games i will never play because they look boring

this is not a bait list.

trailing mission simulator
lisa roguelike
bargain bin sekiro
being meta won't make your platforming not boring
yeah the animation is cool i guess but this is a mid ass shmup
this was the last of us for 2007 gamers
the writing sucks. sam and max clears
for people who complain about the combat in planescape
if i see another fan sanitization of a classic game being touted as an "improvement" i'm going to kill myself
i actually did play the beginning of this and it was so flaccid i just dropped it immediately
thats it im killing myself
stare at batmans back simulator. could have used a giant boulder level
this is the worst soundtrack in any video game
the witness ii ii
they wanna be looking glass soooooo bad
what do people see in this series i dont get it
this almost counts
oh boy! ANOTHER chrono trigger inspired rpg
i'll just watch the anime
consider this a stand in for all indie puzzle games for people who think theyre too smart for shooter or whatever
i'm not enough of a dweeb to find this aesthetic even remotely interesting
cover art's lame
castlevania fans will really eat up anything nowadays huh
drakengard 3 if it was written for 10 year olds
how do you make a game with an aesthetic this ripe and execution so middling
"honestly if i was shinji i would have just banged all 3 girls."
sorry cd project red even idris elba can't make me play your wannabe aaaa open world clusterfuck
finally the modern day assassins creed game
the fans of this game are the roguelike equivalent of gacha game fans
hbo lookin ass game
fucking yikes man
honestly i wish this company went bankrupt after this game
fromsoft presents: god of war
worst character designs out of this entire series. porn bait ass game
marketable nintendo persona 3
percy jackson fanfiction


4 months ago

I like kid icarus 🤓

4 months ago

your sj comment.... 😢.....this cant be real.....
@GutterTrash no this is definitely real. i hate that soundtrack
Some major kino here
@guttertrash dont worry, I was the same way...and then I played the game and grew up 😎

2 months ago

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