GOTY Event 2000-2011

Inspired by Odyssey3004 , who was inspired by PhastasM

Splitting this in half because this is long af
WARNING: there are personal preferences ahead. If that bothers you then you should leave now

Best Soundtrack - 2000
Best Gameplay - 2000
Best Art Direction - 2000
Best Soundtrack - 2001
Best Narrative - 2001
GOTY - 2001
Best Multiplayer - 2001
(Shameless nostalgia pick)
Best Gameplay - 2001
Best Art Direction - 2001
Best Narrative - 2002
Best Art Direction - 2002
Best Multiplayer - 2002
Best Soundtrack - 2002
Best Gameplay - 2002
Best Soundtrack - 2003
Best Gameplay - 2003
Best Multiplayer - 2003
Best Art Direction - 2003
Best Art Direction - 2004
Best Multiplayer - 2004
Best Soundtrack - 2004
Best Narrative - 2004
Best Gameplay - 2004
Best Gameplay - 2005
Best Art Direction - 2005
Best Soundtrack - 2005
Best Multiplayer - 2005
GOTY - 2005
Best Narrative - 2005
Best Art Direction - 2006
GOTY - 2006 (and all time)
Best Narrative - 2006
Best Gameplay - 2006
Best Multiplayer - 2006
Best Soundtrack - 2006
Best Art Direction - 2007
Best Gameplay - 2007
Best Soundtrack - 2007
Best Multiplayer - 2007
Best Narrative - 2007
Best Art Direction - 2008
Best Narrative - 2008
Best Soundtrack - 2008
Gears of War - 2008
GOTY - 2008
Best Multiplayer - 2008
Best Narrative - 2009
Best Art Direction - 2009
Best Gameplay - 2009
Best Multiplayer - 2009
Best Narrative - 2010
GOTY - 2010
Best Multiplayer - 2010
Best Gameplay - 2010
Best Art Direction - 2010
Best Soundtrack - 2010
Best Gameplay - 2011
Best Soundtrack - 2011
Best Narrative - 2011
Best Art Direction - 2011
GOTY - 2011
Best Multiplayer - 2011


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