What is your least favourite game of all time and why.

Vote for one game, and give a reason.


there's absolutely worse out there (and certainly there are even some mild virtues in the game), but almost none of it matches the level of cynicism being funneled into the project and almost no other work has made me feel as completely alienated and disconnected from the medium as that one in large part due to its unanimous acclaim. looking forward to seeing what 2034s god of war reboot reboot takes its inspiration from next. maybe atreus will go to egypt

“For being a repugnant story on every level, feeding into all of the worst design trends of the time with almost no original ideas + not even executing any of those ideas well, and for clearly having had a chainsaw taken to its content in the year before launch just so 2K could cynically push something out the door”

“The premise is an ambitious concept that just don't do anything right with it, makes a LOT of dislikeable characters that don't even try to develop and then makes you worry and care about them.”

“It's predatory brainworms that pushes gambling on children. And it's not even that good!“

“Devil May Cry 2 is pretty bad too but at least it's 3 hours long. League of Legends made me sink so much time into it and it was all for nothing, ARAM was pretty fun to play with friends and didn't take much time but that was about the only good thing of that game. Normal games take too much time usually (30-40 minutes) and if you are snowballed in the first 10 minutes or so, the rest 30 minutes of gameplay become a drag usually, not mentioning that you can do good but if the rest of your team gets rekt in lane phase you have to carry them.”

“it’s league of legends”

"It tries to push the message of "revenge is bad" but gives Abby full reign to do whatever she wants and it makes me pretty mad."

To paraphrase my own review (because original thoughts cost extra), nothing makes sense, it’s not fun, the drama is false, it isn’t enhanced by interactivity, it contains nothing that makes me love video games as an artistic medium.

“This has got to be the least fun I have ever had playing a video game. The best way I can describe the experience is by comparing it to attempting to put a large cube into a small circular hole.”

“It was the only game I returned back to blockbuster early when I got.”

“Only because i played it super recently. It's hailed as some masterpiece of video game storytelling but is actually just a loop of walking down the same street and talking to some dipshit with the most annoying dialogue a human could possibly write. It all culminates with the final message being "everything is pointless" which is definitely how i felt after 7 hours of what can barely be described as "gameplay".

“Started a trend of socially acceptable manipulative game design”

“I hate its practically nonexistent expression of character and mean spirited nature.”

“To me it represents all the flaws and faults people wrongly accuse the main series of having.”

“I do not for the life of me know why or how I actually played the game to completion.“

“Played worse games in some aspects, but this game’ss overall message about people with mental health issues is one of the most repugnant things I've ever seen in a game.”
ACoolBlaze5 (Me)

"It's literally a casino within a video game that funnily got rated PEGI 3 despite the virtual console releases of Pokémon Red and Blue getting a 12 for the Game Corner. Outside that, this game is not fun to play and has a terrible campaign."

"The most exciting part of Dragon Ball is when the Ginyu Force played Rock Paper Scissors of course you should make a game that's just that."

“if just on the principle that there was no reason it had to be bad“

“The ironic enjoyment goes away super fast and you spend the rest of your playtime fumbling around frustrating, poorly designed levels while trying to kill enemies with your beyond crappy controls. Oh and the game feels the need to stop you in your tracks whenever you get hit.”

"Movement feels weird, some controls are jank, its an auto runner, levels go on for to long, levels are randomly generated so there's no flow, getting an A+ is extremely hard for no reason, and it's just a mobile game for 15$ on consoles before it comes out on mobile, really the only good thing about the game is the art and animation, but that's it I feel"

“Forthe personal reason that I actually love older Madden titles and that game basically has caused Madden (and NFL games in general) to spiral into a pit of horrible games that will probably never end. The game's also just plain bad and one of the only games I ever returned or sold off.”

“ Looks like shit, sounds like ass, broken as all hell.”


“The most broken video game I've ever played, I had a total of 31 crashes in just under 8 hours of playing”

“it ruined my life.”

“it's literally Sonic Jam on the Tiger Game.com.”

“For being probably the most misogynistic and disgusting game I've ever played”

“Technically theres worse out there but holy hell this is one cheaply made nasty piece of work made by a team of con-artists who seemed to be out to fleece poorly informed grandmothers of their hard earned money by slapping a barely connected popular license onto what feels like a tech demo. Its just so hateful.”


