New games i played in 2022 ranked

woah! games in a numbered list!

Actually lived up to the hype! Gameplay is a bit clunky but understandable given its age, but everything else about it was great. Some of the imagery in this will stick with me for a long time.
Outer Wilds is one of my favourite games of all time, and the DLC adds onto the game in a way I loved. I know some people don't like how it was restricted to one zone, but I personally really enjoyed having to unravel the mystery of it.
Wow surprise Elden Ring high up on a list! I had some issues with it but all around it was a really fun time! FromSoft knocked it out of the park again with the design of the game especially. But some bosses felt really unfair, especially when you were playing a certain build. When I'm using an Ultra Greatsword and can only safely attack after certain moves, it's really annoying when the boss can randomly extend that move.
Another OG that lived up to the hype! The environmental design in the game was amazing, and instant props to the game for having audio logs that are good, but that you can also listen to while you move. Astounding idea. The guns also felt great to use, with the Disc Ripper being my favourite. Story was good too: nothing that knocked me away, but still fun.
A great short and sweet visual novel, with emphasis on the sweet. This is the type of story that queer media needs more of.
By far the most fun game I played this year, I already love these 'time trial' style games, and this game instantly shot up to my favourite of them. If you say the writing in this game is cringe, please learn how to have fun with a videogame. Be cringe, be free.


Picking up pages of an instruction book to learn the game as you go is really fun, and the fact that you could figure out mechanics early on by experimenting is cool too. My brain was too small to get the true ending, but the way you get to it was creative.
Really sweet game, all the characters were fun to talk to and all the minigames were entertaining, with my only issue being a couple that required too much trial and error. And the animation is amazing, but that doesn't really need stating.
The only issue with this DLC was that it wasn't that long, but that's very understandable considering the animation. I think these are some of the best looking bosses in the game, especially the final one.


One of the most charming games I've played, I loved all the characters, the bugs, and the weird body horror that actually became sorta unsettling.
I had this game way higher on the list, but the more I thought about it the further it moved down. Some parts of the story dragged on for too long and led to the final parts of the story going by way too fast, but the parts of the story that hit REALLY hit. Gameplay is fine, nothing amazing but I find it more enjoyable than most big AAA games.



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