What a refreshing aesthetic for Fromsoft to explore. Love the gothic architecture and enemies. Would love to have a little bit more weapon variety, but thats my only complaint. I'd also think about replaying this if a pc port was ever announced. Just even for more stable frame rates.

A whimsical and touching game that fosters a sense of free-form creativity to the player. The canvas world is comfortably full of earnest characters and thoughtful puzzles. Can't wait to see what this developer does next!

They're all my favorite club members in this timeline at least. Some of the steps to access the true ending is absurdly obscure. Glad I consulted a guide. Took me a couple tries to immerse myself in this world.

One of the most shonen games I've played in a while. While this game has some of the most 80's action I've ever seen, it almost doesn't make up for its completely bland writing. I could not care less about the plot. I also was always fighting the camera? What a persistent enemy.


Tunic turns out to be the game you get when you combine the nostalgia and adventure of The Legend of Zelda with the puzzles and aesthetics of Fez.

This game does so much right with the dense level design and euphoric sound track that it can be quite jarring when you get stuck with the uneven combat pacing (particularly with the bosses) and unfortunate camera movement.

This game felt very special, but I was a little fatigued by the combat by the time I got to the endgame and had little patience for the final puzzles.

Lovely puzzle platformer with a heavily empathetic storyline. The controls are pretty unorthodox so the platforming mechanics can be challenging. On the other hand, there's plenty of checkpoints so there's never usually too much pressure until the late game.

The deckbuilder that is the best at building decks and destroying your time. While it doesn't have that much of a story, it still has a lot of heart.

The Gunk feels very inspired by ps2 era 3D platformers. In particular, this has feels very much like a Ratchet n Clank game, but with a fraction of the tools/weapons and overall much less emphasis on combat. Honestly the scifi premise and the environmental art were the main aspects driving me forward.

None of the mechanical features felt very good. The jump is ok, but they do the thing where you can only mantle on to things with the a yellow mark which feels much more out of place as a 3D platformer compared how to they do it in Uncharted. You also have to spend resources to use a dash and its a pitiful one at that. For a game all about collecting resources, you don't really have a lot of upgrades that you're excited to use it on.

Pencil based mediums always take a special place with me because I personally found it the only tool I could actually illustrate with. I don't play a lot of horror games these days, but I'll try to set time aside for games that like to dwell on the atmosphere like Mundaun.

The uncommon representation of this Swiss language also lends itself to a novel experience. All the voice acting plays like a flute, endlessly bouncing between the melodies of this language.

It would be the perfect zelda game if only it had more substantial dungeons and more distinctive boss battles. Great world feel.

honestly could do this with less combat, but overall couldnt ask for a better introduction to the yakuza series. if you approach it like a action-rpg, you're gonna have a good time. not the greatest pc port tho.

Pretty much breathtaking on most aspects. I never ended up playing the dlc for some reason. Someday.

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Pretty solid followup all things considered. Glados really had some heavy lore within the company. Tragic, really. Would Valve want to revisit this series? Hardly any current valve singleplayer experiences (not counting alyx since it has the hardware barrier).

So far the only Final Fantasy title that I actually finished on a good note. The grimy industry feel to the whole game just makes you want to seize the day and do the job nobody expects you to. I dont usually follow guides for games anymore (with the exception of adventure games), but i wish i followed a guide for this game because i missed two entire characters and questline.


In spite of the sheer size of the ensemble for the major and minor figures of Greek mythology, Darren Korb has managed to wrangle one of the most compelling voice acting collections of all time.

The overall presentation of this game just drips with a nectarine sheen that never lets up. On top of some of the most balanced gameplay of an action-roguelite I've ever played, the personal journey of Zagreus humanizes the Greek gods in a way I haven't seen done before. Supergiant even wraps the story around the run-based mechanics more naturally than any game before and hopefully it wont be last.