Very fun metroidvania with interesting characters and gameplay. The humour doesn’t really do it for me but I don’t mind.

This chapter fixed every problem I had with the first chapter and it’s entirely free. Every characters is memorable and well written, it’s funnier, and it’s insanely fun from start to finish.

A very fun grapplehook simulator that’s also about aliens and master chief.

I can’t believe this game holds up 20 years later. It reuses a lot of content but honestly I don’t mind. The AI and gameplay hasn’t aged a day.

Very polished but it takes a while to “get good” and at that point it’s almost over. This is also one of the best looking games on the switch

This is the funniest game I have in my collection, but not in a “this game is well written and funny” way, I mean like people point it out and are like “wow that’s funny” way. That’s it.

Yo-Kai Watch 2: Psychic Spectres is a fun game with a lot of content that only sometimes likes to be bad. I love the sheer amount of fun stuff to do (especially in the postgame), the Saturday morning cartoon style to the games early chapters lend a lot to the pleasant and charming atmosphere but YKW2 will occasionally grind to a halt with key quests and admittedly fun bosses which come with jarring difficulty spikes (the final boss comes to mind here). The battle system despite being basically just auto attacks does a pretty good job at keeping the player engaged (bosses and enemies will usually require the player to target something in particular as well as clear any status effects).

TLDR: Very much worth the timesink because of the amount of stuff to do. Easy recommendation for anyone looking to spend anywhere between 20-100+ hours on a 3DS game.

Also [spoilers for the post-game final boss] Kat Kraydel sucks.

this is like if Reddit gold was a videogame

Dedede being playable is this game’s saving grace

Charming, polished, well made and insanely memorable 3D platformer that Rare-ly (get it) dips in quality. Genre defining classic.

Kinda underwhelming as the first Pokemon game on the switch and as a remake of yellow. Postgame stinks and the game doesn’t do a great job of improving on the originals.

True absolute perfect kinography. I haven’t even started it yet. Will be updating this log tomorrow when I do to prove myself right.

Edit: I was right

This game sucks. It would be a real shame if someone made it part of their internet persona.

An excellent, funny, endearing and polished collection. It really makes use of the majority of the 3DS’ features and is just a blast to play through. It’s got a ton of cool extras and side modes too.