games I played as a kid

the cutoff here for me is 9 or 10, since that was the age at which I beat luigi's mansion and arkham asylum, both of which reoriented my brain to think of games as "things you can finish" and not just toys

would like to replay and beat some of these, maybe write reviews as a fun little project

my parents bought me this at an ebgames for a gift, but while we were there I played animal crossing at a kiosk at the same time and fell in love with it, so they ended up giving this to my little brother. I still played it a fair bit though
used to beat this over and over again thanks to its short length. perfect car-ride game
on DS, my first exposure to jsr, which I thought was the coolest thing I had ever seen
weird to think my dad, who mainly plays playstation "cinematic" games now and open-world rpgs, put triple-digit hours into this game
my dad gave me a dvd-r with project 64 and maybe 60 n64 roms on it when I was 8, and somehow I only played the worst fucking games
actually got to the end of this one (aka the part where you have to find all of the cages) and then my brother deleted my save file in front of me at a party for my parents' bible study. I threw a water at him and had to be taken home... I was probably 5, how the fuck did I get so far in this game?
the GBA remake mind you, I didn't know about the crazy cover until I was older
first big hurdle was understanding what to do on outset island, second big hurdle was figuring out how to finish the rope swinging tutorial. then after that I somehow got all the way up to the forsaken fortress revisit on my own at age 7. still the farthest I've gotten in this game
I rented this multiple times and never bought it for some reason?
to this day still have no idea how I got this. just appeared one day in my ds carrying case
actually beat quite a bit of this game, sad i never completed it tho
one of the first games we had on wii since we never had an n64
first game I ever bought on psn!
probably the only game on this list I beat while I was still a kid
I was convinced this was my game since my dad had me hold it in line at circuit city when we bought it. I think I made it to the halfway point once I was in middle school
bought this and squeak squad as my first DS games. this specifically I was interested in after seeing it in nintendo power, even though I had no idea what kind of game it was
single-handedly the reason my parents started limiting me to half an hour of games a day
was obsessed with madden for like a year in third grade
got stuck on reversable gear iirc
got to the elite 4 and then my brother borrowed my copy and deleted flamethrower on my charizard to replace it with... cut. I put down pokemon forever after that and now he's a superfan
somehow the only one I ever beat was robotnik's mean bean machine
still have this and somehow it's like $60? would be the most expensive gba game I own if I hadn't wisely picked up metroid zero mission/fusion when they were cheaper
read about this in the retro section of nintendo power. my dad took my brother and I to do a buy 2 get 1 free sale at gamestop and I got this for $4... even at the time I knew my dad was annoyed about that lol
I would've beaten this legit but my copy was glitched and wouldn't let me continue past certain waves on enemies randomly
also a glitchy gba game, this one would cause all sprites to use their run animation while not moving, soft-locking the game
hidden metroidvania classic?!?
I remember my dad telling me i might not like this because it was too hard, and he was 100% right lol
entirely unplayable on a gba sp, even though I denied it as a kid
download play at daycare
played a lot of this at daycare. still a rock lee main in my heart
this came out on my birthday, and somehow I only found that out a couple years ago. I was so excited for the release of this game that I remember it as a completely separate event


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