The 1.5 stars are merely for the presentation, and even then I didn't enjoy a bunch of it. To be fair, I did not finish the game, but it definitely feels like I experienced a lot of the content there is to experience.

Alright first thing. Art style is kinda cool? It's very much supposed to evoke the era of 90s anime but not fully committing? It's good quality art but it all feels like it's clashing especially when you're getting your 90s shoujo looking woman at the top right of your screen between checkpoints and seeing very harsh and thick lines on enemies on environments almost to feeling cell-shaded? The main protagonist doesn't even feel like he really fits in this game's art direction.

The gameplay loop is an enticing concept on paper but needs way more then this game gives. Has a Post Void type loop of having your time constantly tick down and the only way to replenish time is to kill enemies and the game adds variation to that loop. With not just guns being the way to kill enemies but also to kick them or other upgrades relating to pushing enemies around and throwing them into obstacles in the environment. Where the game loses me is that Post Void at least has this simplicity of being an extremely bite sized game that has you running through it at crazy speeds with small levels. This game is trying to stretch that loop out into longer levels that do not have variation. Post Void also doesn't have a lot of environment variety but at least they aren't trying to make you sit there for longer then needed/wanted. Each floor feeling visually the same with some variation, the enemies changing every once and a while. You can't have a game that is built for constant replays feel so consistently same-y. A good game to replay always offers ways for you run through the same levels with your own approach and have more depth. This game has only a handful of ways to approach each situation. Overall just a very short gameplay loop stuck in a game that does not support it overall. Just feels like an extreme nothing burger.

This game's writing feels like a terminally online person who only hangs in twitch chats would think is funny in a post-ironic sense. Where the butt of a joke is like "haha guys what if a chat moderator was this ultra badass character, also heres themes about over consumerism. Can't go wrong with throwing in a streamer as the damsel in distress to get easy internet joke points" Just feels so fucking bland. I give White Noise a pass for the annoying writing but atleast that game had a really good gameplay loop which this game cannot be given as a way to overlook the bad writing. Extremely safe and boring writing meant for online people to get a laugh out of.

Overall just a very disappointing package of a game. Don't know what I was expecting but certainly something way better then what was handed to me. Skip out on this one, I don't get the hype.

I think overall a really solid game and the first souls game I sat down and went "okay I'm playing through all of this". While the peaks of this game are very cool and very fun I feel like a lot of this game is kinda meh. Despite beating the game within like 8 days I had to look up a list to remember the bosses. Plus some of the areas were just not fun to navigate like irithyll, farron keep, and the dungeon for irithyll. I did think this game was visually very gorgeous tho, with a lot of beautiful environments and especially the skyboxes are beautiful. Another thing that adds to the atmosphere is the amazing music too throughout the entire game. Plus this game has a pretty kickass final boss. Think I will play through the dlc one day but today is not that day. Just kinda feel like "well I beat the game and that was my main goal." Fun first souls game tho !

I had so much I wanted to say about this game that I couldn't find the words for. I am just in utter shock how amazing of a video game this is as a whole. To the beautiful environments you explore to the character moments that everybody shares. I even wanted to write when I originally beat this game but I was so overwhelmed with emotion with how amazing this video game was. I'll platinum this bad boy one day. If i was to write out a review for this I think it would be an entire thesis paper and involve me spending 3 business days on it and spoiling the things I just downright love and adore about. Please buy this game. This is game of the year, and there is no fucking question about it. Definitely a top video game for me now. Also Aerith fans eat well (I'm Aerith fans)

Fucking christ what a video game. I'll get my gripes out the way real quick, game is a bit dated. I understand its literally a ps2 game so like it's gonna feel old in some parts but maybe some things couldve been redone. Like we did NOT need the "battle panties" armor sets that the girls got. Sometimes remakes do this good thing of taking out things that are bad in retrospect so theres some stuff I wish would've been taken out. Also feel that some social links weren't given as strong of writing but I do appreciate that each bond with everybody could max out platonically. The rest of the game though was fucking amazing though. To the theming and storytelling and also goddamn they don't skimp out on presentation. The music extremely catchy and the unexpected music shifts that would happen to help elevate some scenes. Fushimi was such a nice social link because I got to see her grow more confident in herself as a person and being able to live with her head high and to approach situations herself. Her link really made me tear up at the end. Also love the art style of the game and how distinct each character felt in their art. Now to why this game hit extra hard for me. This will be spoiler on from this part of the review so if you care for those just know this is where the non spoiler section ends. Play the game, especially for the fact if you're not 70$ you can be one month of gamepass sure.


