cool mech games


my friend asked me for some recommendations on games where you can make things go boom in a big robot here's a bunch of games where you can make things go boom in a big robot

organized by category and loosely ordered by accessibility. one per series unless the games fit different genres

suggestions welcome!

the following are either strategy games or rpgs. they may or may not have a focus on customization
not translated
this is for faraway dawn, which is a separate game inside of altered fable - an untranslated muv luv fandisc

faraway dawn itself is a brutally difficult turn based strategy that's meant to simulate a realistic scenario against the beta. if you've read the vn then you already know what to expect

it's playable either with trial & error or a translation guide for the interface
the following are action games driven by either a strong focus on customization, mech simulation, or both
no longer playable online
good luck with this one
if armored core was too arcade-y for you
the following games are driven by action over simulation. akin to 3d shooters except with more weight behind them
not translated
the following are 2d sidescrolling mecha games
the following are shmups (stg) that feature mechs as player characters


2 years ago

hyper duel

2 years ago

Strania: The Stella Machina

2 years ago

oh right i should probably have a shmup category

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