The Last Of Us Part II. It tries to push the message of "revenge is bad" but gives Abby full rein to do whatever she wants and it makes me pretty mad.
I meant REIGN lol

3 years ago

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi because the most exciting part of Dragon Ball is when the Ginyu Force played Rock Paper Scissors of course you should make a game that's just that.

3 years ago

I need to replay banjo kazooie nuts and bolts to have it more fresh in my mind, so for now I would say super Meat boy forever, movement feels weird, some controls are jank, its an auto runner, levels go on for to long, levels are randomly generated so there's no flow, getting an A+ is extremely hard for no reason, and it's just a mobile game for 15$ on consoles before it comes out on mobile, really the only good thing about the game is the art and animation, but that's it I feel

3 years ago

@DustyVita and @Nightblade Added!

2 years ago

Can I change my pick to Devil May Cry 2?
Sonic Jam Game.com because it's literally Sonic Jam on the Tiger Game.com.

2 years ago

probably balan wonderworld if just on the principle that there was no reason it had to be bad

2 years ago

League of Legends. It's League of Legends.

2 years ago

Life is Strange
The premise is a ambitious concept that just don't do anything right with it, makes a LOT of dislikeable characters that don't even try to develop and then makes you worry and care about them.

2 years ago

League of Legends; Devil May Cry 2 is pretty bad too but at least it's 3 hours long. League of Legends made me sink so much time into it and it was all for nothing, ARAM was pretty fun to play with friends and didn't take much time but that was about the only good thing of that game. Normal games take too much time usually (30-40 minutes) and if you are snowballed in the first 10 minutes or so, the rest 30 minutes of gameplay become a drag usually, not mentioning that you can do good but if the rest of your team gets rekt in lane phase you have to carry them.

2 years ago

Postle 3

The most broken video game I've ever played, I had a total of 31 crashes in just under 8 hours of playing.

2 years ago

Sonic Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood because I do not for the life of me know why or how I actually played the game to completion.

2 years ago

Crash Tag Team Racing

2 years ago

holy shit how did this list blow up

2 years ago

Sonic 3D Blast. I just love the aesthetic of it and the music is phenomenal. People really overblow the isometric platforming stuff, it's not that much of a big deal.

2 years ago

Then why is it your least favourite game if you praise it?

2 years ago

Cause it's a good ass game. Music kicks ass, it looks epic, having a line of flickies behind you is gamer cred and getting robbed of your rings by Knuckles is good storytelling.

2 years ago

You’re supposed to say the game you like the least.

2 years ago

This isn’t funny stop I found out you’re playing a joke on me

2 years ago

While I've certainly played worse games, my least favorite is definitely Heavy Rain. To paraphrase my own review (because original thoughts cost extra), nothing makes sense, it’s not fun, the drama is false, it isn’t enhanced by interactivity, it contains nothing that makes me love video games as an artistic medium.

2 years ago

Earthworm Jim 3D. Looks like shit, sounds like ass, broken as all hell.

2 years ago

Played worse games in some aspects, but 'The Medium''s overall message about people with mental health issues is one of the most repugnant things I've ever seen in a game.

2 years ago

Daibanchou: Big Bang Age for being probably the most misogynistic and disgusting game I've ever played

2 years ago

lots of different directions to take this in but i might have to cast a ballot for god of war 2018. there's absolutely worse out there (and certainly there are even some mild virtues in the game), but almost none of it matches the level of cynicism being funneled into the project and almost no other work has made me feel as completely alienated and disconnected from the medium as that one in large part due to its unanimous acclaim. looking forward to seeing what 2034s god of war reboot reboot takes its inspiration from next. maybe atreus will go to egypt

2 years ago

CSGO for me. It's predatory brainworms that pushes gambling on children. And it's not even that good!

2 years ago

Bioshock Infinite, for being a repugnant story on every level, feeding into all of the worst design trends of the time with almost no original ideas + not even executing any of those ideas well, and for clearly having had a chainsaw taken to its content in the year before launch just so 2K could cynically push something out the door.

2 years ago

Lobotomy Corporation because Franz likes it

2 years ago

violet detector

2 years ago

Probably Mortal Kombat. I hate its practically nonexistent expression of character and mean spirited nature

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