ngl for a pack in game that took me a little under 2 hours to beat normally i definitely had a bit of fun with this one, easily one of the best tech demos ive played

ngl if they fleshed out p much everything else i would love to see a dedicated astro game

can def see this rising up for me the more i get good at it but for now its a super unique and p fun game albeit a bit frustrating and repetitive at times with level design that sort of blended together to me

still tho i think its worth it for the concept alone and the ost is crazy good

really bad controls but its fun with friends at least and has sick mods

sure theres issues (too easy and i wish i could turn off auto lock on) but i had such a huge smile on my face for the entire 24 hours I spent with this game (and counting I have plenty more to do), it is a huge love letter to everything that pikmin is and was, im so happy this franchise is back and i REALLY hope this game sells like hotcakes so we get more games in it, it fucking deserves it so bad

thank you miyamoto

after so many years of hearing what a masterpiece this game is and quite enjoying myself with final fantasy 9, I was really excited to get into 7

and all I have upon finishing this game is

i dont get it at all not even a little bit, not bad but i didnt really like it sorryy and i feel kinda bad cuz i can see why people would like this and how revolutionary this must have been back in 1997

but this isnt for me and i think im ok with that

beat this again and i honestly think less of it than I did after my first playthrough, wish i liked it more but every level is overly long and after world 3 they become incredibly tedious 80 percent of the time and i stop enjoying myself

fine game and all but not even close to my favorite platformer on the snes

they went to the drawing room and came up with the epic idea to make a final fantasy and disney crossover with a killer soundtrack by yoko shimomura

they forgot to make it good or fun tho

you know ive been wanting to play this game for a long ass time because of its acclaim and huge influence on video games as a whole

and finally playing it, I understand the acclaim for its story and characters, they are fuckin incredible, but I dont think as a "game" its all that amazing. theres very little actual game for the first few hours and the game itself didnt start to really click with me until around halfway through (minus the fucking fantastic prologue) also wasn't a huge fan of the ending but I think that needs a lot more time for me to think about

but that second half was absolutely incredible with so many moments that had me at the edge of my seat and a mindfuck of a final sequence emotions wise

pretty high 8/10 for now and i think everyone needs to play this at least once in their lives, but I feel like this could have been a tv show (haha) and it would have been just as effective, still tho very happy to have finally played it, it was an incredible experience that I never want to have again, or at least not again for a while

if this game didnt have the kingdom hearts title on it it would be widely considered among the worst games of all time (it is)

sure its linear and a little too easy, but imo this is mechanically such a solid entry and is easily the best in the series in that regard, so many more options for multitasking now, not to mention crazy good graphics for the console it was on and some much improved boss fights

also bingo battle and the mission mode are genuinely great and add a ton of value to the game, such fun side modes and I really hope pikmin 4 has some of the same

its pretty close to a 9 (high 8) but it feels a little bit too easy and not as replayable as the first game, it doesnt excel that game for me at all but this is probably the best game in the series, just not my favorite

cannot see how this lives up to the original or 3 tbh, its so utterly frustrating at times that it straight up becomes not fun and more like a grind, especially when collecting every treasure

still tho i think its worth playing despite being my least favorite in the series, most of it was solid great fun but the flaws are glaring enough and the game overstays its welcome long enough to make me want to revisit it less, ESPECIALLY when talking about completion

7.5/10 or smth nobody cares about the number

this is one of my comfort games, immensely replayable and relaxing and my favorite in the series, no matter how rough around the edges it is

randomly one of my more preferred mario rpgs, this one mad good even if its aged a lil bit, cant wait for the remake

great story with a mostly stellar cast of characters (looking at you amarant), if this game was really fun to play I would understand why this is considered an all time classic, as it is the gameplay is ok at best and too slow in terms of combat for my liking but this is still a really solid rpg that i would say i enjoyed for the majority of its runtime

play the pc port with moguri mod and speedups tho this helps so much cant stress that enough it makes the game WAAAAAY better