30 Song Challenge

Saw this floating around, love me some game tunes
Template here

Music from a racing game
Windway Park
Music you like from a game you don't like
Arkham Asylum
Music you like from a game you haven't played
Theme Of Puyo Puyo
Music from a handheld game
Fight Music
Music from a licensed game
All That X-Men
Music featuring vocals
Exhibition Menu
Music from a shooter (first or third person)
Return To Planet X
Music you associate with frustration
Time’s Running Out!
Cover of music by a different artist
Gemini Man (Flamenco/Rock Cover)
Opening level music
City Of Sanctar
Hub world or overworld music
Artisans Homeworld
Music that makes you feel relaxed
Elevator Music
Music in a game released the year you were born
2-1, 2-2
Music you constantly have stuck in your head
Select Screen
Music that gets you pumped
Combat Drugs - Health
RPG battle music
Battle On! Day
Credits music
Final boss music
God Of The Dead


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