Not Sure Where To Start With These Franchises? Try Pac-Man World 2!

In the current year, gamers have access to more games than ever before. Many of these games are in long-running franchises or are put out by developers who have had a long and honored history in the industry. Because of this, there are many times where unexperienced players may come across a series of games that intrigues them, but they will often be put off due to a lack of a distinct starting point that allows them to be able to fully appreciate the offerings within.

Many people over the years have opted to create orders for key franchises or determine strong starting points to allow these newcomers to get the best experience possible without putting them in a position where they are likely to give up on the franchises in question. Sometimes you're advised to begin with the first game in the series. Sometimes, it will be the latest entry. Rarely, you'll find people recommending a title released during the midpoint of a series.

As I thought more about these types of recommendations, I found myself wondering, "There has to be a simpler way to get players on board with franchises. Surely, there is a starting point that will allow them to be able to easily dive into all sorts of series with no issue, allowing for the most seamless transitions possible." Then it hit me: Pac-Man World 2 (for a number of franchises) is that game!

In this list, I will be explaining how Pac-Man World 2 is truly the key starting point for various franchises. While it isn't truly a catch-all solution, I do believe that by playing Pac-Man World 2 first for the below franchises, you are giving yourself the perfect starting point to get into said franchises with ease. Join me as I guide you on this journey, and I hope that by the end, you'll be eager to hop in to Pac-Man World 2!

