Reviews from

in the past

Game with a pretty good soundtrack and pretty nice graphics, but with average gameplay. I like the gimmick of one shot, one kill, but some bosses are really annoying with this idea in mind.

If you like a short game, where you figure out, how to find bosses weak points, give it a try. Oh and do yourself a favour and play on controller.

Some of the puzzles are not very good and the end part is downright tedious but I almost want to give this an 8 just for the sheer absurdity of some of the aspects of this game. One of the most memorable in the series.

"All the gifts your parents gave you, all the love and patience of your friends, you drowned in a neurotoxin. You let misery win. And it will keep on winning till you die -- or overcome it."

To be honest, Mario vs. Donkey Kong (2024) was an unnecessary remake, but I did get a bit of fun out of it. I think it's best waiting for the original to release on Nintendo Switch Online or just emulate it on delta or something


O único jogo de luta que eu joguei e gostei, realmente uma obra de arte.

Num é que é bão o trem mesmo, uai sô.

Brincadeiras a parte, achei que era só saudosismo, mas envelheceu bem muita coisa aqui.

Nota 7

You die, you lose all your power, and good luck beating the game without it. I only gave this what I gave it because it was still kinda fun with save states, but without them this wouldn't be enjoyable at all.

Le hubiera dado el 7 si no fuera porque el jefe final es una mierda, un puto QTE. La historia es muy meh, pero todo respecto al sistema de los generales esta muy bien, el combate y sigilo igual.

Just very unimpressive for modern standards IMO, don't care much abt it's impact.

it just couldn't catch my attention for long enough for me to finish it, but this game is really good

Muito melhor que o primeiro em MUITOS aspectos, mas peca no mesmo ponto

Chegando na metade do jogo eu não aguentava mais ficar indo pro lado e pro outro dominar orcs e fazer guerra.

Mas foi bem divertido, final surpreendente.

Un indie corto pero que explora muy increiblemente sistema de movimiento con una ambientacion genial, lo unico que los enemigos casi son puro relleno y solo hay dos jefes se podria decir, creo que el sistema de combate es el unico fallo notorio, porque por el movimiento y mapeado, esta genial.

Jogão D+, era viciadasso nesse jogo... ninguém passava por mim nos "combates"...

Eu havia comprado Hades fazia um tempinho já, e mesmo jogando o jogo pra caramba (cerca de 25 horas), eu nunca havia completado se quer uma run...
Foi após comprar meu monitor novo e ver um amigo comentando sobre que deu vontade de jogar e testar a frequência de hz também, e foi aí que finalmente consegui derrotar o final boss pela primeira vez logo na primeira tentativa!
Eu fui além, e quis fazer as tão famosas 10 runs pra ver o final do jogo, a questão foi que durante esse caminho, eu me interessei em fazer todos os achievements! E acabei MERGULHANDO no jogo, jogando dia e noite.
O jogo é maravilhoso em si, um execelente roguelite, suas builds são ótimas e bastante divertidas, armas e upgrades são ótimos, e com um leque vasto de equipamentos! Os diálogos e narrativa são muito bons também, muito além do que eu imaginava e esperava, a direção de arte, efeitos e portraits de diálogos são esplêndidos! Combate é redondinho e funciona de forma precisa e bastante satisfatória, e o sistema de calor é bastante desafiador e divertido!
Recomendo Hades pra caramba, até por que não é só um simples roguelite, ele tem um background maravilhoso e bastante coisa pra se fazer, estou extremamente hypado para o segundo jogo!! :D

I have no imajor isues with this rly, one of the best VNs i've played. Way better than N7 & E17

A nice shmup that faulters on the final stage. They just throw everything at you and if you die, back to the beginning of the game. There's no need for that kind of difficulty spike. Ruins the enjoyment.

A very interesting and great experiment. It's basically a whole Mario Odyssey world but as in a Mario 3D World engine/environment. It works awesomely and I had fun playing this!

Mario Maker 2 is an overall improvement on the first game in most ways that count, but at the cost of Costume Mario. I do get it - renegotiating all those licenses would've been a total nightmare, and especially doing them for something as trivial as a palette swap could not have felt like an ideal use of time. Sadly, as someone with only the most casual connection to the Mario Maker scene, this means that the one thing I really cared about in the long run isn't there, and I kinda prefer the original by consequence.

But there's a good deal that's been added, too, so let's not dwell on what's missing. A new suite of level archetypes is nice to see, plus nighttime to add a new layer of depth. Slopes were conspicuous in their absence last time, so they're very welcome here. A ton of other things feel like game changers, too, like On/Off Switches, additional checkpoints, and keys. New enemies are always appreciated, and the Lemmy's Land Tourist in me will always appreciate the Koopalings being relevant.

Super Mario 3D World's inclusion as a special level archetype is a curious one. I think adding something new to proceedings is cool, but it seems weird to convert an explicitly 3D Mario entry into purely 2D design. But (1) it comes with its own suite of power-ups/enemies/obstacles and (2) the mechanics are a bit different, so it makes for a pretty decent complement as its own thing. I do think it's strange that 3D World is the only game presented as this sort of Extra Style; I had Super Mario Bros. 2/USA pegged as an Extra Style that'd be added in a patch, but that never really shook out. Though we got SMB2 controls later as a unique power-up, so... I guess it evens out?

