2023 Ranked

Every game I've played in 2023. Includes non 2023 titles. Positioning subject to change as I keep playing a game.

Will probably come back to this some day.
Cool concept with an outstanding voice cast. With a bit of polish will be a solid rec.
I cared way more about the characters in this side quest than I did the main story of Forbidden West, which should tell you something.
A cute puzzle game bogged down by some odd design choices.
Played a few hours. Trying to decide if I should keep at it or wait for the remake.
A quick and cute good time.
Let devs make their weird passion projects
A great game to play while you watch something on your laptop.
I wish the story and characters were as compelling as the gameplay and exploration. Still outstanding.
I've only played about 2 hours of this calm down.
The updated clothing options alone make this a superior sequel in every way (RIP poncho).
The story didn't quite grab me like Zero Dawn did and it didn't add enough to be outstanding.
I wish I were better at video games because I love this bird man.
Slowly took over my life...
Kim Kitsuragi my beloved.
Everything about this rules. Impeded by my inability to get good.
A cool take on the slew of puzzle games that have come out in the past decade.
For some reason this is the game I play when zoning out and watching a dumb TV show. I wish I understood why.
The mom stuff...it got me.
I can nitpick this game all day but DAMN does it just feel good to play
I actually love unpacking IRL so of course I'm going to like this.
Gameplay and level design might be eh but the story, characters, and soundtrack are all so good I don't care.
Frustratingly not as into this as I'd thought but that's clearly a me problem
Cool to see the It Takes Two DNA in this. Very weird and dumb story though.
Dumb fun hindered by FPS' freaking me out sometimes.
Actually took over my life
They didn't have to go this hard on a sequel.


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