Since I was young and even now I have struggled with the idea of death. The end of me as a person and the end of those I love. Thinking many times in a nihilistic way when I was younger to think "I know death is coming. I might as well just shit around and do nothing cuz nothing matters." So going into this game I will be honest, I knew the ending. It was like the one persona game I had heard the ending of before LOL. And to a certain way, treated the game like how I treated myself when I was younger. Told myself "Well I know at the end I'm going to die so I might aswell just try to help the other people so they'll be fine without me." This game showed me though that I couldn't merely just detach myself from how much I cared for each character. Like how I was in real life, these people exist and I should be happy of the time I am here with them. This game constantly shone a mirror in my face and went "think about your unhealthy relationship with death that you've had for a lot of your life". The beautiful monologue Aigis gives you in the end, all my emotions hit me like a truck. I came to this conclusion as I got older but the game reiterated my idea: Nothing can stop death, but nothing can stop me from enjoying the time I have here and the people I love dearly. That is what life is to me, to celebrate those around me and to uplift others along with myself. I live to make everybody happy. And I am going to therapy for making sure that I can bask in the happiness myself. Make sure to love those around you while you can. And keep them in your heart. Always

TLDR: This bitch cried and the message of death hit 2x stronger due to past circumstances.

Man what a fucking fantastic video game. Truly an out of the park hit by the Ubisoft Montpellier studio. With the amazing gameplay loop and the intricate puzzles and platforming sections. This game is just such a fucking blast to play. I'm also a fan of just the general style it's going for visually! It is just oozing in personality with everything you do in it. God the bosses in this game are so fucking fun to play and I do think genuinely up there for boss design in metroidvania games, please add a boss rush like metroid dread did. Plus I was geeking out cuz the devs are very unashamedly a fan of anime and a lot of other games. I saw the judgement cut/end you're not slick guys. Go fucking buy this game ! Idk how ubisoft does it but their lower budget releases are always the way better games LMAO so go buy this game ! Definitely recommend even at 50$.

I think the most fun I've had with a ubisoft game made in their RPG formula. Overall I think the presentation of ancient greece is very beautiful and filled with a lot of beautiful cities and woodlands to discover. I found the combat pretty fun in this! It did start to drag towards the tail end of my playthrough but I played just enough for it to not just annoy me. I liked a good bit of the characters and I was a fan of Kassandra herself who I found to be a likable protagonist. I did indeed make Kass a raging lesbian who traveled through all of ancient greece and pulled the heart strings of many women. When it comes to the story though I felt the game had some high and low points. For one I think the ending for the main quest feels extremely limp? Like it happened and I didn't realize that was the ending until I got the achievement pop up. I do think unfortunately I don't care to do the rest of this game because these games are of obscene length when it comes to the amount of side content to do and with a lot of it not being the most interesting. Still think its worth a playthrough! Atleast i didn't give up on this one like the fucking slog ac valhalla was. Will probably be my first and last AC game. Slight recommend from me!

What can I say about this game that hasn't already be said. It truly is just the pinnacle of Superhero games. With the amount of love and care put into this title when it comes to doing right by the fans of the previous games and by the fans of the Spiderman mythos as a whole. There is truly so much I can gush about this game but I'll keep it spoiler free.

When it comes to the story I feel it is Insomniac flexing how they can juggle multiple storylines at once. While I do think there is more I would've wanted with certain storylines, they did the most that was possible with the length they kept the game at. A big highlight for me is the relationship between Peter and Miles. Where they start to gain more trust between each other and grow together as people when it comes to how they tackle their respective personal lives. A big highlight aswell is the relationship they build between Peter and Harry. Seeing this relationship reconnect between two old best friends felt very natural and well delivered. I also loved the remixing of multiple characters in this (especially one I did not expect seeing) that showed that Insomniac truly wants to make their spiderman games to be in their own universe. While the emotional highs I'd argue weren't as strong as the original Spiderman game. I'd argue they still hit the nail on the head with it.

