Desaturated Fantasy

Suggestions welcome


This is a really good idea for a list, love the muted colors applied the fantasy settings.
"Ivy the Kiwi?" for Wii and DS
maybe "Zill O'll" for PS?

19 hrs ago

No ff12 is crazy

18 hrs ago


11 hrs ago

Would Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne count?
Skyrim and Morrowind would both count, since one is mostly grey and snowy and the other is brown with a lot of mushrooms.

7 hrs ago

You've got Zeno Clash, so you might as well add Zeno Clash 2.

7 hrs ago

Every single Square Enix HD2D game, including remasters and remakes. They all look mostly the same with those sepia filters Kids These Days™ seem to love...

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