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in the past

it's really a shame, because this is one of those rare games that is a handful of design alterations and suggestions away from being legitimately perfect. an exploratory immersive sim about the very space you inhabit and how you define yourself in relation to it

A spectacular smorgasbord of setting that fuses more or less everything that's great about the science-fiction genre into a single cohesive and highly-interactive experience, taking pages from Alien, The Thing, The Matrix and everything in between, elevating them gracefully with pop-phil touches of Thomas Kuhn and dynamic lighting effects. I'd go so far as to suggest Prey is one of gaming's most well-realised worlds ever, with Arkane leveraging their Zenimax-Bethesda business relationship in creative-personal-inspirational ways that aren’t just related to the budget and resources their parent company provided - some of the email terminals contain such ruthlessly well-observed treatise on corporate engineering that I have a sneaking suspicion someone may have just find-replaced some exchanges from Arkane's own SMTP server. Seem like the level designers had a real knack for finding horror in conference rooms, employee lounges and HR tribunals.

Engagement with the environment is Prey’s greatest strength. By forcing you to crawl around on your hands like a fucking dog and stick your head into trashcans in the hopes of scrounging up some used cigars and banana peels, the game encourages you to take a close look at everything around you. Every discarded dossier and email chain is a potential piece of practical benefit, which often results in you combing archived arguments between the deceased cafeteria staff RE: Tuesday’s lunch special for mentions of a door code or safe combination - classic imsim fare, but wrapped in mundane-yet-engaging writing that definitively proves that audio logs, post-it notes and graffiti are effective storytelling techniques - it’s just that most games have used them to tell terrible stories.

The killer flaw here is the combat, which serves more as an unpleasant obstacle between you and more digestion of setting than a creative exercise that’s in keeping with the game’s otherwise giddy open-endedness. Fighting the typhon is clumsy, brutal and stupid - and while it’s perhaps an intentional realisation of the game's classic "you saved the galaxy with repair tools?!" design ideology, it harkens too closely to the stiff awkwardness of taking on headcrabs with a crowbar in Half-Life or those moments in Deux Ex where you and a FEMA agent trade stun-gun blows for five minutes until one of your inventories runs out of potato chips. It’s regressive RPG-shooter gameplay (complete with number pop-ups) that ultimately can’t find its place within an otherwise highly-finessed immersion tank. The game offers you ample chance to blow fiery holes in gas pipes and transform into toilet roll for a surprise attack on unwitting plumbing droids, but these moments of brilliance invariably descend into rigid battle-exchanges between you and the AI; blind stat-crunching that never makes you feel as clever as the environmental puzzle-solving does. Excise the guns completely (apart from the wonderful glue cannon, of course) and I honestly think you might have a better game -  the only bullets I took satisfaction in firing were the foam-tipped crossbow bolts that I could use to sneakily activate touchscreens from across a room.

At its best, Prey is a game of corporate archaeology - investigate the sterile halls of an isolated institution and work out why only ghosts roam its corridors now. You can only hide in the shadows for so long , though, before you’re faced with the ugly consequences of industrial actions - both yours and theirs. But don’t worry! Even this nuanced near-missterpiece offers you the opportunity to stand in front of a machine and choose between switches marked “KILL” and “SAVE”. Would you kindly check it out, please? Because I need a Prey 2 to come in and patch up the broken joints in this brilliant mechanical simulation.

look you can give me all these fancy ass magic powers and special grenades that turn anything with a pH value of 9 or above into feathers if u use it on thursday, but if you give me a shotgun and ammo for that shotgun i will use that and nothing else. But this was cool and I enjoyed how u can do whatever even leaving. Ya U can just leave. THats my canon ending bc thats what i would do in this situation. anyways it was pretty sick. Also loved the semi survival stuff. Flying super fast into something and actually getting a concussion??? fucking awesome. what other game lets you get a concussion? i tried to search for lists of games that let you get a concussion but unfortunately I was unable to find what I was looking for. Its a bit more simple than something like deus ex 1 but it feels like deus ex more than deus ex HR so thats got 2 say something.. CYA

There are points in this game where this game feels like a five stars but there are also points that feel like a 3.

