This game is genuinely just such a joy to experience. The 5 is purely an enjoyment thing because if I was to think critically there is a couple problems. Like the fact the game fakes you out like twice for the ending and the fact that to get the actual final ending you have to collect every monkey (which isn't a lot but still I didn't do it). Plus the controls can be really weird and take a minute to get used to. But this game is just so full of charm and joy. A very fun and enjoyable experience where I have almost a child like joy seeing these apes run around and me trying to capture them. With the different environments you head to to keep the feeling fresh. All the silly little gadgets you get to capture them and solve puzzles. I also love the soundtrack of this game, very joyous and very fast paced. The bios of the apes you capture accompanied by the pictures gave me such a good laugh. Overall enjoyable time (let me specify I played on the ps5). This game is just pure fun and I can not be mad about that. Play it if you have ps plus premium on ps5 its on the classics catalog. Definitely worth the one month I paid for it.

This game is the perfect example of not being a genre definer but a genre refiner. While all the ideas presented in this as a video game isn't anything new, it puts all these ideas together to deliver an overall great game. To a simple combat system that manages to be satisfying throughout, to the very interesting 1v1 duels you have throughout the game. This game just makes sure to give you a good time throughout. To a pretty fun stealth system that gets expanded on later in the game with more fun tools to mess around with. I think this game is a great joy to play. This is the game I wanted out of modern assassin's creed games. Pick it up on sale if you'd like I can understand even with dlc included this is a steep price. Big recommend from me and while it pains me that Sucker Punch made this instead of another Infamous, this will suffice for now.

The original dead space is one of my favorite games ever and so this remake had a lot to do with expanding the original. I can say this is such a superb remake. With only improving the original video game and adding more elements to feel it a more concise experience. With the enviroment changes and the idea of connecting the Ishimura together to make it one concise experience. The updated gameplay with dead space 2 qol things added. This truly is the best way to play this game and I could not be more satisfied with this remake. I truly hope Motive is allowed to make a dead space 4 and takes what they learned from making this remake into a new game. Please buy this

Man this game blows some straight donkey dick but I have actual reasons other than "erm reboot dante bad". I think the writing in this game is fucking abysmal, with just such a fluctuating tone of wanting to take the series into a serious tone while simultaneously making Dante a cocky dick who's annoying. Also the very in your face messaging which feels like the devs don't know how to write a theme/message without having it constantly yelled at you. I also think the whole (spoilers sorry I don't think you should play this game to findout) vergil switchup at the end of the game where he goes "man I really wanna rule the world" is such a dumb twist and anybody who has played any other dmc would see that coming. Playing this game I thought the one cool idea was like "oh shit Vergil is actually just off the rip just a good guy hope they keep that". The combat is definitely something in this video game, the definitive edition truly saves this game from being the worst dmc game to play. The color coding combat with angel/devil weapons and making DT just a "I press button and just whack at frozen enemies" is honestly really boring. While this is fixed in DE by having weapons still do less damage than others on enemies that dont work for them it atleast lets u hurt them now. To have the idea of punishing you in a devil may cry game for mixing between ur arsenal is one of the stupidest idea's I've ever seen executed. Also this game not having a lock on button in the original version is actually insane I don't know what they're thinking and I'm glad I didn't play that version. The game just also visually I find repulsive being hit with the 360/Ps3 uglies I'd call it. Dante just looks really fucking ugly, vergil looks fucking ugly, mundus looks ugly, the enemies are gross. This is overall just a bad time and I think genuinely if this wasn't a devil may cry game at worse it would be an okay game. But having that comparison of what we had before (and what would come after) shows how many missteps they took at a fundamental in this game. To the point that they made dmc4 special edition 7 years after dmc4 originally released as kind of like an apology for this mess. That is all I have to say about this dogshit game

A great video game overall. Continues the formula from 0 with a modern combat system and modern approach to the game design. With a good story that continues to keep giving twists and turns. With the continued sillyness of 0 to keep it a bit humorous to break up the very serious story (sometimes to it's disadvantage but thats when you have to run somewhere in an intense point of the story and run into a silly sidequest on accident). An overall great game and the series continues to impress me with how consistently good it is.

