how would kasuga ichiban fare as the protagonist of other games?

just ichiban! saeko, adachi, nanba etc are unavailable - ichiban has to make do with whatever teammates the game gives him. ichiban starts out the standard 2019 ichiban you know at the start of the game, but anything that happens to the main character of a game afterwards will happen to him if it's a mandatory story beat

he could hold his own in combat here, but would not fit in as well in hekseville as he doesn't have the Cute Girl Bonus that kat had. he'd likely fail to gather the support and resources necessary to follow kat's path and would probs meet his end along with the rest of the town's residents in a gravity storm
ichiban is kind of a pro in the "fixing daddy issues" division. he'd probably push hades' buttons the exact same way zagreus did. he'd die more times, but he'd be able to get the emotional legwork done the same way. as long as he can pick up the weapons fine (he's very adaptable) he could do this.
ichiban thrives in a team, and he'd have one here, with rokurou and magilou and so on. he has enough of a rough edge that he'd probably gel VERY well with eizen and his crew, and he'd probs serve under eizen, especially with his work ethic and similar views on loyalty - he'd vibe well w the aifread crew lifestyle - he'd also befriend the rest of the team p well the same way velvet did. him and velvet are both ex-prisoners with unfinished business with a mentor who left them for dead, so he'd. probably follow velvet's path p closely. he can do this. he wouldn't last against artorius solo, but i'd put the guy on par with sawashiro, and ichiban did!! beat sawashiro with his team.
ichiban's personality would not go over well with the dojima family, and kuze would likely have an example made out of his wisecracking ass very quickly. sorry ichiban.


he would be SO out of his depth here. however, he is over double garry's age, so garry would probs look up to him, but also, since he's not a little girl of mary's age, mary would probably just see both him and garry as invaders, and would not show him any favour at all. it's ichiban versus the gallery of guertena, and while he's smart, he's not puzzle smart. ichiban would die here. i am sorry.
ichiban has demonstrated a remarkable adaptability and capacity for learning. he'd likely pick all these weapons up very quickly. i think he could thrive in this universe, and chairman drek is the kind of person ichiban HATES. i think ichiban would probably piss off captain qwark the same way ratchet did, but he's also charismatic enough to also just recruit the guy to his team.
heeeeeeeee would probably lose the ten days of judgement contest a few times before getting anywhere. it's the assassins that perform best and he is not!!! an assassin nor can be perform well alone. sorry ichiban. you don't stand a chance against neon green.
he is not fast enough. i'm sorry. he'd like to be though.
as said in berseria, ichiban would assimilate to the (whitewashed fantasy version of) pirate lifestyle pretty well, and he performs better as an underdog. he's a fair bit like vyse actually? ichiban could mostly do whatever vyse does. he could do this.
i mean, starfleet goes to war with everyone here, and during wartime, starfleet LOVES the maverick captains, the kirks, the siskos, the lorcas, the empress georgious. ichiban would be promoted to one of those during the tutorials, and i think he could make a pretty clever starfleet captain. he's pretty smart and would probably be not that far below captain janeway as far as bluff ability goes in tricky situations. he might not be the hero of starfleet, but he'd do pretty well. i think he could even deal with romulans pretty well.
like, would he physically attack lysandre? can people do that in the pokemon universe? the guy's so set in his ways that ichiban probably would end up going for him, but lysandre also strikes me as a guy who isn't exactly a slouch in combat either, and he may well get to activate his device. ichiban CAN fight but. against the boss of an evil team? doesn't look good for ichiban, but he COULD do it
he HAS the determination to do it. but he'd die so many times that the ichiban that faces gwyn may not be anything remotely resembling the kasuga ichiban we know. he may well go hollow. he's emotional enough. without anyone to pull him out of the breakdown he'd definitely have, that'd be the end ;;
ichiban is out of his league here, and grit only gets him so far. he would be the only one without any demon blood and urizen would end him. also dante would probably call him deadweight too. i'm sorry.
he lives for this hero stuff, and this is it. ichiban solos.
he is SO familiar with this stuff. ichiban solos.
ichiban would get confused and dizzy very quickly. i have my doubts as to whether he could do this :(
he is perfectly geared towards hard labour. he throws himself into his work, and his failure as a yakuza is less to do with his work ethic and more to do with the fact that he's too got damn nice. also he was homeless for a bit, probably. he started from the bottom already and he would have no problem doing it again here. he also already appreciates the power of rice, after all [see: the beef bowls]
again, like adam jensen. left for dead, lost everything, made his way up from the bottom. has the same tendency to want the truth. however, his different personality would cause issues, and the people jensen debates (tong si hung, wayne haas) would probably just shoot him dead right there and then. he's too in your face for this job so doesn't have a very good chance :( even as member of the underworld, he'd clash far too much with the kind of elements adam jensen deals with to build alliances
he is outclassed here. bye bye ichiban.
i feel like he'd square up to calamity ganon far too early, and then die, sorry ichi!!
him and undyne would be best friends holy fuck, he has this in the bag
i don't know but imagine if he was in here and the voice of breach was nanba constantly complaining about the state of cloudbank
nishikiyama would crush him. i'm sorry. at least kazuhira nakaya wins either way???
this time around, goda would flatten ichiban
things are NOT getting better for him here, as mine is even worse than the last two
yknow what i have no clue where to put him. sure. why not. if akiyama can do this he can too,
see yakuza 4
ok this one's interesting! let's skip asking how he'd be spurred into action without a haruka analogue, but combatwise he could deal with iwami and-ok wait nvm he'd die at the iwami shipyards at the hands of hiroshima's greatest assassin
hero fantasy stuff! he got this! katalina would have him covered long enough for him to get up to the speed danchou had
is just as hard-headed as battler, so yknow what? he is so in with a chance. though that being said, he's also an ex-yakuza born in the gutter and i have NO clue how that'd mesh with the high-class nature of umineko's cast, but in terms of how things begin with beatrice, absolutely, he CAN do it
i mean, the only difference is that it's a 42 year old Gamer rather than a 27 year old Gamer getting hold of this beam katana, of COURSE he can do this, and subsequently every other NMH game
nope. out of his depth. sorry


1 month ago

how would Ichiban fare in Silent Hill tho?

1 month ago

As an Ichiban fan, this was a very fun read! Not sure if I agree with everything, but the idea is super cute all the same, lmao
@Phantasm HONESTLY even now i don't agree with all of it KLFKHFGK i sometimes think about redoing some of them
@Odyssey3004 i haven't played any silent hill games 😭 i am v def gonna be wondering whether he'll fare well for a while though now i've read this

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