Potentially controversial opinions (Ongoing)

Potentially controversial (and uneducated) gaming takes, or sometimes the coldest gaming take ever seen.

If you hate this game just because of Justin Roiland without having played the game properly, you have no fucking rights to complain about people doing the same thing to other games in the same way nazis have no right being on the internet.

Edit: Actually, I'm wondering why did the moderation team on Backloggd not do anything against the reviews of people who blatantly did not play the game?

Edit 2: Fuck you Detchibe.
If this game came out nowadays it would probably be subjected to the same scrutiny as Redfall or Velma.
Self-proclaimed Fallout "fans" are the worst race of people to ever exist and don't give a shit about the RPG genre at all, ask them if they played stuff like Owlcat's games (Wrath of the Righteous, Rogue Trader), Troika's games (Bloodlines, Arcanum) or even the Ultima series and you will expose their character immediately, it's almost like they're vampires and those games are what you need to purge those vampires.

These people don't deserve the franchise they pretend to love, they are just pathologically obsessed with Bethesda to a point they would probably be happy if there was a massacre akin to the Columbine Massacre where most people at Bethesda Game Studios were killed.
No, I don't want every single entry in a franchise to be exactly like (insert favorite game here). That's what a lot of people pretend they say, but in reality they really just want the same game over and over and over again.
The Suicide Squad >>> Killer7

Game is great though.
It's ironic that most "surrealist" games are less ambitious or daring than a Larian Studios. It's a shame because surrealist games have the potential to do crazy shit with the medium, just look at Cruelty Squad for a good example, but people are still just drawing inspiration from Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator instead, and neither of those games are close to being as daring and challenging to the gaming industry's status quo in the same way a Cruelty Squad or a Disco Elysium are, or at the very least they aren't anymore.
If this is somehow the peak of gaming, then we have a long way to come... Into Hell!
Looking Glass Studios was more influential for the gaming industry than id Software.

Not to discredit id Software, their games were very revolutionary to gaming, but so much of what Looking Glass Studios did has since inspired many, MANY developers all around the world, even ones that went on to be just as influential to the industry like Bethesda and FromSoftware.

Hallowed be Looking Glass Studios!
Most people who think this is the best metroidvania ever has definitely not played the entire rest of what the genre can provide beyond this and the most popular games in the Metroid/Castlevania series.
David Cage is the biggest fucking loser in the gaming industry.

His ideas of "good games" are to just turn video games into movies, which shows how much he doesn't care about the medium in question. And he (and Quantic Dream's CEO) are a bunch of sex pests. lolololololololololololololololololol.
Gamers are THE people that actually care about video game preservation. Garage was for many years lost media, but for many years people have preserved it to the point even Tomomi Sakuba, the main figurehead behind it, alongside another studio released a remastered version of it.

Why don't we get the gaming equivalent of Martin Scorsese sooner? The closest thing I can think of is Good Old Games (GOG).
The Elder Scrolls has never been that good. Every single game in the franchise was above average or lower.

Arena and Daggerfall are just the poor man's Ultima Underworld. Enough said.

Morrowind was extremely ambitious and there were clearly a lot of good ideas but that ambition ends up biting it in the back and means that a lot of what could have made it better had to be sacrificed due to technical limitations, most notably is it lacking in interesting character writing and even voice acting, which contrast to the otherwise very good worldbuilding it has, but Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines just blows it out of the water. It's probably the only noteworthy Elder Scrolls game though.

And then from Oblivion onwards they started to slowly strip down what made Morrowind such an interesting yet flawed game instead of building up on its strengths.

Though, to be fair, what I said here could also be due to how uninteresting the setting in most games in the franchise are, Morrowind has some rad art direction for the region's inhabitants and locations, but then the games that came either before or after Morrowind are just "generic medieval fantasy setting", though Skyrim at least uses Nordic culture as a baseline for the region which is neat.
Radiohead is overrrated. Simple as that.

In no world is Thom Yorke close to Robert Fripp, Trent Reznor or Ozzy Osbourne.
The phrase "bad writing" might as well be a buzzword in the same vein as "woke" due to how overused it is.
Probably the best Metroid game if you ignore literally everything that constitutes a game.

See also: Metroid (NES), Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest.
If this game was stripped down of every abhorrent element it has, this would actually be a pretty neat and ambitious RPG Maker title, if a middling top-down shooter nonetheless.