Banjo-Kazooie Series
The Banko-Kazooie series of games has a sharp focus on collecting items. In each stage, you'll actively be seeking out numerous items to use to solve puzzles and progress. Pac-Man World 2 also makes use of collectable items in stages, but to a more limited degree. In Pac-Man World 2, the most essential collectable you'll come across is fruit. Different fruit types litter each stage you enter. In the beginning stages, they are mostly there to contribute to your score. In later stages, though, they are used as progression items. For example, you may come across a locked chest that requires Pac-Man to collect a specific fruit before opening it. This teaches the player the importance of exploring stages for items. By the end of the game, players will have developed a subconscious habit of fully examining the game space around them, taking note of specific items that stand out as being worth pursuing. This translates perfectly into a game series like Banjo-Kazooie and will allow new players to have more confidence in their ability to complete the game's many objectives.
Batman Arkham Series
In the Batman Arkham games, utilizing Batman's move set is the key to survival. Pulling off combos, dodging attacks, and making smart use of gadgets are key to playing well in this series. In Pac-Man World 2, Pac-Man's combat ability is nowhere near as robust as Batman's. This is very good for newcomers, as a smaller move set allows them to experiment with combat more to see how specific moves effect various enemy types. There are also moments in Pac-Man World 2 where you'll need to perform a series of moves in order to take down an enemy, much like in the Arkham games. For example, in the Arkham series, there may be moments where you must stun an enemy with your cape in order to deal damage. In Pac-Man World 2, there are enemies that must be stunned with a move before they can be finished off with another. Moments like these help players to understand that not all enemies go down via simple means. This experience gained from Pac-Man World 2 will help them greatly as they enter the harsh world of the Batman Arkham series.
Danganronpa Series
In the Danganronpa games, there is a strong emphasis on character interactions. You'll be constantly conversing with other students, learning about them and collecting information to allow you to make tough calls later on. For those unexperienced with games that employ mechanics such as these, this may be difficult to grasp, leading to frustrations emerging as they wrangle with the game. Pac-Man World 2 may be a good place to start when it comes to character interactions, as numerous NPC characters can be met throughout the adventure. Talking to them will offer the player knowledge of the world and objectives they can clear. There are also numerous points where you will be introduced to characters that supply Pac-Man with items that allow him to complete specific stages. Aside from these, you'll also exchange dialogue with enemy characters, hearing their threats as well as picking up on subtle hints to bring them down. By engaging with these mechanics as they are present in Pac-Man World 2, the player will learn the importance of listening to NPC dialogue and how what they say can effect the gameplay that will unfold. These lessons translate perfectly into the Danganronpa franchise, giving players the means necessary to consume dialogue and truly understand how to make sense of the deranged worlds that lie within said series.
Dark Souls Series/Dark Souls Inspired Titles
The Dark Souls series is well-known for its relentless difficulty. Beating a Dark Souls games requires players to hone their skills and play carefully as they traverse challenging landscapes, as death will require them to redo areas until they prove they are capable enough to proceed. Pac-Man World 2, while not as difficult as a Dark Souls game, does offer a fair amount of challenge in similar ways to Dark Souls. Each new world offers new obstacles and traps to watch out for, requiring players to study their environment and tread carefully before proceeding on a first playthrough. Much like bonfires, you'll find checkpoints in each stage, giving players a place to respawn from if they die. Unlike Dark Souls, though, Pac-Man World 2 offers a limited lives system. While more can be found with ease, the threat of a game over is very real, and will cause a player to have to replay an entire stage if they experience it. This teaches players to manage their resources (lives) in order to clear tougher areas. Players are also encouraged to study enemy and boss behaviors in Pac-Man World 2, a key element of the gameplay of the Dark Souls games. By the time players beat Pac-Man World 2, they will learn the basic survival skills they need in order to take their first steps comfortably in the Dark Souls franchise. They will learn to exercise caution when exploring foreign lands, as well as the importance of perseverance in the face of uncertainty. These points make Pac-Man World 2 the perfect place to start when getting into this series.
Five Nights at Freddy's Series
The Five Nights at Freddy's games require players to pick up on subtle cues, both visually and audibly, in order to survive each night. Quick reflexes are also important here. Because of this, many of the games in this series can become overwhelming for newcomers. Pac-Man World 2 is nowhere near as intense of a game as any in the Five Nights at Freddy's series. There is, however, a strong enough focus on observations, audio cues, and reflexes that it works as a solid stepping stone towards starting the animatronic horror series. You'll rely on observation to figure out how to traverse tricky areas as well as to find hidden items. You'll rely on audio cues to determine what kinds of enemies are nearby and which ones are beginning to attack. Reflexes also play a key role in all of this, as they will allow you to react to enemies and platforming challenges that present themselves to you. The focus on these three elements throughout Pac-Man World 2's runtime will allow you to develop skills surrounding them at a subconscious level. By the end of the game, you'll be able to determine how to progress through areas just by looking at them. You'll be able to recognize enemies and attacks simply by hearing them. You'll develop reflexes strong enough to allow you to gracefully dodge even the harshest attacks from bosses. This all will allow you to get a solid grip on the Five Nights at Freddy's series, as you'll have developed methods to allow you to process and handle the situations that will befall you during your playthrough.
Katamari Series