Prey starts off outstanding with a great twist to open the game and a great gimmick in the mimics. The gameplay is fun and engaging. The story is very good especially in the first half as you slowly figure things out. I love that they tell you enough of the story to know what’s going on but left enough out so that you can debate about what you think happened and how you interpret parts of the story. I loved how the game felt scary at the beginning but it does lose that not to far into the game imo. The enemies have nice designs and unique abilities and the station becomes more and more overcome by them and by the end they have taken over. The third and final twist pretty cool only due to it starting with a surprising twist and ending it with a similar twist again.

While I do think this is a great game it has some problems for sure. First the loading times are complete garbage. The second twist while a good twist was obvious for most of the game but not truely revealed until a few minutes before the credits roll. That’s not a huge negative but for a game with three major twists they let the cat out of the bad way to easily and early. The final act is not paced well and feels like it didn’t appreciate the players time throwing in things that imo were completely unnecessary for the story. Because of this I didn’t do a lot of the side missions I had plans on doing. While the enemies are great there is only one thing that I would consider a boss and you can literally just run away from it.

All in all I do have some problems with this game but I did have a great time for the majority of the game. I wish they could have bottled what made it so special in the first two hours and kept that feeling the whole game. But I would replay it in a heartbeat and recommend it to most.

i made the mistake of initially dismissing this one after a two hour trial/refund. now that i've come back around and really taken my time to experience everything it has to offer, i'm pretty blown away by prey 2017

i'll get my one slight out of the way first: the aesthetics. arkane has given us the closest thing we'll ever see to a metroid prime 4, but the whole look of the experience is standard 60s space sci fi shit. enemy design doesn't fare much better - gooey black blobs of varying sizes. it lacks identity visually, but thankfully the atmosphere is still pretty strong due to some great trent reznor-inspired ambience

as for everything else? top fucking notch. the narrative is constantly intriguing and takes the oft unfulfilling "choices matter" angle in a creative and effective direction, while the sheer amount of freedom to explore gives even the best 3d platformers a run for their money. it's so open-ended that i'm actually pretty eager to check out some longplays just to see how other people found their way around talos i

prey 2017 is not prey 2, but that's a beef to be had with bethesda rather than arkane... and honestly? between the two games this is probably the best outcome

BioShock no espaço!

Trilha sonora, ambientação, inimigos... tudo absolutamente impecável e bem pensado para entregar ao jogador o máximo de liberdade em sua gameplay, oferecendo recursos variados que abrilhantam a experiência e desafiam a imaginação na resolução de problemas e conflitos. Esse é, de longe, um dos melhores Immersive Sims que já joguei.

Extraterrestrial empathy

I have to give huge props to Arkane Studios for still creating some of the most unique first person shooters in the current market. In an era where the market is saturated by free to play multiplayer shooters, retro inspired shooters that utilize great movement and or old graphical aesthetics brings Arkane's Prey 2017. Likely advertised as a hardcore first person shooter against many, it provides something completely far away from that and brings something we really haven't seen much of lately: immersive sims and the freedom of choice. In the vein of Deus Ex and Thief, the game's combat is okay but the true delight is how you use your tools to explore, defeat enemies and get inside certain spots. Even with that, Prey delves into a bit more bordering on full terror and paranoia with the enemy design and an extremely moody and atmospheric soundtrack that sells the isolation you'll mostly feel throughout your experience.

It's a normal life for Morgan Yu until an event happens that leads him (or her) into the typhon infested Talos I station. You'll feel like a fish out of water for the first hour or so and that's completely intentional as you try to figure out what even happened up until that point. Only being guided by a mysterious machine and your brother from time to time, it's up to you what you really want to do what with what's already been done here. The characters like most games in the immersive sim genre are fleshed out via audio logs and emails of a past life, one before it all went to oblivion. The main puzzle is yourself though, Morgan Yu. What exactly happened here? What did you do to these people here? Are you going to help what's left or only care about your own skin and just escape. You can actually just leave immediately and the game ends, not even kidding. Nonetheless I really dig the premise for this title, the enemies and the antagonists and the few remaining survivors (if you wish to help them) that is.

