2022 froth

will likely add more...


2 years ago

praying that radio the universe drops next year. been checking for updates like every other week

2 years ago

i had a hoot when the steam release date changed from "winter" (having been "winter" since at least last winter) to "making some improvements, tba." i am fully in support of them taking all the time they need to get it to where they want it, hoping of course that it actually makes it out at some point... but it's getting pretty funny.

2 years ago

i think 6E is just a perfectionist. heard about a year ago from a tester that the game was close to finished, and i can't imagine it's seen any significant updates since then if they're not expanding on its scope. i was able to play the kickstarter build for a bit and it felt v solid, so i'm sated w/ that until it's released, however long it takes lol

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