The Katamari games all revolve around a simple premise: you roll a ball around to collect objects. This can immediately be correlated to Pac-Man World 2, as you are controlling a ball-shaped character to collect objects and complete objectives. In the Katamari games, you also have a move that allows you to charge up and dash quickly to cover large distances in short time. Again, Pac-Man World 2 offers a similar mechanic in the form of the rev roll move. Because of all of this, by playing Pac-Man World 2 first, you'll become used to a game setting involving such concepts, allowing you to be prepared to meet the same concepts in Katamari. I am more than happy to say that Pac-Man World 2 is the perfect starting point to the Katamari series because of all of this!
Kingdom Hearts Series
Kingdom Hearts is very well known for its complex story, featuring a heavy focus on themes of darkness vs. light. These concepts have historically proven to be too complex for players, leading to much disdain for the intricate writing style this series has. Such themes are also present in Pac-Man World 2, which offers a much simpler story. There, the main focus is the rise of a dark monster named Spooky, who wishes to use his dark powers to take over the world. It's up to Pac-Man to collect the golden fruit to seal him away. Considering the brightness of the golden fruits, these can be seen as objects of light made to seal away darkness. This correlates well with how darkness and light clash with one another in Kingdom Hearts. By experiencing the story laid out in Pac-Man World 2, players will gain experience with such a complex setup, allowing them to gain a greater appreciation for the writing style present in the Kingdom Hearts series.
Luigi's Mansion Series
The Luigi's Mansion games all focus around one specific creature: ghosts! They're everywhere! You can't beat the game without seeing at least one of them floating around causing mischief! Because of just how many ghosts there are and how involved it can be to take them down, players may be a little off-put by the games. As a certified ghost expert, Pac-Man proves to have the simplest methods to take down this paranormal menace. In Pac-Man World 2, you'll find yourself going up against ghosts in plenty of stages. Thankfully, ghosts can be circumvented via the use of a power pellet, which can be easily picked up. This turns the ghosts blue, allowing Pac-Man to chomp them, which also defeats them. Many of the bosses in the game are also ghosts, and by studying their moves and reacting appropriately, Pac-Man can easily take them down. So, how does this help the aspiring Luigi's Mansion player? Well, first off, it teaches them that there are scenarios where one method will work consistently, and that there are others where more setup is required. Most ghosts in Luigi's Mansion, for example, become vulnerable to capture by simply shining their light at them. This is comparable to the ghosts that can be defeated immediately after picking up the power pellet. The ghosts in Luigi's Mansion that require more setup, such as the portrait ghosts, can be compared to the bosses of Pac-Man World 2, as both of these types of ghosts require the player to perform multiple actions before defeating them. As such, this allows for Pac-Man World 2 to be a great way to start one's foray into the world of taking down ghastly foes, as they will lean how not all encounters with spirits will go the same way. Such valuable knowledge is invaluable for a player looking to see what the world of Luigi's Mansion is like, and they will pat themselves on the back for letting Pac-Man World 2 show them the way!
Metal Gear Series
The Metal Gear games have a strong focus on stealth, requiring the player to use more evasive measures around enemies and only killing if they feel it is absolutely necessary. Most gamers are used to games that encourage them to take down foes without hesitation, which makes getting into games like those of the Metal Gear series very difficult. Of course, Pac-Man World 2 is not a stealth game. However, that does not mean that it can't help a budding gamer prepare for what awaits them in the world of Metal Gear. In most scenarios, you don't actually need to defeat enemies in Pac-Man World 2. Violence can be avoided. Enemies can be outran. You may happen upon scenarios where it will feel more worth it to avoid an enemy than it would be to take them on. You may also find yourself in scenarios where you have the upper hand over a foe, being in a spot where they are unaware of your presence. This will allow you to get the jump on them, feeling a strong sense of satisfaction for taking advantage of the scenario presented to you. Situations similar to these are present throughout each Metal Gear game. Because of this, by experiencing Pac-Man World 2 and these scenarios as they arise in that title, you will find yourself developing the abilities needed to handle these situations as they appear in more stealth-focused games. As such, games like those in the Metal Gear franchise will become easier to stomach thanks to your adventures in Pac-Man World 2!
Punch-Out!! Series
The Punch-Out games are all about getting a read on your opponent, determining what they're going to do next, reacting accordingly, and then countering with your own attacks. Many opponents in Punch-Out titles have complex moves that are difficult to react to, which can make playing the games difficult. Pac-Man World 2 can be used as a great way to practice reading foes and reacting properly. For example, there is an enemy near the halfway point on the game that will charge at you. Before doing so, they bounce and make a sound while looking at you. By studying their movements and sounds, as well as the resulting charge move, you can teach yourself their tell. From there, you must now determine how to defeat them. You will most likely try to bounce on them, but it will be ineffective. You will most likely try the rev roll next, which will stun them, leaving them vulnerable to a bounce attack. Moments like these can be directly compared to scenarios in Punch-Out. Many foes in that game will have a tell for a move, and the move can be studied to see just what kind of effect it will have when executed. You can try a number of methods to counter the move, and you will find varying success based on what you do. By practicing these scenarios as they arise in Pac-Man World 2, you can prepare yourself for when you see them in the Punch-Out games, allowing you to react accordingly and learn your foe as you learned foes in Pac-Man World 2.
Resident Evil Series
As a horror franchise, Resident Evil puts off many due to how unsettling and anxiety-inducing the gameplay can be. For some, taking on waves of zombies and other creatures may be too scary for them. This is where Pac-Man World 2 comes in to save the day. Historically, Pac-Man has gone toe-to-toe with creatures many will find terrifying: ghosts. In Pac-Man World 2, many other creatures people may find scary will be present. Spiders, skeletons, and sharks are present in the game, just to name a few. Unlike the Resident Evil series, though, Pac-Man World 2 takes a more light-hearted approach to the designs of these foes. Because of this, I feel that Pac-Man World 2 can be a great tool for helping players overcome their fears of horror elements in games. Seeing things that scare you in a goofier light can make it easier for you to confront them in more serious scenarios. If a player can conquer their fears as they play Pac-Man World 2, they will have shown enough progress to begin to handle the horrors that lie dormant in the Resident Evil franchise.