Man does this game really remind me that I wish a lot of fucking games had the equivalent of a devil may cry blood palace. The gameplay additions they made here truly just added so much to the fun factor and depth you can achieve. One of my complaints about the original Spiderman title was that despite how satisfying it was to play it felt a lil barebones. This game added a few mechanics and while its not dmc deep it is extremely satisfactory and adds more shit to do in your combos. The parry mechanic is very friendly but also extremely satisfying, the addition of giving you quick actions with the gadgets keeps combat going without pulling up a menu. I truly do wish there was just a bit more enemy variety but I think it was okay enough. Biggest issue gameplay wise is once you get insanely juiced when it comes to hitting max level and fully upgrading Peter and Miles there is no content to really explore the whole net of your kit. You can swing around and fight a few crimes you run into but those don't really spawn in a lot of enemies + aren't the most challenging. I know new game plus will come eventually (sony loves doing this shit for some reason with their games where they delay release new game plus as a free update a bit later) but I kind of am tired of new game plus being the answer to post game content. I would love like I said earlier a devil may cry bloody palace type mode or even something that resembles arkham challenge maps! If I want to play a certain boss fight I love I don't wanna sit there and play through the whole damn game again.

A big thing of this game is just general presentation and art. With technology that Insomniac is just using on full display here. With the amount of times in this game where you go "you can fucking do that?" when it comes to how fast the game is to load things. The game is just gorgeous across the board when it comes to the characters and the world as a whole. The amount of love that the art team has for this interpretation of new york is seen with how they show off the different parts of it. To the beautiful skyscrapers in downtown (shoutout for adding the fantastic four baxter building!!!) to the suburbs of queens. With the sprinkles of new york life in between like the intricate and beautiful murals you'll find across the city. Also the sidequests add to the presentation with a lot of them being just helping normal people with normal everyday issues in the city. My personal favorites were the grandpa one and the Howard one (with honorable mention to the monster in my backyard quest). The look of this game and the performance it achieves is truly the tippy top of the industry.

That is really all I can gush about this game without spoiling anything. This now makes my third platinum on ps5 (with the other two being both spiderman games). The platinum trophy hunt was very simple and felt satisfying this time! This game is a definite system seller and I will not be shocked to see a bunch of kids begging their parents for a ps5 this holiday to get spiderman 2. I am extremely excited for the future of Spiderman and especially for Wolverine! Funnily enough same day this game got announced they showed off Wolverine and I was genuinely more excited for Wolverine but that's because the X-men are very special to me and that also includes the character Logan himself. So I was shocked when that game was announced to be happening. I am so fucking excited and can't gush anymore about this game! Go get a fucking ps5!!!

Unfortunately this game has only gone down the more I've thought about it. Despite riding high on how much I was enjoying some of the experience here overall I was reminded, this game feels fucking old.

Now trust me I love bethesda rpgs, Fallout New Vegas (yes trans girl loves fallout new vegas har har), Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. These are all experiences I thoroughly enjoyed and grewup on. So when Starfield was announced I thought that this was gonna showcase the next big evolution in Bethesda's rpg portfolio, that they are gonna ship something that will bring their rpgs into the modern era. Despite the year this game cameout in, it feels like it was designed for the 360.

The main story was definitely not their best, with having characters that feel oddly written. I think the twist with the story falls really flat after you think about it for like two seconds. The general worldbuilding aswell feels so barren and while there may be a lot to read, I was not given confidence through how the game is written to seek it out. With some high spots being the city of Neon and some mining colonies, nothing too memorable really. While faction quests are amazing and provide a lot of story the fact they feel better then the main quest is extremely dissapointing.

The gameplay is genuinely a step up from other bethesda games like fallout with feeling extremely satisfied to shoot and blast your way through enemy compounds. The only problem is that the gameplay feels like it doesn't allow for a lot of builds. The general layout of arenas feel extremely cookie cutter and not as engaging despite the fact the game feels like it was built to be like a shooter.