Speaking of power-ups as theme consolation prizes - the Superball Flower and the Master Sword feel like this, too. Obviously the Master Sword is way more interesting, since turning into Link gives Mario a wildly different moveset. From what I've seen, Link levels tend to be a lot more puzzle-oriented by consequence, which feels like a very accurate expression of Zelda's whole thing in the template of a Mario game. I would've loved to see other character-based movesets like this (Samus, maybe?), but just the one is neat.

...but Superball is cool, too! Definitely not something I would've ever expected to see come back, since I figured Superball was just poor man's Fire Flower. Super Mario Land is probably the only other obvious pick for an Extra Theme, since Yoshi's Island/Wario Land is a bit too removed from standard Mario and all the other New Soups/Mario Advances would feel redundant with what's already in-game (and Super Mario Land 2 is mostly just a slower Mario World). So it's neat to see SML repped in its own way.

I didn't spend much time if any with the course creator, but I did have a ton of fun running through the game's campaign. I'm sure the story mode is mostly just your in-road into the creative side, but I love the little story they make for these characters. Toadette as the strict forewoman of a construction project is... not at all a role I would've pictured, but I kinda love this take on her? Toad the Toad being relevant is always nice, and I like all the little character details you can pick up on if you read between the lines of the "anonymous" course creators. For example, Bowser gives his son a weekly 40-coin allowance! When else are you gonna learn something like that?

Like I said at the top, I probably like the first Mario Maker better for what it represented, but Mario Maker 2's at least as good in its own right. By now, almost every major Wii U game has been reincarnated on Switch, and I gotta respect that Ninty did more than just opt for a (second) port of the previous game. I don't expect we'll be seeing another Mario Maker any time soon, but I'm glad they let people experiment once again.

Had a chance to play the original through Delta just for the sake of reviewing both the OG & the remake in the same video & the original is just better for some reason


eu pensei que seria um jogo meia boca da franquia, porém, isso aqui é muito bom! eles conseguiram deixar o game com uma ambientação sensacional e bem fiel aos primeiros jogos, o fato de que quase todos os inimigos são basicamente versões de regenerator é beemmm angustiante, pra mim da franquia inteira (tirando o RE7 e RE8) eles são os inimigos que mais me dão medo. a história em si é muito boa e bem amarrada, o sistema de "upgrade" das armas funciona bem em minha opinião. as bossfights são boas, o que não é grande surpresa já que é assim na maioria dos RE. talvez esse jogo seja subestimando e ofuscado pelos jogos anteriores da franquia, mas esse de fato é um ótimo resident evil e uma forte recomendação minha para quem não jogou!

obs: aos que perguntam, sim, ele é canônico na história e se passa entre a história do RE4 e RE5.

Sempre odiei jogos de esporte, futebol então... Mas vou falar, esse jogo fez parte da minha infância, x1 no futebol só era no bomba patch.

Literally just feels like Mortal Kombat but with DC characters. Kind of enjoyable but it gets old rather fast because you're using the same fatality over and over. You are also dependent on the stats on your gear which makes this game almost a little pay to win since you can get matched against someone with completly different stats and much much better gear than your gear (which is a pain in the ass if you're a new guy). Otherwise great set of characters and guest characters, enjoyable story and the same type of combat as Mortal Kombat. So if you like DC and Mortal Kombat please give this game a shot.

La unica queja que puedo tener es la falta de enemigos nuevos grandes, creo que se debio precisamente crea mas nuevos enemigos y sobretodo criaturas grandes e imponentes. Mas haya de eso, pues es todo lo bueno del 1 mejorado (salvo un poco por el agarre en salto ya que se siente el saltar mas pesado y dificil de manejar) y con opciones mas variadas y un escenario a mi parecen mejor y mas interesante. Un gustaso.

What a strange little game. Pretty trippy and can almost be unsettling when messing around with some of the foods. Honestly feel this game is deeper than it appears, but I don't have the patience to spend more time with it as it's pretty clunky.

Elden Ring provides one of the most complete video gaming experiences available on the market. Gameplay, aesthetics, lore, practically everything is firing on all cylinders at all times.

The level of replay ability provided by its simple but diverse character building system is immense. Every player will get something totally different out of it on their first playthrough, and half the fun is finding out what ludicrous build your friends have developed.

From an art design standpoint, few games match up. It somehow feels as though every single point in the worldspace was designed to evoke the sensation of viewing a painting. The world is eminently readable, providing the player a clear sense of direction at all times without resorting to many intrusive UI elements. The art itself is familiar to those familiar with From Software, but in this entry seems to have taken on a more baroque appearance, focusing so much on detail and clarity.

All of the improvements to gameplay are greatly appreciated. The ability to jump, guard counter, and ashes of war increase the depth of each encounter greatly.

The game struggles somewhat with boss design. While by and large most bosses are wonderfully designed (and indeed, many are among the greatest Fromsoft have ever designed, Malenia included) repetitious reuse of bosses, and, to an equal extent, the dungeons they are found in, dampen the enjoyment of these fights.

While the game lacks a main story, instead, as per previous Fromsoft works, there are multiple stories that play out over elaborate quest lines. These stories range from beautiful to boring, and unfortunately the best of these ended up being cut from the game. That being said the implied story is so massive and so hidden that I find it almost more intriguing than a traditional narrative.

Overall this game is easily the pinnacle of From Software, which itself is a seemingly impossible accolade for a studio that rarely releases even mediocre titles.

Tirando essa beleza do Backlogg, que jogo foda, talvez seja o melhor da Trilogia da Lara, chega perto do primeiro.