Sonic Adventure Duology
In the Sonic Adventure games, making use of the spin dash is vital for performing shortcuts and gaining speed quickly. More casual players of these games may overlook the utility of the spin dash, only using it in required sections. By playing Pac-Man World 2 first, this issue can be mitigated. In that game, Pac-Man has access to a move called the "Rev Roll", which functions similarly to the spin dash. It allows Pac-Man to build up speed quickly, launching himself towards enemies and ramps to take down foes and cover large distances quickly. As players use the Rev Roll more and more as they play Pac-Man World 2, they will learn how to effectively use this move in creative ways to create shortcuts for themselves and to fight back against tricky foes. This experience will carry over seamlessly into the Sonic Adventure games, allowing these gamers to utilize the spin dash to its fullest potential, increasing the enjoyment they gain from the series!
3D Mario Games
These titles expect the player to be able to fully master their movement mechanics, often pulling off tricky combinations of movements in order to explore stages fully and collect stars. Pac-Man World 2 also relies on the player learning Pac-Man's move set in order to do well. Unlike Mario, though, Pac-Man offers a much smaller move set to consider in Pac-Man World 2. Because of this, players now only have to worry about figuring out how to implement a smaller number of moves into their platforming, allowing them to experiment with them in more unique ways without necessarily worrying about how they blend into each other. After enough time with Pac-Man World 2, though, they will develop skills that allow them to use the move set present to its fullest potential. This experience will easily transfer to the 3D Mario games, allowing players to feel more at home as they experiment with Mario's more expanded move set.
Uncharted Series
The Uncharted games have a strong emphasis on using your environment to your advantage. Very often you'll be seeking out cover to dodge enemy fire and retaliate with your own. Shooters such as these can be overwhelming for those unexperienced, making them panic as they scramble for cover. Pac-Man World 2, being a slower-paced game, can make it easier for a player to get used to such concepts. To play effectively in Pac-Man World 2, you'll often be examining your environment to see where you can go next, as well as ways to get the upper hand on foes. You may find ledges that provide a strong vertical distance from a foe, allowing you to defeat them from a safe spot. Situations like these where you can gain the advantage based on your positioning come up often in Pac-Man World 2. As you play through the game, you'll become accustomed to the idea of seeking out safe spots to allow yourself to make quick work of your foes. This ability can be used very effectively in the Uncharted games, as they are all about using the environment to your advantage. Thanks to your experiences in Pac-Man World 2, you'll become an expert in seeking out spots that allow you to throw off your opponent and come out a winner!
Wario Land Series
One of the main mechanics of the Wario Land games comes in the form of transformations. In many stages of these games, you'll come across foes that will modify Wario in some manner, altering his move set for a short while. This alteration can be used to solve puzzles and make progress. While Wario Land games have many of these kinds of transformations, Pac-Man World 2 only has a small few the player will need to worry about. The one that will come up the most often will be the metal ability, which turns Pac-Man metal. This is used for a number of things, such as walking underwater and traversing through intense heat. Experiencing the altering effects of the metal powerup is a great way to get the player used to scenarios where the character they are controlling undergoes a transformation that changes the way they play. This experience is invaluable for a player who has a strong desire to experience the Wario Land games, as they will now have a proper grasp on how to handle scenarios where Wario suddenly has different controls due to the effects of the enemies around him.
Yakuza/Like A Dragon Series
For many aspiring Yakuza/Like A Dragon players, a common issue is becoming overwhelmed by a game's side content. Despite being optional, players may find themselves often feeling like they should be engaging in side modes and minigames often, which greatly inflates their play time. Because of this, many players begin to feel burnt out after playing one of these games for a while, as they've spent so long playing and didn't get very far in the plot. Pac-Man World 2 also offers an assortment of side activities. Throughout each stage, tokens are hidden about. These tokens allow you to play classic Pac-Man arcade games once you've found enough of them. It is easy for players to see these collectables and rewards and think to themselves "Oh man, I need to find as many of these as possible!" As they get further into the game, most players will begin to focus less on the tokens and more on completing the stages, as tokens become much harder to collect in later stages, making them feel less worth seeking out. This helps players realize that when playing a game, they shouldn't worry about spending as much time as they can doing side content. Rather, they should strike a balance, going for side activities when they can while also trying to advance the plot. This lesson is essential to learn when playing the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games, as the side content in those titles eclipses the amount of side content in Pac-Man World 2. With this lesson learned first-hand thanks to Pac-Man World 2, gamers all around the world can learn to strike a happy balance as they experience the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games.


24 days ago

babe wake up, new peak just dropped

24 days ago

Instructions unclear
I am playing Pac-Man World 1
@odyssey3004 now THAT is based

23 days ago

haha !

11 days ago

At the center of the universe, sits triumphantly Pac-Man World 2

11 days ago

This is my new favorite list of all time, thank you for making this

11 days ago

I've been looking at games all wrong. It's all HIS world... 2

11 days ago

This is hilarious

11 days ago

alternatively, Pac-Man World 3 being set in hell makes it the perfect starting point for League of Legends :D
@Fizza This is true! Playing Pac-Man World 3 before playing League of Legends also does an excellent job of preparing players for when they must embrace feelings of disappointment!

11 days ago

guide to watching evangelion - step 1: watch cowboy bebop

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