143 Reviews liked by VioletGogles

4.5 stars for the child abuse scene

Probably one of the most interesting stealth action game I have played, vastly prefer it over the batman games. I will probably write a full review someday detailing my thoughts in a more cohesive way.

Something that Assassin's Creed perfectly understand (that its later entries as well as games that inspired failed to capture) is its ability to bring sense and meaning within its own mechanism all while being progressive towards stealth as a genre.
What I mean by that is that, Assassin's creed 1 goes all in authenticity by viewing the conflict of the crusade from a muslim point of view. Part of that perception is put on full display in the way Crusaders are presented to you in-game. Europeans had little interest for Islamic writters something that's actually shown in the game notably in one passage where books are shown being burnt which also ties up to the theme of knowledge and illusions.
Navigation here is understanding the philosophy of the Assassiyiuns, we live with them and try to understand this complex political situation as well as the morality of our own actions which is explored through Altaïr's growth as a character.

Assassin's Creed is a game that sets itself apart from the rest of stealth games by forcing players to be stealthily in social situations, much like how Isma'ilism, the order of assassins that inspired the creed, used to operate. It's all about carefully planning an assassination as well as memorizing an escape route. The game will often varry its missions, sometime even subvert its own structure, one mission in particular has you be the target instead of the other way around.

Anyway, I don't really understand the low rating this game has received, for me it was an incredible well thought out game. As I've said it above, the later entries fail to capture what was so special about it. Though I've only played Unity and a bit of AC2 and I refuse to touch the RPG ones.

Edit : Social stealth games have existed prior to Assassin's Creed (notably Hitman), the way it encourages rotation between stealth and action and ties it to an open world is what makes it unique. Switching between low profile, high profile and how this affect the way the population moves. Altair will topple over if he bumps into people in high profile, so really during those intense chase, the population becomes an active obstacle you must avoid, forcing you to rely on the parkour system.

Obviously it's the highest selling Mario Kart, hell, the highest selling Mario game at all, so they must've done something right. Totaling a solid 96 tracks and 50 characters, some even crossing over from different games entirely, there should be a little something for anybody and everybody. I dunno know, though, I just can't get into it as much as I feel like I should.

This is a very clean feeling Mario Kart, almost a little too clean. I guess it's the Double Dash fan in me, but Mario Kart 8 has always felt just a little too smooth for my liking, which sounds like it should be a good thing, but I definitely prefer the more chaotic gameplay of Mario Kart. Although, I can give them credit for this, 200cc does do a pretty good job of fulfilling that wish. Custom items as well to an extent, though that's a bit more on the ridiculous side than hectic. Big difference.

I digress, chaotic or not, MK8D still has some beautiful and vibrant tracks. Electrodrome was, and to this day still is, easily in my top 3 tracks out of the entire series. Mt. Wario is another really fun design and concept, which I'm sure has had its praises sung relentlessly by now. Even the retro selection is pretty damn strong, some remarkable glow-ups given to tracks such as GBA Mario Circuit, GBA Ribbon Road, N64 Rainbow Road, though I do understand the grievances to be had on that last one. Outside of the first page of cups, 8 Deluxe also introduced the Booster Course Pass line of DLCs, which, ah...

Sorry, I hate this concept in its entirety. I understand you have your sweet little mobile game and you need to preserve all of its tracks for when that inevitably shuts down, but I really don't think the way to do it was by adding paid DLC to your Deluxe rendition of your 8 year old game. Yes, I see why they did it, I get it, highest selling game on the Switch, it still just feels stupidly counterintuitive. Not to mention how wildly inconsistent the quality can be. For every GBA Boo Lake, there's a 3DS Toad Circuit. For every Yoshi's Story, there's a GBA Sunset Wilds/Sky Garden sorry i'm a super circuit fan and i will NOT sit idly by and let them curse my beloved tracks.

I won't call it bad, it's very clearly not bad. Good, even. I just don't like the feeling it evokes, which is, uh. Not much. Online works surprisingly well, battle mode is easily better than base MK8. Shoutout Reyn and Quent for the fun times and look forward to their reviews as well, assuming they both write one. If not, then at least look forward to Reyn's.