This game really is worth the hype. With the great combat and great story, while yes the story truly does feel like a classic Yakuza story staring Looney Tunes characters. It finds a balance oddly that it will make you laugh and smile along with the game while keeping you interested in the story. With an absolute insane amount upgrades and side quests to do you get a lot of bang for your buck here. Plus the diversity of having two separate characters to play as and their own respect fighting styles to give you plenty of room to findout what your favorite style is. This game truly is a very great introduction to the series. Big recommend to everybody!

I think this is genuinely the best campaign ever made for a fighting game. Does it have the best story? No. Does it have a lot of content and is fun and gets such a solid laugh due to the nature of the game? Yes. This game truly encapsulates the era it comes from before everybody realizing that they could license themselves for a shitton of money. With the amount of clothing brands, the lists of artists, and the plethora of music coming from said artists. The humor in this game is something else truly with me getting a lot of genuine laughs out of it. The depth of the combat is not something to downplay either with being able to mix 3 separate fight styles together and with an okay character creator to boot, there is a lot for you to explore. I truly think at the minimum this game is worth to play for the story alone. I'll reiterate truly the most fun I've ever had playing a campaign for any fighting game. You're not getting NRS story telling but you're getting a great game to play

If this game wasn't written for 30 year old anime fans it'd be perfect

What an absolute amazing conclusion to Kratos' story and I didn't know if they could make it. I was weary on if SMS can make a worth enough sequel to 2018 but they knocked it out the park. I cried at the end with the beautiful ending.

I only played two hours of this game but it is somehow the worst fucking game I've played in recent years. To the absolute piss poor performance to the absolute barrage of jokes in the game that somehow all manage to fucking bomb. It is insane how bad of a video you cannot make not just in the writing department but also in the actual just video game department. The mediocre gameplay wouldn't even be that bad if it wasn't for the rest of it. Why does this have the most frame dips I've played on a series X when it looks like a unity student game. No FOV slider with the awful camera made me almost want to just immediately quit the game out of motion sickness. The absolute just barrage of Justin Roiland doing his dumb shitty morty voice for the 50th time and me continuing just to play the game straight face. "Oh but you can turn off the dialogue on the gun!" yea but why is it so bad in the first place. If it's default then I assume it's an intended way to play. There was one joke that made me laugh in game and it was the character customization joke. Please for the love of god this game isn't even worth the "well it's on gamepass" because that was my reasoning. Please just go pickup a good game, if you want something with very meh writing pickup Neon White. Atleast that game gives you an amazing video game to play. I cannot reiterate how bad this game runs with the constant frame dips and general bad look. Do not play this game

It was Hot Pursuit (2010). That was the last time I can say I really cared for a need for speed game, with each one after being met with somewhat apathy. "Oh a new need for speed cameout? That's cool I guess" was my usual response to each new ad I'd see for 12 years. Then this game gets announced. Just a trailer and a "comes out in two months btw." With an art style very striking and does interest me but I was still wearingly interested because of how these games have turned out. Game comes out to absolutely no press, the worst part of this game was marketing. Damn does it feel like EA did not want this game to succeed. So when it came to releasing I saw a clip on twitter of somebody playing it and I went "it's out?". I rented the game because I was still not sure on the full 70$ but if you have the money it is a BIG recommend. With some of the best soundtrack choices I've heard in a game in a while, with an atmosphere that tracks, and oh my god I love the style the game goes for. This is what I needed Horizon to have. Horizon 5 is my favorite racing game ever but it was always super clean in it's presentation since the first game. Nothing too special kinda felt like "yea this is all just normal racing but in pretty setpieces." To the actual stakes to police chases? A game with actual stakes to getting caught by the cops (losing money is really fucking tough)? To the pretty tough reset system so you have to be on top of your game to make sure you get the winning pot of money. With the albeit can be pretty corny dialogue which at the end of the day, is better than anything in Horizon. The story pretty cheesy along with the dialogue just felt like home to me. It felt like Underground and it felt like Most Wanted. This is Underground 2 if it was made today. I clocked in at about 26 hours which I enjoyed all of. Please if you can pickup this game and show that Need For Speed needed this direction for the future. I am now back on the nfs train and I want to see what Criterion can make next with Codemasters helping them now.

