Vee's 2022 Adventure Log

Really fucking hope Mario's Picross stays at number one.

7/13 Update: NOOOOOOOO!

I've forgotten at least a few games, since I didn't start journaling correctly until like March.

Mad City Famicom version



PAL version with fixes/improvements





Atari 2600 version




Arcade ver.
Boogie Woogie Woogie Woogie version.
SCD version


Game Gear version





Arcade ver.



1 year ago

Where'd all those likes come from? Damn, you all really enjoy that there's no rhyme or reason to what I play.

1 year ago

I'm more impressed that you somehow found the time to log 205 games, and it's not even October. I clearly have some catching up to do

1 year ago

tbf, a vast majority of these are older games that can be beaten within an hour. If you played nothing but retro stuff sans RPGs or something you'd probably log an ungodly amount too.

1 year ago

I'm constantly wondering if there is any rhyme or reason to what you play, so I appreciate the confirmation! This is a ton of games, I'm amazed at how old this list skews. There are maybe 20 games from the past 20 years, most of this is from the 80s. Do you always lean towards older games, or has this year been a binge?

1 year ago

It's just my comfort zone and I refuse to leave it normally, most newer shit I play are indies or fighting games.

1 year ago

When I was doing my bucket list it was not too unusual to just sit down and knock out like six retro games in a weekend. They're short as hell, but I tend to love the older stuff way more than anything coming out now.

1 year ago

Working all the time during the weekdays fuck me up a bunch and it feels like most AAA modern games want me to pay attention to them for 1000 hours, which is insanity to me. Would rather play like 30 Genesis games than one PS5 game or whatever if that's the case.

1 year ago

You should play Silent Hill 2 it's only five hours lon-

1 year ago

I'm kinda overdue on an SH revisit. puts it down in the evergrowing list of procrastination along with capcom arcade games and turbo/pc-engine shit

1 year ago

Yeah I feel the same way. I work all week, I come home tired, and I'd rather play something for a couple hours and beat it than chip away at an 80 hour game.

1 year ago

Now add a baby on top of that and you'll see why I've been playing nothing but 20 minute long beat em ups for a month straight ...

1 year ago

Although for me it's really more recent obsession/project based. Like I played nothing but Elden Ring for 2 solid months, but now I'm at 40 games in September just cuz I'm really down a rabbit hole

1 year ago

I'm not even sure I'd have time for games anymore if I had a kid on top of my job.

At that point I'd just by the atari guy who writes seven paragraphs for haunted house.

1 year ago

Wanted to let you know, there's now a separate page for the NES version of Double Dragon.

1 year ago

Got it! Forgot about that despite making an entire list showing all the versions with the same artwork on here.

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