One of the best FPS campaigns that the genre has to offer. Only complaint is that there wasn't more.

I played this game on launch and 2 years later.

Outstanding vibes: the music, look, and performances that are throughout night city really gives this game a look and feel like no other. Keanu Reeves is IN this game!


The launch was pathetic, and the gameplay will never be good no matter how much they patch it. The flaws of this game are baked into the core, and it'll always be carried by the vibes.

It's a good end to an amazing trilogy: the gameplay, graphics, and map are all great.

It has a pretty predictable and lackluster story for the most part and had a very difficult PC release which left people with a bad taste. The biggest issue is that it's impossible for it to live up to the standard set by Arkham City but it doesn't completely botch the ending and is still a good game.

They got DONKEY KONG in this game

Better than DOOM 2016 in a lot of ways, worse in some. Both games are premier FPS experiences that make the traditional shooter formula look weak in comparison.

This review contains spoilers

The game in a vacuum is exciting, fun, beautiful - but held back by the traditional "bad english dub" and some really slow sections and side quests.

However, this game is titled "Final Fantasy 7 remake" and is NOT that! Instead, this game tries show us how FF7 could look through a "modern jrpg" lens and actively stomps on the original. The more distant the sequels are from the original FF7's story the better it will be.

The setting, art direction, graphics, and lead vocal performances are excellent but they are let down by the game surrounding them.

The excessive dialogue, boring gameplay loop, and "industry safe" choices hold the concept back and prevent HZD from really delivering.

This game only has like 7 maps and you have to play it a few times to actually get the full story.

The characters can deliver but they are in a game that relies on them to keep people playing.

At least it looks nicer than Fallout3 i guess

I'd rank this game higher if it didn't include "Fallout" in the title. Bethesda looked at the incredible storytelling, decision making, world, character, etc of Fallouts 1 & 2 and decided that the most important thing was how cool VATS could look.

Go play New Vegas.

How do you follow up Ocarina of Time? Remove the child/adult mechanic of the first and replace it with a new transformation mechanic that is similar but completely fresh. Give it a new location, make it depressing, make it weird, and dont include Ganondorf.

Great game

A game worth playing (alongside 2) before getting lost in all the lackluster sequels and cashgrabs.

Better than Galaxy 1 in some ways, a bit worse in other ways.

Yoshi is there.

Miyazaki's gift to mankind.

Only reason it's not a 10/10 is because it doesn't have DLC yet.

They are STILL playing this game competitively.