This is the fattest 10/10 6/10 game to ever exist. Where all of the mechanics should turn me off from the QTE fest to the extremely shallow button mashy combat. Despite all of that this is like a top 10 video game for me. To the absolute crazy stakes between demigods fighting on mortal soil. To the main protagonist who is the embodiment of "too angry to die" and having some of the sickest sequences in any video game. With the insane techno buddhist aesthetic and crazy animation style that feels it uses a lot of 2d techniques in a 3d animation space which leads to some crazy animations. I absolutely adore this crazyass video game. A story which at it's core is full of heart. I will always be sad we never got a conclusion to the Street fighter crossover episodes due to the fact the game wasn't very highly regarded at the time. I will forever champion this video game and will fight tooth and nail for Asura to get recognized to be put in another capcom title (I know he was a costume in street fighter V but I want Asura as a character in a Vs Title). I recommend you if you have a xbox console this game is fully backwards compatible and if you do not you can allegedly emulate it on RPCS3 with pretty solid optimization up to 4k 60fps. Allegedly though. Please play this video game


This game has me just sitting here pondering of what it meant. The way this game has just etched it's space into my mindscape currently of what it all means in the end. With the themes sprinkled throughout and the grotesque but gorgeous imagery. I will say the game had a few rough spots in the combat department but the combat didn't feel like a hinderance (while annoying) it felt more like an obstacle so I kind of refrain from wanting to call it combat. This game truly is best experienced on a headset where you can take in all the sounds from the environment. To the weird screeches let off from the mechanical pieces of the levels that sound like bone scraping together to the fleshy and wet sounds of the parasitic elements. This game truly uses all of it's atmosphere that it's afforded. Well worth a shot (especially since it is on gamepass) but I can see not a lot of people liking this game for it's odd and slower pace.

Preface: I only get ending B which is technically the like "not true ending" but I think you can guess why once you read the review.

I started off real high about the game. I'm certainly the last person you'd call a soulslike fan because most games I think kind of feel like shit and don't appeal to me the most. So with this type of genre it's always a coin flip on whether I hate it or a meager likeness to it. So at the start I held a pretty high opinion on the game, the presentation is goregous, I was having fun figuring out the combat, the difficulty was there. Then I just kind of hit a wall.

I can't describe what this wall was but I wanna say it was halfway through the game where some areas were just like "oh cool swamp area where I'm extremely slow I hate this" and the bosses weren't as difficult as earlier. There's not a lot of overt story to really keep me invested in the main character and their adventure. It just turned to almost like a "well I'm this far I might aswell finish it". When I finished the game I realized I was kind of left with just apathy for the game as a whole. So when I got hit with the "non true ending" I just stared at my screen and went "I really don't care".

I know I gave this game a lot of trouble this review but I still implore anybody interested in this genre to give this game a fair shake. While in the end it wasn't worth any more time than I wanted to give it it is still worth experiencing for it's spritework and gorgeous environment design. I can go on about how just absolutely beautiful this game is. So it's a soft recommend if you're into the genre!

This is an improvement on the original PS4 spiderman on many ways. With the improved and refined combat and the gorgeous visuals and style. This is very much the better game for me personally as it trims a lot of the fat from the original PS4 game. While coming in at a shorter amount of game time as it is only a side game I still think it gives enough time to establish Miles and his story for the future. I genuinely adore Miles as a character and I am overall very happy with this game. Definitely worth a buy when bundled with Spiderman PS4 or on its own