Has amazing aesthetics, an impeccable soundtrack and extremely fun weapons but definitely overstays it's welcome just in the main campaign and has some ridiculously stupid level layouts for some of the levels within it. Some of the "puzzles" will just have you wandering aimlessly until you get sick of even playing the game. By the time I got to the Na Pali expansion, I was pretty much "checked out" when I got to another stupidly laid out level.

God tier multiplayer tho, only to be beaten by the Unreal Tournament games in terms of multiplayer shooters.

Gorgeous game with a great story about loss and the bond that strengthens between father and son along the way through their journey.

A near flawless game from front to back honestly. Really my only complaints that held it back from being a perfect game was:

- Some of the gameplay mechanics were great, and some of them seriously sucked (lock on, switching weapons)

- The side quests are not compelling whatsoever, with the exception of the Valkyrie fights

I highly recommend you play this game, even if you haven't played any of the other GOW games

Absolutely incredible game that has an initial learning curve with it's controls and gameplay mechanics, but is just an amazing experience from beginning to end once you get the hang of things. This game is masterful in it's aesthetic, storytelling and cinematics, and will keep you enthralled in the same way a Tarantino or Takashi Miike movie would. This game just oozes with action and charm.

A practically flawless visual representation of The Divine Comedy and the setting of Hell within it. The graphics still hold up pretty well today and the game runs extremely well on PS3 even.

I loved the upgrade trees and the decision to be the final judgment of various figures throughout history, giving you the choice to punish them or absolve them for their sins.

Playing this now, it really is a shame that this game ended on a cliffhanger with the tease of a sequel that never got made. I personally don't see how they could advance the story much considering Dante pretty much explored everything about Hell that he possibly could, and part of me is glad they didn't do a sequel but MAN is the very final scene a bit annoying all things considered.

Regardless, this is one of the finest GOW clones out there

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Has all of the usual pros of an Uncharted game, gorgeous settings, smooth gameplay, good gunplay, witty dialogue.

However, this game obviously breaks away from the usual Nate/Sully dynamic and instead gives us Chloe and Nadine. I thought this dynamic was mostly subpar and not as interesting, up until they threw Sam Drake into the mix. Having the other 2 characters constantly ragging on him and him playing the strong buffoon contrasted to Chloe and Nadine's similar personalities very well. I mainly just wish they introduced Sam earlier on or possibly would've done other things to add some more zest to the character dynamics.

The chapters in this game aren't quite as memorable as the others, however the final chapter is one of the strongest in Uncharted history gameplay-wise IMO (not quite storywise though).

Cons aside, this was still an enjoyable and engaging experience throughout, and this just proves that you really can't ever go wrong with an Uncharted game

A unique military third-person shooter not necessarily in it's gameplay, but in it's storytelling.

I honestly can see why this game was not a sales success and can sympathize with those who completely ignored it upon release, the marketing and even the demo for this game completely mislead those into thinking it was a COMPLETELY generic cover-based third person shooter in every aspect. What you get in reality is a game that is sort of generic in mechanics, but completely unique in it's anti-war themes that also touch on things such as shellshock/PTSD, cultural hatred and the self battles of justifying one's cause and the deaths their cause leads to.

A fun, bite-sized platformer that has extremely tight controls, unique graphics, and an interesting premise all-around.

Would've loved to have had more elaboration on the horror elements though, as well as having more uniquely themed levels.

This game, like many other Tim Schafer creations, is just bursting with charm, detail, and witty writing.

As many others have said, this game starts off so incredibly strong with some great gameplay mechanics, a decent combat system, and some cool partner abilities.

While many say that once the game immediately turns to RTS gameplay that it IMMEDIATELY gets bad, i just don't find this true. I think the RTS mechanics are actually not bad but only IF you find most of the solo tabs (which is an inherently bad part of the game design). I found some RTS levels ungodly frustrating ESPECIALLY when I didn't have solos such as "rally up"

I really think that with a little more polish, even the RTS parts could've been more fun but the mechanics behind them just weren't worked on enough before releasing the game

A very good game that has an impeccable atmosphere, solid story-telling, powerful dialogue, and pretty good enemy/character design. Unfortunately, the "remaster" of this doesn't add very much to the table at all and in some cases downgrades certain aspects such as the audio quality (can be modded back in very easily though).

If you love Atlas Shrugged and other works by Ayn Rand, do yourself a favor and play this game. Often times you can get the entire "remastered" trilogy for about $10 on PC which does luckily come with the original versions if you so choose to play the original. For this reason, I'm really not taking the downfalls of the remaster into much consideration with my opinion of this game.

An incredible celebration of all things Playstation from beginning to end. The world is so bright, colorful and upbeat. All of the fellow Astros are so happy and always dancing in joy or re-enacting iconic Playstation games (references GALORE) in levels that are extremely well made and with unique aspects to every one of them that make each stand out.

The artifacts are awesome and have actually made me want to collect all of the collectibles in a collect-a-thon for the first time ever.

This not only is a fantastic demo of what all the PS5 controller can do is, but is also one of the greatest pack in demos ever, only really behind wii sports in my opinion!


Incredible atmosphere, ambience and visual effects in this game. Not so incredible gameplay and inconsistently difficult puzzles, these are partially made up for though for the very amazing aspects of this game. Make sure you think out every option you have before you move forward is all I'm gonna say!

Legitimately one of the BEST FPS games of the last 10 years and probably the best futuristic fps ever in my book (sorry Halo, your levels aren't nearly as exciting as the levels in this game)

While being short, the campaign in this game is all killer and almost no filler whatsoever. The story isn't half bad but won't floor you, but what will floor you is the gameplay! The movement is so fluid and smooth, with perfected wall run, double jump and sliding mechanics as well as perfect gun-play and balance to all of the guns in the game.

I do have to admit though that the dynamic this game sets up between you and BT is absolutely incredible. If you're looking for a short (6ish hours) but amazing experience then please do yourself a favor and play through this game.

Also, the multiplayer is pretty cool too but prepared to get stomped by veterans of this game regularly

I wanted to like this game so much, as I'm a big fan of other turn based strategy games like advance wars, fire emblem and disgaea, and while this game has a lot going for it in terms of beautiful pixel art, likable characters, and great mechanics, the most glaring thing in this game's main story mode is it's stupidly unpredictable AI difficulty.

Never before have I seen a game go from having an insanely hard level, to having a laughably easier one later on in the story, and then have another insanely hard level and then another that's a total cakewalk. Unfortunately this makes the game frustrating, and while you are just simply able to restart the level, a single level can be incredibly long, sometimes taking over an hour for a single level

One of the finest examples of a true remake, I thought this was a great experience during my initial run albeit with some frustrating puzzles here and there.

Key word: Initial Run

I tried to do a Claire 2nd run, I really did, sunk about 3 more hours into it but honestly, it's an almost identical experience to the initial playthrough and I cannot be bothered to sink in double the time on almost the same experience again just to get an alternate ending cutscene

Bursting with creativity and charm, Psychonauts is a game that despite it's janky controls/camera and some frustrating platforming at times (typical of early 2000s 3D platformers though) is an overall blast to play and has some of the best writing and humor I've ever seen in a video game, love how this sorta feels like you're tuning into a saturday morning cartoon every time you play it