This review was written before the game released

Raiden stronger than me man if i was that Nigga i would've killed myself.

After procrastinating for a solid 2 months I finally got around to finish and I gotta say it's pretty alright overall. The story is pretty good especially the start of it but I really felt that I was very lost a times.

The gameplay mechanic of this game might be the weakest to me by far, I like grinding stuff if it feels worth but the majima everywhere was such a damn chore to go through especially endgame, whenever I tried to do main story I get a random encounter of him and it feels very saturated. The experience of this game was good but I just that they tweaked some things out especially the dragon style.

Excited to play Kiwami 2

I spent more time looking at Kisara's fat ass than playing the game

2 years of waiting to this and i'm so glad the wait paid off so hard to me. Kuro 2 is another 50/50 games in terms that you either like it or completly hate it.

Which is completely understandable considering the situations behind on this game both story/circustances of releasing

Kuro 2 is the most rewarding game for an player that has been through the beginning of the series and pays off so much for going through especially in Intermission/Finale

Nothing to me gives me more joy than seeing the old party members from Haji and seeing the interactions with the new cast.

Trails series has always been part of my life for the past 3-4 years and i've been always glad to keep continue playing/reading these games, it always keeps giving me a joy to keep going through in the moments in my life.

Kuro 3 waiting room

Yakuza Kiwami 2 for me might be the strongest Yakuza game for me.

Not only because of the story being really engaging from the start to end or even the dragon engine but it maintains the whole structure of what happened to Kiwami 1 and it goes further to add more depth to the characters especially Kiryu.

I'm not the guy that does too much side quests but i felt really motivated to on this game and each sidequest of this game are the most heartwarming to a completely yakuza quest. Each one of them has a beginning, middle and a end. I felt doing Yakuza 0 SQs for feeling whatever or not caring as much of what happened but on this game everything just clicks to me.

I can see why people don't like as much to 1 or feeling really annoyed with some of the issues that this game has but the highs just speaks louder than the lows to me and that's what all matters.

β€œAre you ready for your QoL lessons ?”

Dark Souls 2 gulps
RE6 sweats nervously
Cold Steel 2 wipes off her forehead
Persona 3 deeply exhales

β€œYes, RGG-sensei!” all of them say in unison

I love Hajimari no Kiseki

Goro Akechi and Takuto Maruki rocked my world.

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really LOVE this game developed RGG


If i speak, i'm in big trouble.