Superb game with a fumbled ending that leans way too hard into Kingdom Hearts territory. It's a good thing the gameplay, graphics, and music are all absolutely stunning, which more than make up for the goofy ass ending.

I tend to spend much more time discussing and defending games that I believe are underrated as a way to prove to myself that my opinions are justified. Ocarina of Time, however, needs no such justification. This game is an absolute masterpiece that hasn't aged a single day since 1998. I absolutely adore the blocky N64 graphical style, even if it may look aged to some. Ocarina of Time is, in short, everything that any Zelda game should ever strive to be. I've forgotten how many times I've beaten this game, but each playthrough still feels as fresh as the first time I got my hands on it.

God-tier game. The best in the series.

The age old expression about this game is: "It's a great game, but not a great Zelda game." In all honesty, that's exactly right.

BotW has one of the greatest open worlds in any video game to date, with an amazing soundtrack and a physics system that lets your imagination run wild. However, it falls flat when it comes to a lot of classic Zelda staples (most notably with its visually boring Divine Beasts and its uninspired Blight Ganon boss fights). It's a landmark title and one of the best games ever made, but it's just a little bit disappointing for a lifelong Zelda fan.

Z TIER!!!!!!
Best game in the series and one of the best games ever made.

An absolute classic!

Except that it has more glitches than functioning mechanics. And a god awful level curve. And some of the ugliest sprites I've ever seen. And Electrode.

One of the absolute worst leveling curves in any JRPG ever combined with some of the most inspired and artistic settings in any video game ever.

It's one of the best looking games in the franchise with a super unique aesthetic, but it's unfortunately held back a little by the limited Pokedex and goofy villains.

Peak Pokémon, peak JRPG, peak video game.

Has a somewhat interesting premise that gets absolutely zero development whatsoever with some of the most repetitive music in the series and probably the most underwhelming main character in any RPG ever!

That being said, it's still Fire Emblem on the GBA, which is a perfect fit. It seriously feels like FE was destined to be on GBA since its inception. Amazingly tight gameplay packed with some of the smoothest menus and animations in series history.

Overrated to hell and back, but for good reason. 3DS Fire Emblem is peak and Awakening introduces some of the best graphics, UI, and character customization the series has ever seen. However, many of the characters are boring archetypes and the difficulty curve is atrocious if you don't plan on grinding levels.

Laughably bad story + God-tier gameplay + 3DSFE = Peak gaming

(I am a Camilla fan so my opinion is invalid)

This game loves to take your valuable time and trickshot it straight into the garbage can. Every level is designed to be as excruciatingly long and painful as humanly possible. That being said, it's still 3DS Fire Emblem, which means endless customization in an almost sandbox-like strategy game. I love it and I hate it.

Best music in the franchise, best visual presentation in the franchise, best voice acting performances in the franchise.

Along with a handful of some of the absolute worst maps in the entire franchise.

It's a breathtakingly beautiful game with some really rocky moments.