Morgan's toolkit is a massive one and it's not just a bunch of weaponry you would normally find in an average first person shooter. In terms of conventional arms, there's really only two weapons: the pistol and the shotgun. It's completely believable since the space station security wouldn't really need much more than that. The rest of the weapons are essentially science experiments in themselves. Specialty grenades that can render enemies bordering on useless, an electric stun game good against robotic enemies later on and so forth. Character progression is extremely important and borders on the use of neuromods for specific trees with extremely different specializations. Scientist focusing on hacking, health management, and the pure psionic, Engineer focusing on your gear, making the most of out the materials on Talos I and making your own suit the best it can be with better inventory management and Security which focuses on the pure physical being your ability to take the hits, how much stamina you have and your general speed and stealth acumen. Fortunately that isn't all there is to the skill tree system either but that's a spoiler I'll leave for you to find out but I promise these sets of skills are pretty exciting and truly elevate the experience more than I thought it would.

The tools do nothing without the world that lets you use them and Talos I feels like almost every conventional method was already thought out. For example, you can use a plastic dart gun to access touch screen buttons on a computer or a manual override door lock to unlock the door without the need for the keycard or high hacking skill. The air lift might be out of service but if your physical ability and your legs are good enough, you can jump extremely high and climb your way there yourself with the help of the GLOO gun to give yourself platforms along the way. I really enjoyed this form of free form puzzle solving that really lets you solve problems your own way that I haven't really found in much titles other than the immersive sim itself. Talos I itself from a visual standpoint feels like an exercise in extravagance at times with how expensive it looks and the aftermath completely tearing up the place afterwards. This is also apparent when you can actually go outside the station and seeing all the breaches and dead bodies floating in space that it finally dawns on you. Bordering on the alternative timeline look at science fiction, it almost feels right at home with the Shock games surprisingly.

The enemies you'll mostly face are twofold but I'll start with the main force: The Typhon. These shadowy blobs of darkness don't only look terrifying but also act terrifying as well. The mimic alone which is the lowest form of enemy has given me so much paranoia during my playthrough that I felt constantly anxious during my first couple of hours. For reference, the mimic can essentially disguise itself as any object and fit in completely with its surrounding essentially playing a game of prop hunt with you. Despite being so weak as it only takes a little bit to defeat one when the jig is up, the threat of one is always looming and makes you question whether an item can be real or an alien at least for the first few hours for me. Other types of enemies include phantoms which are the step up and with elemental variants as well and this one huge typhon that screams extremely loud and literally teleports in front of you and one shots you. Despite the lack of visual difference, from a gameplay perspective. These do a great job of keeping you on your feet and if you played on Normal with the survival options (highly recommended), they'll make it hurt.

I also didn't think the soundtrack would amount to a lot despite my huge preference for great video game music but I was not disappointed here at all. Mick Gordon's sound can be heard here in spades from the ambient and moody bass to this rendition of the main menu theme curling with an alarm or scream of some kind. I find a bit of juxtaposition with this synthwave track you hear in the beginning but it's a solid track nonetheless.

Despite not being familiar with the Prey series in itself, it's not hard to tell this is more of a re-imagining and can easily be its own series entirely. It could've been a Shock title since it's more in line with that than anything. I remember the memes of seeing Deathloop constantly in video game presentations last year and now I felt like I took those for granted, what really else is there in the first person shooter space that actually gives you a bit of thinking instead of relying on the straight action or multiplayer component? If you're a fan of the immersive sim genre or want something different and a bit scary, this game is pretty cheap these days and you owe it to yourself to play something that truly tests your morals.

An actual honest to god spiritual successor to System Shock that doesn't feel dumbed down to appeal to a wider audience.