They have outdone themselves

Rebirth makes the original remake look like a demo LOL. I am simply blown away with this game by every aspect of it and crave to continue to play more even after finishing the story to clear up side stuff I missed. It is hard for me to comprehend how anyone can play this title and dislike it even if you are not a fan of certain story changes.



This is where most fans divide with rebirth. To explain I will not talk about anything within the story but I will simply state my opinion quickly before moving on. To put it simply, when the story is the original it's as amazing as you remembered but when the story is rebirth’s you may or may not like it. Personally I love what is being done here with the expansion of characters and the world but I can also understand why hardcore fans of the original may not be a fan of it. Just enjoy it for what it is and come to your conclusion when we get the final game as everything will most likely be answered with that game. For me it's silly to blindly hate when we do not have the completed story in our hands. All in all I loved the story and certain changes that were done.


The games world is simply breathtaking and honestly hosts some of the best town visuals I have seen period in gaming. You can move to literally any spot , look out in the distance and have art worthy of a picture. One thing that blew me away was how NOTHING would load in as if you were on a highpoint of an area you can literally look out to the distance to places you were just at or areas you may not have been to that you want to go to. Its things like this that take the immersion to a whole new level with this game that makes you cherish every moment you move around the world. However, there are some short fallings as some ground textures looked horrendous and a few textures that didn’t seem correct but overall the game is gorgeous. I played in performance mode to get that 60FPS boost so I did lose some visual performance but the game still looked amazing.


You love them all like I love them all.... Unless if you are Chadley.


Besides the sheer hugenous of the game what also caught me off guard was the amount of content thrown at you that was good. To explain, with open world titles side content can feel like a drag as it sometimes doesn’t offer enough to really keep you entertained enough to want to do it. With FF7 rebirth you will WANT to do everything as the side content is insanely addicting. Side quests can be hit or miss but mostly were a hit and all the mini games were very well done and fun to play. Each time you hit a new area of the game you most likely will want to do everything the map has to offer before continuing the story and I would highly recommend it as its very fun content and will give you lots of items to use for the next story portion. Furthermore, combat is just as fun with many synergies , spells and unlocks to mess around with making you want to change things up constantly. The biggest surprise for me was Queen’s blood as I fell in love with the mini game. It's a very simple card game that turns pretty complex with specific deck builds as you progress the story for it but Queens blood is insanely addicting and makes me really want an online mode for it. Finally, the combat simulation is back as just as challenging as the original remake but very fun to fight against summons. They really knocked it out of the park with its content and gameplay that almost makes you think this game isn’t real.

My only real complaint

Chadley is in the game.

In the end

FF7 Rebirth IMO is a masterpiece that should be played by all FF fans. While some story elements may not sit well with you there is no denying the masterfully crafted game they have created here. FF7 rebirth is an almost dream-like game that doesn’t happen often. I can only hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. There is a lot I didn’t get into as I really didn’t want to get into ANYTHING specific since for me seeing all the new content the game was throwing my way not knowing what it was going to be was such a blast so I wanted to refrain from talking about WHAT mini games and side stuff were here besides queens blood which you most likely have heard of by now.


I still can't play persona 3 reload which means I'm actually gonna kms some time from now because wow am I gonna go crazy if I can't play that game soon lawd

so what happened is that my mind went mmmmm okay you can't really play p3r you should just finish that “the answer playthrough ™” you had going on , biggest mistake of my life possibly worst 30 hours of my entire being and trust me I had and have rough times

mind you the answer is the canonic epilogue of the persona 3 experience you get the final stretch of the game where people are actually coping with the loss of *+;£&×]”> and for that reason you actually get some insight on the aftermath of that event playing in the shoes of cunty apathetic robot aegis who all of the sudden gets the power of the former main character while he watches all this when the dormitory becomes a close space in which the only date possible on the calendar is March 31th which is pretty funny cause this year its gonna be Easter I love gregorian calendar and also the only possible way to understand what's happening is another android with a siscon that comes out from a hole in the ground and just starts talking about killing everybody to save aegis I just love sisterhood <3

