30 Day VGM Challenge - Big Uncle Edition

My version of this list
There are no duplicates (two tracks from the same game), and I'll link each track in the notes.

Day 6 --- Music that makes you feel relaxed
Disco Elysium

I always listen to this at 8 AM after I pull an all-nighter
Day 21 --- Song you associate with frustration

Still haven't beaten Farewell but the music's the ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME SANE!
Day 16 --- 16-Bit Music
Chrono Trigger

Day 11 --- Puzzle Game Music
Portal 2

Cave Johnson
Day 14 --- Music featuring vocals
Devil May Cry 5

120 million views for good reason
Day 10 --- RPG Battle Music
Xenoblade Chronicles 3

The only series that goes THIS hard on battle themes
Day 25 --- Music that gets you pumped
Ace Combat Zero

Genuinely PINNACLE of video game music right here
Day 17 --- Music you never get tired of
13 Sentinels

Day 29 --- Final Boss Music
Dark Souls III

The perfect final boss theme
Day 18 --- Music in a game released the year you were born
Jet Set Radio Future

The part where that bassline comes in during the second half and onward is literally peak music
Day 28 --- Music that makes you nostalgic

I can't listen to this song without getting chills, becoming depressed, crying, throwing up, and wishing I can time travel to back then...
Day 4 --- Music from a console exclusive series
Donkey Kong Country 2

David Wise is quite wise
Day 1 --- Title Screen Music
Xenoblade Chronicles

This one speaks for itself
Day 8 --- Music from a shooter
Doom Eternal

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into creating this and then the people you work for don't even pay you
Day 20 --- Music from a racing game
Ridge Racer Type 4

I mean, what other song could I have picked really?
Day 2 --- Opening Level Music
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

It's so fucking beautiful
Day 26 --- Music you like from a game you haven't played
Touhou Imperishable Night

Yes, yes, I'm a stereotypical Touhou fan
Day 12 --- Music that makes you sad
Persona 3

Not really any other choice for this one...
Day 24 --- Music you constantly have stuck in your head
Persona 5

It's so catchyyy, and also I learned the bassline so that's usually what's always stuck in my head
Day 15 --- Boss Battle Music
FF7 Remake

The arrangement did not need to go this hard.
Day 5 --- Hub/Overworld Music
Chrono Cross

Yasunori Mitsuda I love you
Day 30 --- Credits Song
Fire Emblem Echoes

Day 22 --- Town/Village Theme
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

This theme makes me so happy
Day 7 --- Music from an indie game

They really got all the most beautiful sounding instruments and put them all together
Day 9 --- Music from a licensed game
Battle for Bikini Bottom

This song was my childhood
Day 27 --- Music from a handheld game
Bravely Default

Linked the live version bc it's one of the best performances ever
Day 3 --- 8-Bit Music
Ninja Gaiden

The best of the NES
Day 23 --- Underrated Music
Atelier Iris 3

Atelier music in general is so underrated but this battle theme SPECIFICALLY is EXTREMELY underrated.
Day 13 --- Music from a game you don't like

This song is amazing but uh...this game is disgusting
Day 19 --- Cover of music by a different artist

This is the definitive version of Bloody Tears for me


3 months ago

It's my favorite version of this challenge so far 🔥
There's no way I wouldn't put a music from Minecraft aswell. For me it would be Mice on Venus 👍
XC1 title theme is a no brainer
For battle theme I would probably put a theme from XC3 aswell. I love "You will know our names - Finale (Climax)"
But Keves is a really strong pick too!

Torigoth 🔥
Last surprise 🔥
Corridors of Time 🔥
Sunshine Coastline 🔥

3 months ago

@Armakeen Thank you! It means a lot that you went through and looked at each song

Also I definitely enjoy listening to Mice on Venus more (it’s my fav on the ost), but Sweden is the most nostalgic on the OST for me bc of how iconic it is

if you have the time you should make your own version of the challenge, I’d love to see it!

3 months ago

@BigUncle i'll definitely give it a try sometime soon, why not this week-end :)

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