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Pretty solid but doesnt really stand out on its own compared to return to dreamland imo since theyre pretty similiar gameplay wise (that doesnt necassarily have to be a bad thing tho)

Also weird placed insertion of plot at the VERY end. The final boss(es) are real cool tho

The story isnt exactly smth to write home about (i do admire kirbys determination on having a good snack) but i think the gameplay here was the most smoothest its been ever since i went to the behinning! The touch screen isnt super utlized but i dont mind since its pretty simple, esp bc it migrates my frustration of having the one hit-->lose ability by keeping a backup in check lol. Also keeping track of what stuff youve missed is so much easier now compared to amazing mirror.

So yeah. One of my top fave kirby games so far alongside dreamland 3/return to dreamland. Time for the 3ds era...

highlight for me was all the nea level designs and abilities usage. always kinda of a bummer to play a game clearly meant for multiple ppl and playing single player tho haha.

not a fan of bringing back the "one hit lose copy ability" from dreamland 2. makes things alot more frustrating.

i decided not to do 100% on this one, mostly bc it seems like its very likely to miss the smaller chests, even with guides so im satisfied leaving it like this.

forgot to make a comment on this lol

in any case, the cast was the big fave for me. the party dynamic was enjoyable as well as the mc. a weakness was the main gimmick in the battle system bc while yes i did enjoy causing Big Damage, but it felt a bit one sided. another weakness was the lack of cool dunggeon designs as well as a simplified demon negotions system.

a bit said it underpeformed, but i hope they take another shot at it

This one was..rough lmao. Esp coming from dreamland 3. Losing ur copy ability after One Hit discouraged me from using it really! Also needing an certain animal for a rainbow piece and having them being randomly generated also sucked lol

Wanted to get back to the beginning. Pretty wild to think that the copy ability wasnt a main concept until later

no cute kirby long dance at the end of each boss 0/10

But nah the cutscenes are super charming. I dont think i vibed with the art direction tho in some of these levels.

I think the power combos are cool and neat to explore, if a bit annoying to get. another annoyance is how u sometimes gotta get to a diff stage to get a combo u need for a crysyal shard in another stage all together. Well im guessing thats for replay value.

Loving the art direction. All the different sprite animations for the power+animal friend combos are a sight to see

it's always pretty cool to go back to a series starting point just to see how it's been evolving in time. i had a blast just going ""oh wow they kept that huh" " Oh so THATS where that came from..dang" and so forth

in any case the meta knight boss fight and the usage of past levels in monochrome were some pretty awsome moments

this was a super fun and solid one! Excited to try out some more kirby games now.

for some reason i thought this game would be longer?? oh well my kid self can rest easy now that i finally managed to finish this game.

i dig the atmosphere alot but i think cathing boos was the most annoying part for me.

A game with so much charm. Both in its characters and design. If there are any complaints its def for more qol improvents. better fast travel and side quest system (only one quest at a time??) But besides that...a lovely game. I understand now why its so beloved

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The combat/gameplay is more enganging than 3 now that u get 4 styles to play with and explore. The substories were also more memorable for me. The music felt stronger this time too.

My issue is that the game introduces mechanics like hostess maker (which is sadly as dull as in the third one) and fightermaker farrr to late in their respective protags tales. It made me complete them in one sitting rather than over the game as it felt i had no time left. Sure you get to play as them all during the finale but the issue doesnt really go away for me.

In anycase a step up from 3 for me!

Has some good highs but is lacking in the gameplay/music department. heat moves are missing a certain oomph compared to the "older" games (zero/kiwami12). Also...boring caberet club side game 😔