An incredibly punishing but fun as hell game that is Nintendo's definitive RTS experience. Numerous dungeons and levels to explore. The combat from its predecessor was brought over along with new Pikmin types and intuitively designed bosses. While watching your entire army get crushed by the water wraith can be infuriating, the challenge is enough to make anyone want to tackle this game.

An absolute masterpiece of a game with the most insane, mind boggling story twist ever seen in any form of media. Never before has a game made such a bold statement applicable to the real world about the usage of information technology. The iconic stealth action gameplay combined with an insanely in depth story and multiple fleshed out characters make this genuinely one of the best games ever made. What I have written here is still not enough to do this game justice.

As with many other GameCube games, Nintendo took a considerable risk with the gimmick they implemented into Mario Kart: Double Dash!!. This game allows for two player/person karts, with one person controlling the kart and the other using items/punching other karts. The game is an incredibly fun cooperative experience. Lots of cups to master, filled with iconic courses with super catchy music. There are also numerous and hart to get unlockables, such as the coveted Parade Kart. An absolute blast with friends and one of the best games on the GameCube.

The majority of this game's merit comes from the fact that it's an early GameBoy game and the first time people got to experience Kirby. The game lacks copy abilities but establishes what exactly Hal wanted Kirby to be - an accessible platformer that has lots of charm and character to it. Otherwise, the game is incredibly short and pales in comparison to Kirby's Adventure which was released just a year later.

An absolutely amazing Metroidvania title that excels in presentation, gameplay, and design philosophy. From a cosmetic standpoint, this game is absolutely stunning with its cartoonish and seemingly hand drawn style, and the music is something I still find myself going back to listen to today. Plenty of environmental story telling and plenty of lovable and memorable characters. The game can get brutally challenging and contains some of the hardest video game boss fights I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. This game is an undeniable display of the mastery of the Metroidvania genre and is a very original concept.

A major upgrade over the original Game Boy game, Kirby's adventure takes all the ideas from its predecessor, adds the staple copy mechanic, and turns Kirby into one of Nintendo's heavy hitters. Some of the best level design in the franchise. While Kirby's dream land is the first "title" in the franchise, Kirby's Adventure is what I consider to be the first "game" in the franchise.

Did not finish this game due to its absurd length and content (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). The 3D-2D art style was not very common at the time of release of this game so it was very refreshing to see it and experience it for the first time. Combat is intuitive and the individual stories are great but from a broad perspective the story is atrocious. There are literally no special interactions between any of the characters nor do their stories cross over. The developers could have easily sacrificed the game's length and content to add in story cohesion but that did not seem to be on the table. The game is still enjoyable for anyone who likes JRPGs but I would highly recommend not playing this game specifically for the story. The individual characters themselves are well written - and that's about it.

A fun competitor to Super Mario that spawned one of the greatest gaming rivalries of all time. A fairly impressive game for the time both graphically and conceptually - the game was built around being fast paced and "speedrun" like, but it could also be played at really any pace you want. The level design is really good as well. However, when compared to Super Mario World, this game falls short on both innovating the genre and still being a game you would want to return to today. I have never found myself wanting to play this game again after my first playthrough, and I probably never will again. Still, the game is very iconic and was the start to a staple gaming franchise.

"The" MMO. I first started playing when Legion came out and played with a boosted Paladin for a while until I decided to go back and start a character fresh from level 1. I had a vastly different and more enjoyable experience starting from level 1 since I had plenty of time to figure out all of the mechanics and worlds without getting catapulted into a DLC with a bunch of free high level gear. The world building is really immersive but gameplay can get absurdly boring and repetitive (especially when questing). It is an MMO, however and has a dedicated community and PVP to keep you entertained. Requires a significant time and money investment (that most people do not have enough of) to be on par with the best players. Very iconic but definitely dwindling in popularity.

A very pleasant surprise - and even more surprising when you consider that its from EA in 2023. A heavily polished and well optimized remake of an iconic survival horror game. Gameplay is open for a lot of strategic and tactical choices in order to preserve ammo and resources. Very immersive and very enjoyable for any fans of the survival horror genre.

The first portable Legend Of Zelda game to rival the scope of what A Link to the Past delivered. While the dungeons and "minish" mechanics were enjoyable and provided a lot of intuitive level design, the majority of collectibles in this game felt as if they were an afterthought. The "kin stone" system was interesting at first, but got horrendously tedious towards the end of the game. Most collectibles and heart pieces were bound to the kin stone system which made any kind of unique puzzles that could've been implemented entirely out of the game. The game is still very good overall, but completionists will find themselves loathing finishing the game.

A game very obviously designed to be a quick and easy seller, since it was another game (Doki Doki panic) with Mario & co. Plastered onto it. The gameplay seen here is unlike any other Mario game and was never seen again after the games release. Instead of stomping enemies, you could pick them up and throw them, as well as use various items and weapons such as turnips to defeat them. The level design is actually pretty good and the bosses are also decent but a lot of the merit for this game falls apart when you consider that it was never actually a Mario game to begin with.

One of the most influential and iconic games of all time, the original Zelda was one of few games on the NES to deliver what we now refer to as an "Open World" feel. This is probably one of the most difficult Zelda games, and owes that difficulty to its advanced dungeons. The difficulty in this game promoted exploration and less of a want to "finish" the game but instead to experience it, which was something never typically seen in the NES era. While it is rough around the edges, you cannot deny it is very iconic and birthed what many say is the best game franchise of all time.

This game is what proved Nintendo's mastery of what Mario was and what his games were. The first game to utilize a "world map" along with numerous extra levels, secrets, and power ups to check out. The game was seriously ahead of its time - things like the P meter, the physics (slopes, platforms, etc), storable items and power ups, secret levels and pathways, and many other features solidify this game as one of the best if not THE best game on the NES.

The definitive 2D Mario experience. Combining many of the great things we saw across Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3 along with the new hardware of the SNES, Super Mario World still holds up incredibly well today. The world map design, as well as the various secrets, shortcuts and collectible items is strikingly similar to Super Mario Bros. 3 and the level variety is just as fantastic. Iconic music, levels, and, of course, Yoshi. Yoshi is this game's neat little gimmick that isn't necessarily forced upon you to use but helps immensely in traversing levels, since Yoshi can make quick work of enemies by eating them and can also eat fruit and give extra power ups. One of the best games to come out of the time period, and still is arguably the best 2D Mario game.