Prey does have a bit of a rough start, but once you explore more and find more weapons and abilities, it really starts to shine. When I found out how certain abilities worked and how many different options I had to solve certain problems, it made me want to try out all kinds of builds. What if I invested purely into Typhon abilities? What if I wanted to try turning the game into a pure shootbang and invested entirely into the security skill tree? What if I went full unga bunga and tried a wrench build? There's a lot a potential here to make individual playthroughs feel like entirely different games if you want to. It's been a while since I played a game like this that made me want to dive right back in just to see what I can do.

The story is decent overall, if a bit rushed towards the end. Wasn't a big fan of the Half-Life-esque "military goes in to kill everyone" part. Felt a bit out of left field compared to the rest of the game. I did enjoy reading all the emails people sent to each other. Felt a lot more realistic and immersive compared to Bioshock's audio logs that often made me think "why the hell did this person record this?" This game does have audio logs too, but I felt like they had much more of a purpose other than just world building.

Overall just a fantastic game. Arkane, please make more stuff like this and less like Deathpoop.

I'm glad I finally went back to give this game another shot because it's really great! It gets slightly experimental with the immersive sim genre and that can be a little bit hit-or-miss at times and I think the final section of the game drags a bit but overall it's a well-thought out and well executed game.

I ran into some problems at first because I went in with my usual approach to immersive sims where I tried to sneak past everything and avoid combat whenever I could but it felt like Prey simply isn't built for that. Stealth feels like a way to kick off combat and not a way to circumvent it. Crouch and sneak up behind an enemy for bonus damage on an attack but after that combat pops off the same as it would as if you ran in guns blazing. You can try to sneak by things but you don't have many tools in your toolset to do much actual stealth which is then exasperated when, later in the game, you run back and forth through the areas several times over which would make stealth time-intensive and tedious. It's not necessarily an issue with the game itself because the game it absolutely designed with this in mind, but it meant that I had trouble getting a handle on things. But once I got past that and figured out how the game wanted me to approach it, I had a great time. Exploring and clearing an area of enemies and loot and information is still a very fun experience. Finding all the little nooks and crannies in an area never stopped being enjoyable and all the short stories I uncovered in emails and notes and whatnot were fun to piece together.

The open world(ish) design of this is an interesting choice when most any other immersive sim (as far as I've played, at least) goes with discreet levels. It does help to make the world feel like a singular place and I think it achieves that age old thing of "the location is a character unto itself" which isn't necessarily something games are good at. I feel like that aspect of the design did get in the way a bit when I was completing all the optional objectives and was just sprinting through areas that I already knew to be clear of enemies and items.

Overall, this game solidified my opinion that Arkane is one of the best and most interesting developers going. Every one of their games that I've been able to play has been a great time.

Just really not getting in to this. Don't find it particularly fun at at all. Enemies are just annoying and I don't care about the powers at all. Weapons are also boring. When I compare it to Bioshock, that had a fun variety of weapons, and Also the wrench was a fucking powerhouse, this wrench leaves a lot to be desired. When I compare to Dishonored, that had fun abilities to mess around with.

My way of deciding if an immersive sim is good is weighing how much I can use a shotgun without getting moralized to death by the game for not wanting to stealth.

Prey passes!

I dont know what it is. Its gameplay and systems are super solid on paper, but something about its progression and story just always loses me.

Still goes Preyty hard all these years later.

For a while there I was really iffy on Prey. Sure it was an imsim that did everything right, but I just wasn't having much fun with it. I've warmed up to it now, after messing with some settings and turning the difficulty down, but I've still got some issues with it.

So, starting with the good, this really does feel a lot like system shock. Specifically the best parts of system shock 2, where you're hacking your way through a reclaimed station, reliving the lives that were lost before you got there. It's got the horror thing too. A different, more modern type of horror, but the lineage is there. Also, you can definitely feel Chris Avellone's hand in the writing, specifically when there's questions around identity and personality that I won't get into because honestly I thought they were the best part of the game. The other aspects of the plot, the bits dealing with morality in particular, work a bit less well, but still ask interesting enough questions. Beyond all that though, it really works just like System Shock.

