it's an okay game, the level-design/level length leaves a lot to be desired and the Classic Sonic inclusion definitely feels half-baked and simply doens't make any sense but the rest is allright, character customization is interesting and both the Avatar and Modern Sonic levels are fun enough.

the presentation is great though, the soundtrack is an fucking banger (with the sole exception being Classic Sonic's tracks) and most of the visuals are crisp and gorgeous.

even if it is not the worst Sonic game it definitely feels a bit weaker compared to other installements, I hope Sonic Team can deliver everything with Sonic Frontiers next month.

it's one of my favorites entries in the series, expands on RE4's gameplay with all the new mechanics added regarding melee combat and obviously the new co-op gameplay, fun game modes and DLCs, great gunplay, good story and the game looks great all these years later.

I kinda dislike the changes to the inventory system and how the economy works but I can relate with people who likes all these changes, playing Solo can be a bit clumbersome with all the IA problems the game has but overall solid experience even with that.

easily the best Uncharted, strong writing and characters, fantastic perfomances, visuals are simply amazing with some of the best animation and enviroment design in the industry, gameplay is intense with expressive stealth/sandbox mechanics and punchy firearm combat.

it tends to have some pacing issues but overall phenomenal game and an insane glow-up over the previous titles.

kinda prefer this one than Arkham City or Knight. sure the combat, storyline and many other gameplay mechanics are vastly inferior here than in the sequels but something about the level-design, simple yet punchy combat and atmosphere is just peak for me.

one of my favorite platformers in recent memory, fantastic controls, level-design is impeccable, great movement and presentation not to mention the creative writing as a whole for an game in the genre.

the second half could use some better direction and features some very clumsy backtracking/item gathering, it's an interesting experiment that Sabotage tried to get it done but I vastly prefer the game's first 5 hours.

overall The Messenger is one of the best feeling platformers of all time, the combination of snappy movement and level-design make it a joy to play, highly recommend to anyone who likes the genre.

Zelda muito bom, o combate e as dungeons são de longe as melhores que a série já viu até aquele ponto. a história é muito boa com bons personagens especialmente Midna a companheira de Link nesse jogo, o tom mais sério e "cinzento" ajuda na história também. unico ponto fraco pra mim foram as primeiras 10 horas de jogo com as sessões do Link em sua versão Lobo já que elas atrasaram qualquer ritmo que esse jogo poderia ter no começo.

very decent entry in the series, enjoyable platforming that stays true to the series's greatest strenghts, interesting mechanics such as the ability to control water and jumping into enemies, and good visuals.

the combat is nothing special though, compared to the previous games there is not much to do here apart from striking with the sword and jumping into enemies, sword attacks doens't have any kind of impact and sometimes locking into enemies can be annoying as it leads to the Prince jumping all over the place.

overall an good entry, everyone who enjoys smooth 3D platforming should try it.

simplesmente fantástico, combate fenomenal, gráficos impecáveis e história super melhorada em relação ao original.

seções foram expandidas e melhoradas e o ritmo é bom demais, finalizei o jogo com 20 horas e nem vi o tempo passar.

também gostaria de dar os créditos pra Capcom com a otimização do jogo, rodando maravilhosamente bem e sem nenhum tipo de bug que quebra o jogo, um total contraste do que anda acontecendo na industria atualmente com seus jogos quebrados/não terminados.

had an rocky launch but things really turned around for it and it can be considered one of the finest examples of video game collections out there now, every game runs smoothly on both PC and Xbox, has an absurd amount of options ranging from field of view sliders and acessibility across the board, all the online competitive/cooperative multiplayer for each game is available and 6 highly entertaining FPS campaigns in one single package, some of those are easily the best you can find in the genre.

an must-buy for any Halo fan and an obligatory entry point for those who want to experience the franchise for the first time, shame that only Halo 5 isn't that easily acessible considering that is not included in the collection neither is available on PC.

um jogo com muitas qualidades porém com varios defeitos também

a história do jogo talvez seja a melhor que a série já viu até hoje com bons personagens e enredo e o gameplay é bem intuitivo e até satisfatório quando se pega o jeito e a trilha-sonora é absolutamente fenomenal a melhor da série toda sendo sincero.

mas o resto do jogo não compensa muito com mapas lineares e cansativos, dungeons curtas apesar de serem memoráveis nesse jogo, e a quantidade de tutoriais e textos em cima do jogador também não ajudam deixando qualquer ritmo e diversão que ele poderia ter mil vezes + arrastado e pouco intuitivo.

an great time, phenomenal pixel-art graphics with some really gorgeous animation and character designs, interesting puzzles and good moment to moment gameplay during dungeons in an similar feeling to top-down Zelda games which I love.

the story and text-box dialogues does get in the way though, not that the story is not interesting it indeed is and I was hooked to see what it was happening to the world and these characters but my god does it get tiring reading and skipping all these dialogue boxes, in Chapter 3 especially get ready to nearly 2 hours of conversations and getting to point A to B.

what makes things worst is that this approach to heavy storytelling hurts the game, imagine if this was more of an top-down Zelda game taking down dungeons with the interesting gameplay this game has and some really intricate overworld, this is not the case with Eastward.

if you like character interactions similar to Undertale you will probably like this but if you expect an Zelda game like the trailers suggest to be you will most likely get bored in the first 2 hours of the game, I still like it my time with it but I was expecting something more playable than what I got.

amazing combat, level-design and presentation.

while it lacks some of the features the original had such as the Zapping System, some areas and enemies were removed and interactions between each campaign streamlined, Resident Evil 2 delivers an solid experience with it's impressive level of polish, gameplay and survival horror design, this is basically the perfect game in the genre.

it does not serve as an replacement to the original in comparison to the likes of the first Resident Evil Remake in 2002 which blows the original game in 1996 completely out of the water but RE2 is an very good effort that stands tall in what an Remake should deliver although with some caveats here and there that could have been better.

half-baked sequel of an timeless FPS, Monolith absolutely butchered everything that made the first game and it's expansions so good notably the gunplay effects, physics, sound-design and many other features such as leaning on corners or even dual wielding pistols.

the horror segments can be a bit terrifying sequences like in the Wade Elementary chapter but the actual atmosphere is not as good like it was before.

the AI that made the first game notable at the time was not heavily downgraded though, they still display dynamic reactions with pulling out shelves for cover or jumping into windows to ambush you and they still make gunfight sequences fun for the most part.

the shooting is also not bad but certainly did not feel as GOOD like in the predecessor.

overall it's an okay game, the combat can be fun for console centered shooters standars, the AI behaviour is mostly intact and the enviroments are varied in comparison to F.E.A.R 1 but that's about it and in the end of the day it is an forgettable sequel that essentially throws away everything that made the predecessor so great, still worth an play if you are looking for an decent enough shooter or just playing through the series but do not expect the perfection of FPS combat like in the previous game.

solid God of War inspired action game, great combat-system that feel good, fantastic visuals and genuinely great storyline/voice-acting.

the level-design often relies on automated platforming segments which can feel a bit repetitive later on thanks to Gabriel's clumsy animations and jumping controls.

the game also feels a bit dragged on early on, every single objective relies on finding 3 objects to progress which can make the game feel even more repetitive quickly.

overall Lords of Shadow is an solid action game, the combat feel good and most of the game's setting/visuals look phenomenal for 2010 standards. it can be a bit repetitive pretty quickly thanks to the padding objectives and often repetitive traversal mechanics but nonetheless an great time.