The space pirates are the ultimate in guys being dudes

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From this game I have developed the knowledge that my interest is inversely proportional to the quantity of crab

What a weird time

Edit: what did I mean by this

The sad campfire bit was both actually really good and also encapsulated my mental state vis-a-vis playing the game

Truly unique and perfect and would've been enough just to be a weird single player roguelike social deduction game even without the amount of personality it has.

I didn't think it was possible to simulate this kind of thing in single player much less have a round where a sequence of bonkers events occurred layering on top of eachother until I spent like two hours in pepe silvia mode trying to figure out several logic chains and gave myself a headache.

I love it. Great if you miss werewolf type stuff but can't be bothered with all the organisation anymore too.

Now hold on just a minute how many Sentinels did you say there were again?

Any play, game or performance is a cage.

More emotion. Less words. They are all obsolete.
It's all different now.

anyway I liked the room and I give it A+

It's like they mashed up a bunch of components designed to make me go wild but then forgot to cook it

Iorveth almost sells the whole thing

My friend brought this to my house so she could laugh at me getting scared of it and then she got scared of the bathroom bit

I'm a tiny little elf clown and I cast a funny spell