Silly Games Where The Protagonists MURDER With Zero Hesitation

1. The game has to fall somewhere on the silly scale.
2. The protagonist cannot be a murderer by default or come from a game where murder is the main objective. (No Hitman, Mortal Kombat, etc.)
3. The main point is that they either kill indiscriminately throughout the game/series or are in agreeance that killing is the solution to the conflict. Mainly, there's never an issue where the character has some sort of inner turmoil about sparing the villain's life, etc. Think like, the opposite of Batman.
4. Self-defense is a case by case basis. Obviously every game character defends themselves in some way, but are they also seeking out total annihilation as the solution to their problems?
(Spoilers for some games, tread lightly in the notes and comments.)

Achievable through player choice, but still kind of qualifies so I'll allow it.
You're getting crushed to death in a ball and you're gonna like it. (Added Suggestion.)
Mario's boots are covered with decades of Goomba flesh. (Added Suggestion.)
Big Corpos literally explode.
HEIST SHIT. FUCK IT, WE BALL!! (Added Suggestion.)
Hat Kid completely upends Mafia Town just for inconveniencing her. (Added Suggestion.)
This one is better left unexplained. Just know that murder is definitely happening here.
The force behind those armless hands.. I fear him. (Added Suggestion.)
Killing the enemies is the only solution to the conflict and your party is very happy to partake in it.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy will kill a mfer, then think about it later. Not the other way around.
Spyro said: "Nah, let me light up Gnasty Gnorc's ass."
Breakfast is a serious enough issue in this game that it leads to murder. (Added Suggestion.)
4 guys will literally kill each other for some boobs.
Kirby is a menace to society.
They ruined her birthday and kind of deserve it.
I don't know if it was Piku's full intention, but they definitely kill without hesitating.
No one can stop him... (Added Suggestion.)
A bit of a stretch, but your Sim's campaign goal is to work so hard that they eventually evict their landlord out of his own mansion. The final cutscene is of your character and their friends basically torturing him in various ways.
Kid goes on an absolute rampage looking for his pet frog. (Added Suggestion.)
Dude's got a glock and he's shooting people. (Added Suggestion.)


1 month ago

gnasty gnorc is a bitch

1 month ago

A Hat in Time could work
The first boss ends up as a brain in a jar thanks to Hat Kid

1 month ago

Hazelnut Hex might be a bit of a stretch, but could work here. Not only is the game pretty silly, but at the end, Nat literally turns the main villain into a ghost.

1 month ago

@Odyssey3004 LOL, you're actually so right. The whole Mafia Town level is just giving them the pain train.

1 month ago

@Yuzrnaime I haven't played it, but it seems silly enough so I shall add it.

1 month ago

Blaster Master. All of those mutants dead for a fucking frog.

1 month ago

1 month ago

Shadow the Hedgehog does not belong on this list lol - it violates the majority of your own rules.

1 month ago

Moon RPG: The main plot is about the knight which is the protagonist of the game world the main character falls into, goes around and slains every innocent monster he sees to main more XP

1 month ago

@RedBackloggd Alright, how so? I’m willing to hear any claims against the silly murder nature of Shadow the Hedgehog.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

1) The game took itself seriously - it wasn't tongue in cheek like A Hat in Time or bright & cheery like Pikuniku. It's a victim of the dark & edgy early 2000s era for sure, but I wouldn't call it deliberately silly like the rest of your list.

2) Shadow is a murderer in the game - there's no nonviolent method of taking out foes that I recall and you have to kill Sonic in the end of one path.

3) Per 2 he kills indiscriminately.

1 month ago

4) Dude literally has an ability called chaos blast, that ain't self-defense haha.

1 month ago

@RedBackloggd i think the idea of a hedgehog killing real people classifies as silly enough

1 month ago

@RedBackLoggd I think you misunderstand Rules 2-4 because I agree with you! That's why I put him on the list. Rule 1 is subjective but I would argue that even if the game's tone is very serious, the fact that he is basically a cartoon murdering people with automatic weapons indiscriminately is what makes the game rather silly. Like come on, this is goofy as shit whether they intended it or not lol.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

And honestly, I wouldn't call Kingdom Hearts deliberately silly either. The tone and conflict is rather serious, there are very dire consequences in that series lol. But, there's also Disney/Anime characters running around in a war against light and darkness. Very silly! Everhood is also a deeply serious game, but it has silly mechanics and dialogue so it's not entirely about what the game looks like.

1 month ago

I think Shadow the Hedgehog gets an Official Silly Goose™️ Pass

1 month ago

@Lemonstrade - I don't agree with that rationale as it puts a cap on storytelling - I'd never want to tell a creator you have to stick to a particular tone b/c of preconceptions about their choice of topic.

@hotpoppah Ah copy, thanks for clarifying. And lmaooooooo, I haven't seen that intro in a while - what a terrific way of summarizing the mid-2000s in a nutshell.

1 month ago

This one could be debated, but I feel like the uncharted series could fit here. It's spawned its own set of memes about this exact topic and his body count. Also the fact that Nathan is constantly wisecracking after headshotting people etc. It's not a cartoon game, but they sure play off Nathan as a goofy guy despite his insane and constant murder.

1 month ago

@PlasmaGuy5000 @TimAlien I genuinely know nothing about either of these games. I will need more inquiry.

From what I researched of Moon, the protagonist is a character who comes in during the aftermath, no? He doesn't actually kill anyone.

I need more vouch for the silliness of the Uncharted series. I will allow it if Nathan Drake is a very silly man.

28 days ago

Yoshi's Island(or any Yoshi game really),devouring enemies and turning them into throwable eggs,which is technically your children,always made me feel weird tbh

28 days ago

@Gilium I'll put Yoshi's Story since that's the only one I've played. Them Yoshi's be murdering, then singing about it!!

28 days ago

Mario killls goombas with gore and viscera, and evicts koops from their shells

28 days ago

@Snigglegros Very true. I shall add Mario for his heinous crimes.

23 days ago

Sims Bustin' Out mentioned!

23 days ago


23 days ago

most NIS games

22 days ago

It Takes Two? The infamous scene.

22 days ago

The Legend of Dark Witch (more specifically 2), Zizou is literally a gooddess, and with you in her control, can literally obliterate the enemies and the bosses.

Terarria is almost the same vein but you start from cutting trees, to killing gods

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