A big issue for me aswell is just the general game feel. In the post No Man's Sky era to have this many planets explorable but with how fucking little there is to do on a lot of them it just feels pathetic? The absence of a minimap on city areas leads to genuine headaches trying to remember where certain stores/important areas were. This game feels like a damn loading screen simulator which yes for 2011 loading screens made sense but we are in the year 2023. Cyberpunk cameout in 2020 and offered little to no loading screens.

Overall I think the game to a certain degree was enjoyable and the team at bethesda studios should be proud of an accomplishment which was just making this game when it had the scope it did. Just really wish it felt like they truly made a NEW rpg

"Finally made it to the big leagues!"
Is the quote I think of when it comes to this game. Now I won't be one of those people that may exist that are like "well I actually loved cyberpunk since day 1 blah blah" but I truly did. When this game first cameout I fucking adored it, I adored the world, the story and how it was presented, the amazing and memorable dialogue. Despite all of that though I would say I loved this game but I never recommended it in good faith. The game was in nowhere near of a consistently playable state and had arguably the worst version of a triple A to release on PS4/Xbox one. Plus the matter of the fact that the game was built up by so many expectations just to seemingly under deliver on a lot of promises made. Now after 3 years of update and cleaning up the product and adding to it and making the game they wanted to release 3 years ago, with the inclusion of Phantom Liberty. I can say this is a top 5 game of all time for me.

I wanna start with the gameplay which has only been refined overtime. For my recent replay in the buildup to Phantom Liberty I decided to try out a throw build which is a new weapon archetype that was added post launch and man. This is the the most fun I've ever had with the gameplay of an RPG game ever (despite the fact its more of an action game). The combination of being a netrunner and pulling off covert quickhacks just to pop out of cover and nail everybody you saw with a knife from across the room without being spotted. No higher dopamine rush in a RPG game. Then going loud and pulling out the massive "well fuck it" revolver when the plan goes south and I have to break stealth. Engaging with all the systems in this game creates a flow state that is so rarely achieved by other games. Another spot of gameplay that I need to talk about is skill trees. What a fucking massive overhaul from launch. The original cyberpunk skill trees for the most part where unfortunately just percentage boosts with not a lot of uniqueness to a given tree. Just you do something better in this tree compared to the others. With the 2.0 update they finally made them PROPER skill trees. With each category of your character getting a proper ability addition when you reach the top and even at the mid section of skill trees. The skill tree is only just another great part of the gameplay flow of the whole package. Also I found the added vehicle combat to be actually fun! While can be a little weird to control sometimes (especially on a controller) it was fun to get in car chase shootouts.

Another important part of this package as a whole that is arguably my favorite part is the story of the game as a whole. Not just the main quest. The way you interact with the world isn't the most genre defying (especially with Baldur's Gate 3 coming out recently and being a monumental CRPG that has so many ways you can change the world). The interactions with each character is such a joy to go through when you learn about each character's ins and outs. Night City as a whole is such an oppressive depressing shithole of a city. But the story is about how V (your character) tries to make themselves a legend to remember no matter how they cameup. The set pieces are so amazing and fill you with such awe when you experience them. The side quests that show you so many different parts of the city and how the cast of characters lives change around V and how your actions change the trajectory of theirs. Obviously a high point of dialogue and character interactions is with Johnny Silverhand himself. What may come off as a typical super macho rockerboy that convinced himself that his actions were one of a revolutionary, actually has more emotion past that facade he constantly puts up around everybody but V the deeper you go into the game. I think a big part of the story aswell is the city and how it interacts with you and how you interact with it. With the constant police shootouts happening and the random instances of gangs you can run into that try to goad you into trying something. This game is truly one of the most immersive worlds I have ever had the pleasure to engage in.

A thing of importance I have to state separately is the art design of the game as a whole. Despite how the game is designed and the dialogue being topnotch it would be hampered if the art design of the world wasn't as top of the line as it is. Walking through the streets and exploring the dark dank alleys filled with sketchy figures juxtaposed by seeing the highs of opulence with extremely clean and gaudy environments of the 1% of Night City. The music also elevating all the parts of this game as a whole. Plus the fact that this game is the best looking game out there currently. The technological marvel that is this game just existing is an achievement in itself.