so yeah at this point they just get some answers out of her and the TLDR is theres a huge abyss under the dormitory she's doesn't know anything apart from destruction and for some reason she's related to aegis and has a persona and at this point anxiety kicks in . is the abyss gonna be … tartarus v02 ? and the answer is not only is the abyss of dick sucked gonna be worse than OG tartarus its gonna be even more boring way harsher incredibly unbalanced for the sake of making the game harder and padding for play time and with bosses that seemingly have elution 3000 so that you're really gonna love grinding for those 5 minutes cutscenes in total

see the thing is this the answer is advertised as being a harder mode of the original persona 3 and that means that you're gonna have NO persona compendium whatsoever the enemies are gonna FUCK . YOU . UP . and the only thing you can do for them to not ride you condom less is grinding levels over levels and personas over personas until you can have a chance to do an all out attacks to bosses way out of your league

I don't really mind an harder challenge but I don't think that all these handicaps actually make for a fun ride altogether you can be the best tactician of the world and still do 10 dmg all out attacks so what's actually the point of this if the only real solution is grinding

for the most part the cutscenes are really interesting and make for some great insight to each character even though the real meat of the narrative is gonna be encountered at the end of the game but to be honest at this point it's not really worth it to grind 5 hours for 5 minutes cutscenes

apart from the duck taped gameplay the themes of coping with grief and moving on really resonated with me it's something that accompanies each and every one of us and somehow the characters in this game all had to cope with some type of loss in their lives and try to overcome it together . for as much as I liked this stuff I guess its pretty underdeveloped throughout the little you're gonna see of each character is so fucking good and then the escalation of this incredible thematic approach is a BATTLE ROYALE ??? you're fucking with me rn

metis is a nice addition to a cast of mentally troubled teens but she's also less developed than I wanted her to be theres a lot of great great scenes with her mainly the fucking crying fit that unfortunately hit way less than they should be due to how messy this storyline was developed and while many of you are not gonna be with me on this one . I really enjoy yukaris characterisation here not only did they not ruin the character for me but they even enhanced her image in my mind making her skyrocket in the pantheon of persona characters

stories and characters resonate with people for different reasons and in different times of their lives and I really understand yukaris pov in this one she's just trying so hard to convince herself that she absolutely overcame her grief even though as soon as the possibility presents itself for the loss to come back she's gonna do everything in her power to accomplish that . humans have a lot of ugly feelings and while you can try to suppress them in situations of great stress or when the things you value are at stake they're gonna vomit the worst onto others to get what they want

yeah she's a bitch in this epilogue and so what if you had the ability to make someone you care about come back and had other people just move on without looking back would you actually have the tenacity to do so ? think about that and then conclude your opinion on the answers yukari

or maybe im reading too much into this and she's actually just a fucking bitch but who am I to judge she's still hot as shit !!!!!

that being said the final stretch of the game is insanely good a huge part of me is trying to stop myself to say this but I want to be fucked by the final boss im sorryyyyyyyyyyy bestiality kink shamers look away I also wanted to fuck a lot of colossi in shadow of the colossus so I'm too far from God already

goated storyline goated ending I would rather watch cutscenes online than actually playing this again and I advice for all of you to just watch that 2hr and a half cutscene compilation instead of playing this because everybody who said this is bad is right but I'm too in love with p3 to shit on in so seethe and cope

door kun memes are funny sometimes

Disco Elysium is a brilliant and fantastic game, a combination of adjectives that are by no means an exaggeration to describe what ZA/UM managed to build. It was handled so neatly, sweetly, and full of charm. It's amazing how an RPG game without a combat system, which takes you through the process of investigating a murder case that requires you to read and take conversation options can end up as amazing and addictive as this. Everything is wrapped in an aesthetic approach, from visual to audio, which also deserves a thumbs up. There is beauty, there is despair, there is strangeness, there is madness, and there are emotional jumps that will make you fall in love with Disco Elysium as time goes by.

What makes Disco Elysium a beautiful game is first, Kim Katsuragi. Initially, Kim looked like a useless partner and added to the player's burden. He is ready to take preventive measures anytime and anywhere. Towards the end, Kim will always provide backup for the player, when solving cases or even when trying to solve mysteries about himself. He's a nice guy, after all. Kim's character is really formed as a helpful figure, but doesn't want to interfere too much in every decision the player makes.

