Better indie game than BOMB RUSH CYBERSTUNK.
I made my character look like Diary of Wimpy Kid Roddick :o)

It's like they had no idea what made even the first Jet Set Radio a classic. It's not just "vibes"

This is a cute Layton game with easier puzzles, but not advancing the larger story is a huge misstep. I also hate the simp butler, he needs to shut up.

I want more Digimon like this please! This might be the only game I've ever played where the True Ending actually is worse than a regular one.

Very cute but the story was overhyped. I was playing the remake, literally dropped it at the end with the difficulty. Played this and it's way better feeling.

They made a cinematic game with gameplay!

They made a cinematic game with gameplay and controversy!

Hot take is that this is better than DKC2 DESPITE Kiddy Kong's antics and general disposition.

Technically it's an improvement over the first, but the padding in the back half of the game drove me crazy.

Dated compared to the rest of its series, but a very charming start! The story is cute too.

Perhaps the greatest Mario sports game ever created. Perhaps...

Eizen is the glue holding this game together (the gameplay is good too)