Games I Just Don’t Get

Yeah, turns out I don’t understand the magnificence behind F-Zero sadly.

Games ranked at the top are games that I would rather not think about anymore, while games at lower spots are games that I see the appeal of, but I just don’t care for that much. The lower down a game is, the more I desperately want to love it on the same level as everyone else, but just can’t for some reason or another.

Feel free to call this my “Overrated” games lists if you want.

From Spec Ops to Sunshine: Games that I genuinely dislike.

From Colossus to Ocarina of Time: Games that I can see some appeal to, but I just don't want to try and play them again.

From Three Houses to Thousand-Year Door: Games that I see the appeal of and wish I could get more into, but for some reason or another I just don't really like playing them.

From Crash Bandicoot 4 to Pikmin 2: Games that I think are just fine. Not bad, but not really as great as others claim them to be. I think they are just ok.

This is just a walking simulator disguised as a horror game with a unique concept that feels utterly wasted.
I think you need to have more than one person playing this game in order to really get something out of it.
Sure the story and graphics may be unique, but gameplay wise it is a absolute slog to get through, feeling more like a press right simulator at times.
Wanting to tell a story about how bad war can be? Fine. Force me to do the atrocities and than tell me I had a choice even when I didn’t? Arrogant and smug, but whatever? Be a terrible shooter game on top of it all? A line, crossed.
The levels aren’t that distinct or memorable in my opinion, some of the shines can be absolute pains to get, and the controls just feel off and floaty. If I was wishing I would rather play Balan Wonderworld, something is wrong.
The main part of the game is good, the side content is terrible. Problem is; 80% of the game is all about the side content.
When my first instinct is running around with a knife trying to kill other fishes in a game about survival horror, I may just not be fit for this kind of game.
They’re, fine, but I just prefer the level structures and gameplay of Crash games. The levels here just feel too short and restricted for a open world 3D platformer IMO, and I end up not really remembering or caring about the levels.
Honestly, I’m just not that good with schedules or routines, and given how much of that is needed for the ship, it’s just not up my alley.
Coming after 3D Land gave this game no favors, and honestly, playing it in 2021 still didn’t do it any favors. It just feels so generic and bland in comparison to Mario’s other outings.
Eh, it’s ok. Just ok IMO. Not really that interesting. Like the wordless approach and graphics, but gameplay wise it’s a total drag.
Oh sure, body! Let me love Balan Wonderworld while finding games like Fire Emblem boring and bland. Yeah, you can basically just group in the entire Fire Emblem franchise in here.
The caves are bullshit and boring. Boom. Send tweet.
As someone who never really liked the combat of the first two Paper Mario games, this game just made me even hate it even more. It’s basically just diet Thousand Year door.
I’m sorry, but when fighting giants becomes boring, especially when you have to spend half of your time just trying to get to them in a land that is literally lifeless, something is seriously wrong.
Literally the only thing I have wrong with it is the controls. If we get a remaster I would be all in giving it another chance.
I think I needed to be more into card games to really appreciate this and the twists it takes.
The gameplay is fine, but I don't think the comedy is as strong as everyone thinks it is, at least to me. Also, Chai is more annoying than charming (even counting character development in mind), and when he is the main character, that's a problem.
Mario Kart and Crash Team Racing spoiled me. That has to be the only explanation. I don’t understand the main appeal of this series, and I feel like other cart racers are just as fast pace and intense.
Why couldn’t I just be a rpg guy? Why do I have to find the combat boring in the persona games? While the games may not be for me, trust me; I have the animes and even walkthroughs of the games on my radar.
I can’t think of anything wrong about it, but I can’t think of any high parts about the game. It just felt bland to me.
I spent 5 hours on both Xenoblade Definitive and Xenoblade 2, and the combat still just felt repetitive, and the story never managed to catch me. And the nopons are just annoying and not funny in the slightest.
I’m so glad that this story was able to get to so many people, but to me, I just couldn’t get into it due to just how annoying I found the main characters. Gameplay has a couple cool moments, like the final sprint and hotel, but otherwise, it just doesn’t have anything that I really want to go back to.
Nice beginning scene, but bland and annoying everything else.
This game is depressing. Like, to the point that it passed the point of being interestingly depressing. By the time the game tricked me into lighting the kids on fire with the gas can, I was just tired and done with the game’s narrative.
This applies to the entire Zelda series really. The games are fine, but just that; fine. I never really was that immersed with the world or the gameplay of the series.
This is pretty much for the entire Metroid franchise. I just find the gameplay to be so slow and the upgrades that make the game faster and more fun don’t make up for how boring the first three quarters of the game are in my opinion.
If only I figured out how to get the fresh water, I may have been able to grow up to love RPGs and hack and slashes. Alas, I am in a timeline where I am not a rpg or hack and slash fan, and here, I can only really respect how the concept managed to make it to game form, and the gameplay is ok, but not something I would be willing to put up for 20 or so hours per game.
I think I am just too brain dumb to get that into it.
I prefer the combat system in Mario and Luigi games by a long shot. It just feels more dynamic and involved, and I prefer the level up system in that game.
I’m just not a rpg guy, and honestly the characters and writing really didn’t do anything for me. Gameplay wise it just didn’t grab me, leaving me with just a middling experience in my opinion.
This is going for all the Dark Souls games. Yeah yeah; get good and all that, but I don’t know. Even when I was doing good in the Dark Souls games, I don’t really feel satisfied and just feel more drained than anything. It’s just not fun to me.
If it didn’t do the dark souls thing of losing all your money after death, than maybe I could have squeezed in a third completion. But than I would have to deal with the fact that it’s a metroidvania while I don’t care about metroidvanias.


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