Second, connections. I love every connection that occurs in this game. It's as if Disco Elysium started with each NPC moving individually but connected to each other in the end. You move freely in Revachol, but you don't know the big shadow that haunts you from every NPC there. Even as simple as a child named Cuno to a representative of port workers, Evrart Claire. It's like, I don't want to deal with you but I have to because you have something I need.

From my experience playing Disco Elysium, the first and second days felt more like "Go with the flow". Since the third day, every dialogue and action in the game creates a feeling of emptiness. Yep, it feels empty and raises hopes that there will be a bright spot in this mystery. In reality this feeling of emptiness is getting worse over time. It went like this until the last day. Disco Elysium closes the game with a 'blow' that was never imagined before, as if to close the case with the big question, "Why?"

This game has made me clinically insane.

THE pinnacle of fighting games. I only played like a few, but when I do play a new one, they're always super fun to play because of being able to unleash cool combos and requires genuinely hard and quick strategizing and lots of skill in order to be able to beat your opponent, especially if they're another competitive player. Well, Third Strike pretty much perfects everything I love about the genre to an absolute T to give us a fighting game like no other.

There's a huge sense of style to be found in this game, like in the music for example. Every single one of the tracks in this game feels so unique compared to what you would normally hear in other fighting games and helps to give each match you do a more unique and special vibe to it, from the really funky sounding "You Blow My Mind" to the more peaceful and calming vibes of "Twilight". Every track in this game feels fresh and none of them feel the same as each other, and that's honestly why this is one of my favorite soundtracks in all of games.

The artwork is another part of this game's insane sense of style. The backgrounds look so beautiful and perfectly represent the places that each of the characters are from and who they are. The spritework is also gorgeous as well, with insanely smooth and cool animations that legit feel like eye candy to watch.

The roster is really cool and are all really fun to play with and against. Honestly glad the only returning characters are Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun-Li because it allows for more unique and awesome characters like the Hong Kong twins and Makoto to truly shine in the spotlight. Every character in this game feels so unique and different to play with compared to each other and it's always super fun to experiment with each and every one of them to see which ones work best for you. Super balanced too (even the worst characters like Sean and Twelve are still pretty decent to use).

The actual fighting aspect is where the game truly shines however and it's the very best you can find in any fighting game. You got your usually different movesets for each characters that allow for different types of combos, blocking, etc, which already gives this game a good sense of strategizing and skill you need in order to win, but what this game has that other fighting games don't is choosing your specials and parries. Each character has 3 specials you can choose to make them have for a single match that you can use in it and every single one of those 3 has their own advantages and disadvantages to them, and parries are a great way to block an incoming attack without taking chip damage and also being able to immediately unleash a huge combo after doing one so your opponent will be caught off-guard and can't really do anything about it. Carefully choosing which of the 3 specials to have before a match and deciding when to parry and trying to do it both add an extra layer of strategy and skill you need to beat your opponents and even more options for how to approach things in a fight (the best example of this being the famous EVO moment 37 where J Wong tried to finish off Daigo's Ken with his Chun-Li's Houyoku Sen, with that unfortunately backfiring on him because Daigo parried every single one of his kicks and than unleashed a deadly super combo on him to finish him off).

So yeah, this is honestly my favorite fighting game of all the ones I played so far. The game feels stylish in a way that no other fighting games can even get close to being and the actual fighting is the very best you can find in a fighting game in my opinion, with smooth gameplay and new mechanics that give you a shit ton of options for how you want to beat your opponent. Honestly peak fighting game and I can't wait to see it at this year's EVO.

Gran turismo, if you ask me, is the definition of someone who dedicates their lives to cars. That’s probably why you like the games, unless you genuinely like them just to have fun. Ridge racer type 4 however, is the only game I know that when I play it, I can feel that it has a sex life. The music, the controls, the visuals, like the lead singer of prince once said: ‘I’m gonna party like it’s 1999’ and that’s exactly what I did.