Except, not quite. I think there's two ways it differs that kinda hamper the experience. First and more minor probably, it's objective marker-driven. I don't know why an imsim would be, but I tried playing with them turned off and it didn't seem particularly designed around it. Not enough signposting in places. Second and more major for me, especially before I turned the difficulty down: I really didn't click with the enemy design. The mimics are fine, but everything bigger either felt wildly spongy (compared to the amount of ammo you can obtain) or way too fast and long-ranged to take advantage of in that imsim kinda way. Even when I turned the difficulty down, they just became easier to deal with, not any more fun. And that sucks! Because a lot of this game has pretty mandatory combat!

Honestly I thought this was about as good as System Shock 1, which is really strange, because that game is a scattershot collection of ideas that would become the imsim genre, where Prey knows exactly what it wants to be, what kind of imsim and what kind of horror. Honestly I think part of it is just too much capitulating to modern game design values, both with the horror-enemy design and the objective structure. Only in the last hour did I really get to know the station as a place, and that's just because the objective markers glitched out on me occasionally, luckily never during a part that would've been impossible without them. It's a good game, but I don't think it's a great one

Prey (2017) is a great game with an immense amount of depth and thought put into nearly every facet of its design, but sadly it didn’t fully click with me - at least, not until much later. One of the most competent ImSims ever made, with some really cool Metroidvania-style world design, but often tedious to actually play.

8 / 10
This is a weird one. By all rights, according to my taste and what I value in video games, I should love this game. I should be droning on about how it’s perhaps the most comprehensive AND expansive ImSim-gameplay I’ve ever seen. Not even Deus Ex allows for such a multitude of different options to tackle any given situation, and that one is one of my favourite games of all time. I mean, I’m even currently playing through Nightdive’s 2023 remake of System Shock, a game series very clearly serving as the inspiration for Prey (which btw, if for some reason you don’t know, is not related to the 2009 game of the same name at all) and somehow I’m liking that one more, even though Prey is probably objectively the better game. Lots of people even unofficially dubbed it “System Shock 3”, and it’s easy to see why. It’s gorgeous, with fantastically realised world design, equally competent individual level design, an unbelievably polished physics engine and some of the wildest, most gamebreaking abilities any first person shooter ever dared messing around with.

And yet, despite all of this, it didn’t really click for me. Or rather, it took so long that the game was effectively over by the time I developed a proper grasp on its intentions. Don’t get me wrong, I did get used to some of Prey’s more unconventional design choices, I did make an honest effort in trying to play the game in a way where I would make use of its most fun abilities, and I did finally end up enjoying the game quite a lot, especially towards the end. It’s just that, whenever I see people rank this as “the best” or even among the best Immersive Sim out there, something in me doesn’t really agree about it.

No matter how I splice it, how I think about it, the truth is: I was bored quite a lot when playing Prey. I got fairly close to being kinda done with this game on more than one occasion. It wasn’t until the later sections that the knot finally started to loosen a bit.

If I were trying to be as reductive as possible, I’d say something like “It’s more fun in theory than in praxis.”But I know that isn’t quite what’s happening here. Prey isn’t actually at fault in this instance - well, mostly. I think.

I’m the problem. I simply failed to connect with it the same way I did with other great ImSims like Deus Ex or Cruelty Squad, or even System Shock. Usually, in my other reviews (that you’ve totally read, I know) I would go into excruciating detail in analysing this game’s design and identifying its strengths and flaws. The thing is, I’m not sure if I can do the same here. Instead, this is going to be more of an exploration of why this objectively great game just didn’t resonate with me personally, at least at first.

IMPORTANT - Before we go any further I should mention that I have NOT played the “Mooncrash” DLC. Any points that might get addressed in the DLC do not affect my opinion of Prey.