Too bad that concept was wasted on this trash.
The Silver Case (and VA-11 Hall-A) is 50,000 times better than any of that denpa or nukige garbage those vn loonies think is amazing.

And if you are one of those loonies, I don't owe you ¥50,000.
If you think Fallout, Star Wars or Paper Mario are dead then you're a huge fucking pussy and crybaby.

I'm convinced this game is the closest we'll ever get to the Citizen Kane of video games.
The first DOOM games aren't great by themselves. It's everything else that truly made the franchise such a household name in gaming.

DOOM II has a mansion worth of potential with its weapons and enemies, but only fills in two rooms with it.
Who is Bethesda rereleasing Skyrim over and over and over again compared to Cyan Worlds who has been making this same game for over thirty years?
If the Call of Duty franchise ended right now and every studio working on it was freed from this curse, peace would finally be achieved.

We need more studios as ambitious as Raven Software (and Monolith Productions) was in the 90s and 2000s for the FPS genre more than ever.
I'm convinced Sergeant Mark IV is secretly Kabrutus's cousin (don't look up Sweet Baby Inc for too long, it's like fucking Chernobyl there).
So many people still think the Empire is meant to be based on Nazi Germany, when in reality Star Wars is inspired by the Vietnam War.

The Empire is representative of the United States's massive power trying to spread their worldview onto Vietnam, while the Rebels are the vietnamese fighting back against the Empire's influence. In general Star Wars is a mish-mash of George Lucas's biggest inspirations (Science-Fiction, Vietnam War, Akira Kurosawa) into one of the greatest films of all time.

It is understandable why someone would make that mistake however, because J.J Abrams and most of post-Disney Star Wars don't get that either, frankly.
On the topic of Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic 2 is the only game in the entire franchise that actually tries to expand on the original and prequel trilogy's ideas and questions what was previously established in the franchise. Don't get me wrong, games like Battlefront 2 are pretty fun, but Knights of the Old Republic 2 strikes right into Star Wars's heart and deconstructs what the Force and the Jedi/Sith mean.
""as a art form" lmao
Why can't our generation just admit we make/play games because it's fun and nothing else? Why do we have to pretend we're doing some big moralistic "work" at every turn?"

It's because of this kind of mentality outsiders see gamers as a bunch of losers who waste precious time that could be spent becoming more cultured and civilized playing games.
Half-Life wasn't nearly as important to the gaming industry as people think it was...

Because studios took all the wrong lessons from it without learning about what made it such a mechanically groundbreaking title.
Dark Souls shouldn't have a Easy Mode, but COULD have one.
The 90s to mid 2000s was the best time period for PC gaming.

We got everything there, from genre-defining hits like DOOM, Myst and Fallout to huge cult classics like System Shock 2 and Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines to strange and experimental pieces of art like Cosmology of Kyoto.

It had a little something for everyone.
Moon logic puzzles are kind of a necessary evil in point and click adventure games, and if puzzles were removed out of the equation, then these games should very well be just movies or tv shows.

Not to say they automatically get a free pass on how they're designed, but since they are gateways to the actual meat of these games, I'd argue that how much moon logic puzzles negatively affect a game depends on the quality of everything else.
Gaming reviews from sites like IGN are total garbage.

AND NO, IT'S NOT BECAUSE THEY GAVE ALIEN ISOLATION A 5.9, but there are in fact a myriad of reasons for why, chief among them are lack of interesting insight beyond the bones, time pressure, lack of identity and the rest you get the memo.
Timed exclusivity on Epic Games Store is a death sentence to the sales of a game.

Look at Kingdom Hearts for instance. Almost barely anyone even mentioned the fact some of the games were on PC in the first place due to that timed exclusivity. And Kingdom Hearts is a pretty well-known franchise, but imagine what this does to lesser-known or even downright obscure games?

I was just searching for Drowned God on Google the other day and found out it was finally being officially released on digital platforms and was being freed from its abandonware status, something absolutely awesome to see a game this obscure be rereleased on modern platforms...

But then I realized it was a (probably) timed EGS-exclusive.


1 month ago

Based on the Star Wars part

I don’t think elder scrolls are bad they just are a different type of rpg

High on life was fun I actually did play it I thought it was funny I’ll admit

TLDR you also really want people to play Ultima lmao

30 days ago

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