Games I Play/finish in 2022

This are all the games I eather play in 2022 or that I finish during this year.

On the Megaman Zero/ZX Collection on Switch
Finish on switch for the 1st time
Finish on switch for the 6th time
I'm so happy is on switch
I've played this game every week for almost 3~4 years
It was cute, but I drop it after getting Super Sayajin
Switch version
Both Lylac and Carol
Carol Run Finish on switch for the 1st time
On Nintendo Switch during Game Trial
Finish on Switch for the 1st time
Started on switch
Droped during the Water Temple
I plan to go back someday
It was cute
Finish on switch for the 1st time
2nd run, Left unfinish.
I already beat it on Wii U
Part of the Complete edition
Started in 2021, Finish in 2022
Finish on switch for the 1st time
It was fun.
I got the ending with the weird girl that just appears.

I'm very thankful this got a fan translation because i doubt is ever going to get a localization.
Finish on switch for the 1st time
I played 3 games to completion... Lost all of them but I reached the end on second on the last game
I 100% Crash 1 for the second time on switch and play a lot of 2 before droping it
I regret buying this game... It's not fun to play even if the premise is fun
Finish on switch for the 1st time
I did everything on Begginers dificulty
It was good
Finish the 3rd act and I married Margaret.
BOTH for the first time on switch
Finish on Switch Online
Finish on switch for the 1st time
Finish on switch for the 1st time
very mediocre, but It was ok
I fucking waste my money in this shitty game.
I advance a lot in the game
About to unlock Mario
Plans on finishing it in the future
Finish on switch for the 1st time
it was funny, but buggy on switch.
Good thing I got the 4 games for like 4 bucks
Finish the game on switch again
I'm still trying to finish all the tutorials
I love this game to death.
It has a couple troubles... BUT DEAR GOD,
Is the best example of a expansion that improves and adds to an already fanastic game, some may call it better that the base game, and that's completly valid.
I finally went to ginger Island and complete it the cinema
I return to the game after getting married to one Idol and try to progress the story, I get really far until I got bored in chapter 4 when I have multiple options and they all ask for a lot
I'm two chapter left to finish this game
Finish the game with Yunica
I still need to beat the game with the other 2 characthers
The Full translation patch realised, It's still in beta and the girl I wanted to date doesn't have the ending yet... I still enjoy the game
Finish Megaman 1 and 2
In the middle of 3
Played on switch
Left unfinish, with plans of comming back
Finish on switch for the 1st time
I love this game
Still comming back after updates and Seasons
Finish on switch for the 1st time
It was a great time
I put almost 70 hours in Edelgard's Campain(Scarlet Blaze) and I'm pretty sure I got the bad ending... I STILL LOVE THIS GAME TO DEATH
Playing with friends on Switch
Finish on switch for the 1st time
I finish Very Hard and the line completion
Fantastic Game
Got the game on a twitch drop and the game runs fine if I put my setting at the absolute minimun... God this game has heart even if the monetization is ROUGH
GOD NSO is gettin all the best puzzle games
Playing this game again to kill sometime and trying to find more optimization
Better that Mario kart 64
NSO beeing consistent is appriciated.
Game of the year.
Very Addicting Tactical RPG.
I love the characthers and the gameplay.
I gotten the neutral ending and the true ending.
Hope to continue the rest of the franchise
This game remind me of the sims for some reason, is pretty good.
One Piece: Unlimited World RED is one of the worst One Piece games out there, Please don't play it, I wasted like 2 dolars in this game and I still feel ripped off.
The game peaks during Giratina, stop after that.
Fun game that they add it to NSO.
I love the gameplay of the plane and jetpack
I played this game in a week, I got the best rank for the hotel and 100% all the colectables.

I still think the first game is better, but is such a massive step from the second game on the 3DS.
Hi, I'm the persona fan that finally got the oportunity to play Persona 5 on the switch.

What's my veredict?

I did a Perfect run in the first try, and I love this game to death. This is my runner up for my game of the year and it's a 5 year old game.
The meanest game in the franchise... Now with online on the Switch.
Probably one of the best party games of all time, now with online on the Switch.
I trully Love this game.
I got both Frederika's Ending and the golden Route.
For the love of god please play this game.
one of the contender for my game of the year
A very solid business simulator, I enjoyed making games and watching how the consoles of each generations are represented.
I'm always really sad that I dislike this generation soo much, not gen 4... but gen 2.
I could only stomache the second gym before droping the game, something that i don't do with any other generation of Pokémon.
I finally complete it all the story modes with all the characthers, I love playing this game, and I can't wait for the rest of characthers to drop on switch on January.
I play this on PC a couple years ago and I bought it again on switch for like 5 bucks... The Switch port is bad sadly, It runs soo portly which is insane since this was a PSP game.
I 100% this game and god it was fun from beggining to end.
Trully a new era for Kirby is in the horizont and I can't wait for it to evolve.
This is my last game of the year. and what a game to end it.

Final Fantasy IX is easly the best final fantasy I have ever played.

Better that FF3, Better that FF4, AND WAY BETTER THAT FF7.

I trully believe FFIX has become of my favorite RPGs of all time.


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