Backloggd Canon Ballot List


per the comments in this thread I'd like to start collecting each of these "ballots" as it were to put together our own Gaming Canon for the site. just for fun and shit. basically what I'm saying is I'll do the spreadsheet leg-work if people want to submit these. 100 is a nice round number to aim for in terms of number of ballots, but it's not a hard threshold or anything. I'd also really love if we could, once the list is complete, get a blurb for each to contextualize each. would give a lot of really great reviewers a chance to contribute to something lasting for the site, if they're interested.

general submission vibe: if you had a personal 10 games that you feel define the medium, what would they be? there's a variety of avenues here: could be progenitors of gaming trends, peaks of their genre, unique titles that use the medium in interesting ways, and landmark titles in terms of popularity. could just be a top 10 as well. just has to be 10 games! no ordering either.

feel free to comment with suggestions and such, or to "submit your ballot". one ballot of 10 games per person. I'll use the first game on your list as "representative" here by default, but if you want a different one lmk. it won't affect the results but it's just for fun.

if you'd like to recommend a particular person to write blurbs, fill out this form:

Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest
Street Fighter II
Wolfenstein 3d
Yume Nikki
Kentucky Route Zero
The Ultimate Challenge from Beat Takeshi
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
3D Monster Maze
Prince of Persia
Sweet Home
Ninja Gaiden
Street Fighter II
Final Fantasy IX
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
Tetris: Effect Connected
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Earth Defense Force 5
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Live A Live
Romancing SaGa 2
The Bouncer


1 year ago

Can you put Kichikuou Rance as a representative of my list? I truly don't feel like an eroge would be a landmark of any list because how niche it feels, but I think it deserves a spot between the 100 chosen.

1 year ago

Umineko & Umineko Chiru, Deltarune, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Final Fantasy V, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon White Version, Pokémon White Version 2, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny.

1 year ago

alright, list should be up to date now. the ballot submission period ends tomorrow night!

1 year ago

I just learned about this so I hope I'm not too late. Here's my list:

1 year ago

hi all! thank you so much for all your submissions! this is a reminder that ballot submission closes tonight at 11:59p EST. at that point i will be redownloading every list and establishing the final results of the poll. it's not too late to submit if you've been contemplating your ballot or just hadn't seen this at all!

if you have changes you want to make to your list do it today! no need to inform me about your changes, just update your personal list before tomorrow and it will be updated automatically. this is unless you don't have a linked BL list or i had to enter your list manually (either bcs you posted it in the comments or your linked list had too many entries). in that case, please contact me so i can manually update it!

thanks to all the people who generously nominated others to write blurbs, i have begun the process of reaching out to the nominees, many of whom have already generously submitted their blurbs. we have roughly 60 games that will have blurbs authored out of a pool of ~110 that will make it on the final list (the ties are very coarse, as you can imagine). I'm currently tracking people down via discord or twitter. however, i may reach out to some people here if i have no other way to. off the top of my head: if anyone knows how to get in contact with chump, or if chump could contact me directly using my discord link, that would be great. I'll be contacting more and more people over the next couple days, so stay alert.

thanks again for everyone's participation!

1 year ago

Here it is! Just found out about this today!

1 year ago

Great idea, here's my submission

1 year ago

Dark Souls
Silent Hill
Persona 5
The Last of Us
Super Mario odyssey
Resident Evil 4
God of War (2018)
Metal Gear Solid 3

1 year ago

everything should be up to date now... just letting everyone know it's closing time! last hour to get submissions in!

if you sent me your list or commented it or whatever prior and you don't see it reflected here, please let me know! obv if I made a mistake and you technically submitted it before the deadline then no harm no foul, we can get it taken care of. but if you haven't submitted, it's not too late!

1 year ago

i am unreasonably excited for the results

1 year ago

same here! thank you to everyone who submitted! 129 ballots is so much more than i thought we'd get... i was assuming we'd peter out around 70 or 80 😅

my goal to get this all sorted out in regards to blurb writing is Jan 4th, 2023, right before i go to magfest. I'm currently around halfway through sorting out blurb assignment; thank you to everyone who's taken one or two of these on, and especially thank you to those who have already submitted their blurbs! I'll be continuing to reach out to people over the next few days, so stay tuned...
Big congrats to you for this list, Pangburn! This is a pretty big undertaking and it only happened because you decided to take the initiative and do a lot of searching and reaching out to folks!

1 year ago

Everyone's contribution to this project of yours has been awesome. Really excited to see the final results!

1 year ago

Will you calculate which games got the most votes, like in the actual S&S?

1 year ago

yup! I've got the full list calculated and am just waiting on blurbs to get written; I've got probably half assigned and the rest pretty much apportioned, just waiting on me tracking the people down. aiming for a release in early january still!

1 year ago

hope everyone had a happy holiday season! I'm still trying to get in contact with some people about writing blurbs... if your name is below please contact me via discord! or if you know these people, get them to contact me! I'm on twitter as well @ray_pangburn if that's more convenient

CarbonCanine (I followed you on twitter, feel free to DM me on there)
Hylianhero777 (also followed you recently)
Ghobyy (also also followed you recently)

thank you to everyone who's currently working on their blurbs as well as those who have already submitted! really looking forward to putting the final result together

1 year ago

ok now we definitely need a re-do of the backloggdcore list. great work everyone!

1 year ago

Its about time!

1 year ago

thank you for your patience everyone! I have over 50 of the blurbs in now and am just waiting on the final 12 to be sent to me. I did want to announce that I have one blurb that is up for grabs. if you are interested in writing a blurb for Hotline Miami and fulfill the following requirements:
1) submitted a ballot to the list (though I might just ignore this if we really can't find anyone)
2) unequivocally love hotline miami (even if you didn't vote for it, or even if you have it rated a 4 or 4.5/5)
3) haven't already written two blurbs for the list (if you already wrote one, you're still eligible)

if you're interested in writing a blurb for Hotline Miami, message me on discord at the username listed in my bio

1 year ago

I dunno why I said "if you're interested in writing a blurb for Hotline Miami" again at the end, I'm running so low on sleep LOL. also this is first come first served, so don't hesitate if you're interested!
Hey, I didn't submit to the ballot (didn't even know this is happening until now, friend told me about it) but I'd be perfectly willing to submit a blurb for HLM if it's needed, it's one of my favourite games and I know I usually write joke reviews but it's a game that means a lot to me and I have a bit of knowledge on, I've sent you a friend request on discord

1 year ago

Seriously im so fucking hyped bro

1 year ago

@MalditoMur Me too lol

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