Wears the outfit of a game that's really choice-filled and thoughtful but the writing doesn't stick the landing as much as it should.

This story is UNBELIEVABLE for 1994

Really, REALLY good way to adapt a CRPG classic to fit modern tastes. Made a little worse by some unfortunate jank but it's mostly fixable with mods

Suffering, but in a good way :)

Absolutely Jaw-Droppingly good finale to a damn-near perfect games series, every boss and encounter is a high point

Broke me, absolute gem of a narrative that takes perfect advantage of games as a medium

Better story than most of the films and extremely well refined souls-like design

Only TES game with good combat or something resembling production value for its setpieces but they don't feel particularly creative, not to mention being an MMO drags down the questing a lot

ARMA is only fun because you can get into large fights, this loses all of that

Last game with good graphics to NOT use TAA

More Fallout, that's all you need

Damn fun combat that keeps on getting more interesting set against the best dystopian setting ever

Only strategy game with incest included

I thought this game was randomly generated like daggerfall but no, they actually wrote these quests and thought they were fine