I'll add a note here about the dlc but won't say anything spoiler specific. I really loved the dlc! It was a really good story and I loved the setting of Dogtown and thought Dogtown is just another amazing addition to Night City as a whole. While I think the dlc was amazing and just gave me more Cyberpunk which is what I wanted, it's a bit held back by the general length of it's story so you don't get enough time to properly connect to these characters as you do those in the base game. I love Phantom Liberty but I just love the base game more then fucking anything.

With all that said I just want to say I'm so happy to be able to confidently say that yes I fucking love that after three years of defending this game I can say that I can recommend it to people! It is one of my favorite video games of all time easily. A master-class in multiple categories (but not all). This is the game I am proud to proclaim is a game I love dearly and hold to my heart, and I am so fucking excited for what comes next. I am extremely excited with the fact that the director for Phantom Liberty and who's been leading the development to make Cyberpunk a better overall experience (Gabe Amantangelo) cleary has a vision for the future of Cyberpunk with the sequel. The dev team finally got a director who knows what they want to do with this game. I can't be even more fucking excited for what is in store for this world in the sequel!!! Buy this game!!! I love it so much! This is literally my longest review on backloggd I just want everybody to experience the thing I adore!!!
"Will never fade away!"

The end of an era and the end of maybe when I gave a shit about COD. It is extremely bittersweet to see this original version of warzone shutdown even though I stopped playing consistently after cold war's life cycle. This game gave me some of the best moments I ever had in any online game ever. Some of the most fun ever in any video game was when me and my brother were absolutely just bullshitting with random loadouts and still winning. Possibly one of the glitchiest and most dogshit balancing in any game ever LMAO. I'll miss what this once was and I doubt I'll ever really care about Warzone 2. Goodnight my sweet summer child.

This game is weird. I have kind of a love hate relationship with this product as a whole. I won't go to in depth with spoilers except for two specific characters and the "reveals" they do with them.

First of all i'll say the art direction is great in this game. The two halves of this world being the real world and the nightmare world and the real world serves as what you think a modern city is. The nightmare realm delves into different horror type scenarios. Whether through torture chambers where you see fellow sheep falling off the sides to their death, or the gaudy and beautiful architecture that gets introduced later on.

The gameplay overall I enjoyed way more then I thought I would've. I'm a big puzzle game fan but this one shocked me because the puzzles seemed a bit one note at face value but expand the deeper you get in the game. Really fun gameplay loop!

This game's writing was also great! I think other then my specific gripe I think the writing in this game is fun! It got a lot of laughs out of me and the direction of scenes led me wondering what was gonna happen and the different little twists kept me engaged. As a horror fan aswell I'm a big fan of the weird moments of genuine horror the game turns into. I think overall it's a very well written game.

Now with my biggest complaint and where is the only time I'll talk about spoilers. As a transfem I'd be fucking remissed if I didn't mention how much I'd feel just annoyance with the conversation in game about Erica and Rin. I thought at first I could maybe ignore it for the most part but especially with the (true law) ending I got things being mentioned there I felt extra burned. I admittedly never did Rin's route so it may be more healthy in the writing in route but everything else around it I felt constantly rubbed the wrong way about. With the semi frequent little jokes that were made alluding to the fact that Erica is a trans woman (especially with the Toby comment in the end of "the guys knew you as Eric in high school!"). It feels like Erica was kind of treated very oddly and while not the most vitriolic and hateful interpretation of a trans character I've seen in a game, it still made me feel weird. There's also the big reveal of "Rin's actually just a dude who looks like a girl!" and that explained by the fact theyre a fucking alien? Excuse me? From what I've heard they do better with the writing in her route where they do bring up the fact on whether Vincent's relationship with Rin is gay. Either way I just felt really fucking weird and would be lying if I said the weird comments and treatment I've seen of trans character(s?) in this game didn't tick me off a bit everytime I heard them.

Overall I think this game is still a treat! Only Atlus game I've ever actually played and finished LMAO. The puzzle system is very fun, the music is great, and the writing is funny and Vincent I think is the perfect protag for this type of story having him be a loser that tries to redeem himself. I think this game is even worth it at full price of 20$. Pick it up when you can!

This game feels like such a genuine love letter to everything it's referencing. To the way a friend described as almost feeling like a JSR fan game. It just oozes with such personality and charm.