In the Grand Prix mode you have the option to select which racing team you want to be a part of and which manufacturer you want for your car. The racing teams also double up as your difficulty options but that’s not all, they also have story. What I like about type 4 is that it doesn’t try to go for a really immersive story, all it really is is you driving for someone as your hear about their life and almost get closer to them. It almost makes you want to win and support them with everything possible. They’ll either applaud you for doing well in a race or criticise you for not performing up to standards. The different leads all feel full of life and are one of the best aspects of this mode. You also get the choice between drift cars or grip cars which changes the handling of how you drive. The tracks are also very similar throughout with different routes that appear as you return to them later. The Grand Prix mode is the best mode of the entire game and it really shows.

The music is just the chefs kiss of the entire game. Never have I gone into a game and been absolutely blown away by an absolutely stellar techno soundtrack. It was the 90’s so it does make some sense but oh man is it amazing. From the groovy saxophone of ‘Pearl blue soul’ to the more chilled and relaxed ‘move me’ there really is something for everyone in this soundtrack and it all works really well as you’re driving. It almost compliments each other excellently. And even the menu themes are an absolute bop.

There are a few other modes like time attack where you can use cars you’ve unlocked in the gran prix mode and even extra trial where you test your speed against a super fast opponent with any car you unlocked throughout the Grand Prix mode. You can even edit what your car looks like in the garage mode where you can check out the cars you’ve unlocked and play around with the customisation options.

So yes, ridge racer type 4 is my first proper racing game and…I feel it’s gonna be hard to top. There’s a reason I’ve given this game 5 stars and it’s because it was an absolute joy to play and it’s gonna really set my standards for other racing games. I am hoping to try the gran turismo games and maybe give the wipeout games a go if I can, as they are supposed to have a stellar soundtrack. But for now, ridge racer type 4 will probably hold the crown as my favourite racing game of all time.

Bopping soundtrack, excellent gameplay, great Grand Prix modes, stories were wonderful, and the pac-man car

It’s no secret that modern Pokémon games are often regarded as unfinished or unpolished, especially this one. However, I believe the main reason many prefer previous Switch entries, despite Violet being objectively a “bigger game”, is the vibe of its open world.

In Scarlet/Violet, exploring the world essentially boils down to “going from Town A to Town B” as indicated on the map. It truly feels like there isn't much to discover in between, rendering the travel experience somewhat lifeless. Once gym badges are acquired, there’s no longer any reason to walk around and seek out new locations.

In Arceus, the game centers around all the new catching mechanics. Players are not only encouraged but also rewarded for exploring and discovering new ecosystems of species. There are numerous memorable locations. Plus, it’s fun how every Pokémon around rushes towards you with the intent to murder you. All of this accompanied by tranquil background music reminiscent of Breath of the Wild's style. It’s just a vibe.

I also believe that the exposition should be dialed down in future installments. So often was I almost having fun exploring Paldea, only to be interrupted by a random call on my Rotom phone delivering a dull 2-minute speech about exposition I had already heard from several other characters.

On the positive side, the new towns are really well designed. Additionally, some of the newly introduced mechanics, like the auto-battles, bring a cool element to the gameplay. Finally, I also liked some aspects of the story.

Nevertheless, I’m just a man trying to enjoy a game for kids. Please make Pokémon great again.

O melhor jogo de luta 2D que já joguei, até o momento.
Tem MUITOS personagens jogáveis, e NENHUM precisa de DLC!
Todos são bem únicos, tanto em seus designs quanto em suas habilidades, os gráficos e animações 2D são sensacionais, assim como a trilha sonora.
A jogabilidade tem dois modos: um pra newba (que nem eu), e outro pra quem quer uma dificuldade extra pra combar.
Um excelente e divertidíssimo jogo de luta.
Tempo de jogo: 13 horas

Despite a notable lack of Donkey Kong himself, I’d say this is a clear improvement on the original game. The most important upgrade is the sheer amount of interesting level mechanics, which are introduced smoothly and iterated on throughout the entire game. The game is less frustrating because it’s better at teaching you through its design… and optional text tutorials.

Also, Jib Jig is a g.o.a.t. videogame song. Most of the songs are. Worth playing even just for the soundtrack.

this game is phenomenal. it has created a new found interest for fighting games in me

Poppy Playtime is indeed poppin off with this new chapter