UNBELIEVABLY jank, even for the time. Definition of trying too much, guess it worked for 2000s people

Tries too many things, most of them it does about as well as fallen order but when cracks show they can be a little off. Otherwise it's a worthy sequel to fallen order, although obviously had no shot at surpassing it.

Wears the outfit of a game that's really choice-filled and thoughtful but the writing doesn't stick the landing as much as it should.

Absolutely insane effort from such a microscopic dev team, this is a phenomenal case of worldbuilding and strategic combat that builds out everything I wanted from an isometric fallout successor, while also having the longest playtime of any CRPG I've played (1.8% of players have actually even beat the game according to steam achievements).

But be warned, this game is brutal, certainly the hardest game I've ever played, making something out of yourself in this bleak setting is going to require you to fight for it and choose those fights carefully.

Also, too much of a wiki game in some places, it has that open-ended quest design that relies on picking up very small hints that make you feel like a genius when it does work out, but result in you spending 2+ hours walking around trying everything and ultimately capitulating when the hints don't click. Just go on the wiki if you don't get something, they try to hide spoilers, but make sure to at least give the hard quests a shot on your own, because some of them easily beat classic fallout's best.

Ok wait what the hell is that 4th ending

So much number crunching on loot it's painful, combat loop is theoretically interesting but just turns into every party member doing the same spells over and over again, and the story isn't even that good to make up sor it

Combat sort of tops out about halfway in and I just lose interest

Actually taking cover in real life hits DIFFERENT

This story is UNBELIEVABLE for 1994

Holds the crown for the jankiest RPG ever made, and I'm not sure they got much out of it, immersion is only marginally better than morrowind and the world design became legitimately dull as a consequence

Extremely well-built story with the most creative story-based character building system ever

Admirably well-built online game that mixes the good parts of arena shooters and slightly more tactical shooters

Really, REALLY good way to adapt a CRPG classic to fit modern tastes. Made a little worse by some unfortunate jank but it's mostly fixable with mods

Absolutely Jaw-Droppingly good finale to a damn-near perfect games series, every boss and encounter is a high point

I can't believe they perfected the genre this early on, enemy and weapon design synergized in unspeakably good ways and the key hunt maze level design is addicting. Not to mention this game's status as the sole mainstream open-source title giving it infinite modability