I think a big thing and pull about this game is the soundtrack and the game has an absolute superb soundtrack. While Hideki does his thing and it's great I want to specifically shout out a few songs I love off of this soundtrack because there is such an amazing roster of artists here. SKALP's Bounce Upon A Time has such an amazing feeling and makes me do a stank face just from the bassline. Operator by GRRL is such an infectious ear worm that has me going "operate operate op op operate" in my free time away from this game. Scraped On The Way Out by Kilowatts has such a grimey feel to it that it really stuck out. Swami Sound absolutely does his thing on Refuse. I think if I pointed out more songs that stuck with me I would be here for the half the review talking about the soundtrack. Please listen to the whole thing when you can.

The gameplay of this game is like butter. With the absolute snappy response of your tricks and the feeling of grinding. With the boost jump allowing more variety of movement in the air compared to just a traditional double jump. While I am a bit saddened by how simple the trick system is it still allows for depth and display of skill when it comes to how you navigate the map as a whole. Just like the original JSR. I love the addition of other characters which while they don't play differently from the main character they add customization to the player by letting them choose who's the coolest to them. Shoutout Red but also I love to play as Bel and Rise, Jay is great aswell but she's 5$ dlc (Yes I bought the lethal league dlc I think it's worth it for Jet "Jay" and Switch "Base").

One big thing aswell in this game is the goregous art. With the absolute beautiful graphics work being done by the devs at Team Reptile and the art throughout the game by guest artists. It is a general joy to just look at this game. The grafitti work is especially a big high point of this game because of the creativity from diverse set of artists they pick. They all bring their own style and interpretation to how they would make graffiti.

If you haven't guessed it by now, I kind of fucking love this game! And the only thing I'm really thinking after beating it is how to get an even better combo and how to chain multiple grafitti spots in one combo. I want to make it a personal challenge to somehow hit every grafitti spot in one combo. Buy this game! This team made a phenomenal job of making the game they wanted to make from a pure creative standpoint. Team Reptile has cemented themselves as a dev team to look forward to any new projects, whether Lethal League or BRC related. I'm excited for the future :3

I think this is a fine enough game! After getting a few true endings on some of the characters I can say I finished the game through my own meaning of "beating" a roguelike. I think overall this game is a nice quaint game! The art is very pretty and the gameplay is fun. Idk what about this game clicked but I was kinda locked into the loop for like a week. Overall this game just kinda struck a chord with me randomly and I enjoyed my time! Also the beautiful witch being in a gay relationship with the wrestling woman is a big win for the gays. Do recommend!

YOU GO TO HELL TO SAVE YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOVING WIFE THIS GAME ROCKS. In reality I did enjoy this game way more then bayo 1. I do think there is some things that holds this game back. This may be because of just skill I have gained from Bayo 1 but this game felt like CONSIDERABLY easier then the first. I don't want to be hit with a stone award after every mission but getting consistent silvers I went "oh?". I also think the retreading of old environments/enemies a little like same-y? It isn't done an insane amount but enough of like "I wish I fought a bit more new enemies and didn't go to a place that feels the same even if the layout is different". The bosses feel way cooler in this game and way more of an epic scale of shit (except nothing like jubileus). I think overall there is just more shit to do in this game including the fact you can just play as Jeanne if you want to aswell. And while she plays similar enough she has her own unique style. I didn't talk about it with Bayo 1 but these games have such good fucking music aswell and 2 doesn't let down. Definitely really glad I started the series and this was a great sequel

I love being a lesbian and seeing lesbians save the world. In reality this game was very fun! It is pretty unabashedly itself and it is an intoxicating feeling when I play a game that is so hellbent on just showing all of itself off. Where it just wants to show all it's character and do it's own weird thing. I think this game just oozes a lot of charm and makes up for a lot of things I have faults for. While I do thing the combat is extremely fun I'm happy the game ended when it did because it feels like a dmc1 situation where there's definitely more there but if you're just a first time player the game can feel a little shallow. High level game play for this game truly is something sick to watch. I also loved the spectacle of it all and the crazy situations you're put through. Definitely excited to play the next two games and was indeed confirmed that Kamiya does love space harrier