
our first returnee from the 2021 list, I've been slowly working through SP in this game with fencer for god knows how long. no budget game like this should ever have this many missions, at least not in a linear campaign
enjoying this one more than curious village. having multiple different locales feels more animated than being stuck in the village the whole time. we'll see how I feel when the whodunnit wraps up
love the old school VN style this has, and the gameplay swaps it up a fair bit. dunno if I'm enthralled necessarily, but part of that is the strict ranking system matched against my less-than-stellar 3ds touch screen lol
even better than the first one. I've got 35+ hours and will not be stopping soon (well ok, I've slowed down a bit. waiting on a battery replacement)

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