Artistically this game is phenomenal and it's art style is one of my favorites. Most things are better executed here compared to the first game but the levels just don't feel as replayable which is a shame seeing as overall the game has more replayability. The standout mansion levels are some of the coolest and best designed levels in any game though.

Does some really interesting stuff and overall one of the better "taking over your pc" horror games. I just find these types of games more funny than scary but streaming this to my friends on Discord had one of them legitimately terrified which was absolutely hilarious.

Playing with friends can lead to some really fun moments and discovering the horrors of the abyss is great. Sadly I'm just not into the core gameplay so I find it hard to motivate myself to play more.

Me getting invested in games like this is proof that I should never try gambling

The storyline presented is on the more interesting side compared to anything in the base game but for me it didn't feel like it had enough time to develop. O'Dimm is a cool villain sure but I wish we got to see more of him.

Platforming, music and combat is decent but there is nothing to go with that solid foundation. None of the enemies or bosses are that fun to fight and the levels aren't fun to navigate or platform over.

It's hard to describe just how much I love this game. I just beat it again after having done so at least a dozen times (I've lost count by now). Really it's just something I do at least twice a year at this point. That first playthrough was one of the most magical experiences I've ever had with a game but with every new playthrough I find myself appreciating the game in a different way. The world is so detailed and so full of things to do, incredible locations to visit and amazing bosses to fight that no game has ever come close to Hollow Knight for me and I don't think any game ever will. My only hope is that Silksong when it eventually does come out when I'm 97 will shoot past my impossible expectations.

I'm the type of person that rarely plays through a game more than once but this game is pretty damn good when I've played it 5 times now. The combat and bosses are some of the most satisfying in any game.

My personal favorite is still Double Dash but 8 is basically Mario Kart perfected and Deluxe is 8 perfected. Basically all of the base tracks are great, the game controls amazingly and the visuals are still incredible all these years later.

Incredibly fun with friends. Giant explosions and thousands of bugs everywhere, everyone's screaming and mowing hordes of enemies down, it's amazing. Just doesn't run well on my pc so that's a shame.

Had a good laugh seeing all the goofy animations playing this with my dad. The fighting is pretty basic but it's decent.

Got the pleasure to play this on the original arcade machine with the flight stick controller. It's a bit hard to see and the game overall is kinda difficult but otherwise a very impressive and fun title.

Tons of fun on the original arcade machine. The splitting level layout adds a ton of replay value and I actually managed to reach the goal in one of the game modes.

The most painful and rage inducing game I have ever played, the amount of frustration I have received over my hundred hours of playtime doesn't even come close in comparison to any other videogame. 10/10.

After 1,5 years of playing this game on and off I finally beat it. This is genuinely the hardest game I've ever played. It is painful and absolutely brutal and I still have so many secrets to go for but man it's such a great game.

A great 2d Zelda like with one of my favorite videogame soundtracks. I played through the game twice around 2 years ago and still keep coming back to the soundtrack almost daily.