I’ll begin with the things I enjoyed from the get go, the things that drew me in right at the start. Fittingly enough, let’s begin right there: at the start of the game.

We begin the game as Morgan Yu, a Chinese-American scientist (you can choose between male or female) who’s been recruited by their brother, Alex Yu, to join his company “TranStar” and work aboard the international space station “Talos-1” which is currently orbiting Earth’s moon. We wake up in our luxurious San Francisco apartment and are given time and space to fumble around with the controls, inspect the apartment and marvel at the incredibly detailed graphical assets. As soon as we feel like it, we may leave the apartment, talk a bit to the cleaning lady - who knows our name and everything - and head for the roof, where a helicopter is already waiting to take us to the TranStar HQ. The helicopter ride is beautiful and scenic, and presents us with one of the most iconic title cards in gaming. Alex is waiting for us, tells us how glad he is we joined the program and has us taking a little personality test with Dr. Bellamy. The tests are fairly average, very basic instructions and questions. We begin to wonder why exactly we’re doing this, and why the tests are so incredibly basic. Suddenly, Dr. Bellamy notices that his coffee mug is suddenly completely empty, even though it was filled up just a second ago. That’s because this mug is actually what appears to be some weird, dark and twisted alien life-form disguised as a mug that attacks the professor but before we can do anything we’re getting knocked out by nerve gas.

We wake up in our luxurious San Francisco apartment and are given time and space to fumble around with the controls… hold on. What is happening? Didn’t we leave the apartment already? Something’s… off. The objects are in different spots than they were when we left. We have 6 new mails, all saying “DANGER. LEAVE NOW.” We leave through the door, and see the cleaning lady dead on the floor. The way to the roof is locked. We find a big old wrench next to the lady and arm ourselves with it. Suddenly a voice speaks to us, but not just any voice: OUR voice. It introduces itself as “January” and tells us that what happened yesterday was not a dream, that we need to leave the apartment, and that we’re not safe. We remember that there was a balcony door we couldn’t open before. It’s still locked, but we do have a wrench in our possession. We decide that it’s our best bet to break the window and maybe somehow climb down the side of the building? We take a swing at the window and… it reveals that none of it was real. The apartment, the roof, the TranStar office, even the helicopter ride over there… all of it was literally a facade. A massive LED screen with pretty pictures on it. We realise we’re inside some massive laboratory. But why? What is going on? WTF happened yesterday? After you’ve made your way through the tutorial area, you arrive at a massive lobby which reveals the truth of your situation: We were on Talos-1 all along. Before us, a massive window with a silhouette of earth behind it. But there’s a problem; the entire station has been overrun by a hostile alien species, the Typhon. These aliens were discovered sometime in the 60’s during the space race, and were subsequently kept and experimented on what would eventually become Talos-1. They are quite different from humans in that they seem to exist as a sort of hive mind with psychic abilities, and it’s this discovery that lead scientists to capture and research them to unlock the technology that made the Yu family into the insanely wealthy, powerful people they are today; Neuromods. More on them later.

This is perhaps the strongest opening to any video game I’ve seen in a while. That moment when the wrench hits the glass and reveals the real, cold and dark set behind it feels almost uncanny. Like you’ve just no-clipped out of reality into a horror game. The sheer sense of intrigue that this produces is unparalleled by most other games, or even other forms of media. It immediately hooked me and made me want to find out more about what happened.

It’s very unfortunate then, that this is by far the best and most interesting moment in Prey’s story, and that everything which comes after the intro gradually feels less and less interesting, and becomes more of an excuse for you to traverse the massive space station than an actually interesting plot that drives you forward on its own. We’ll talk more about it down the line.

Something that continues to grow on me the more I think about it and watch other people play the game would be this game’s almost unbelievable amount of emergent gameplay, i.e. “Immersive sim stuff”. While the game “intends” for you to go through most of it in a fairly linear manner, you are given many opportunities to completely break this game in half with the various weapons, tools and abilities at your disposal. Take for example the GLOO Gun. It’s a gun that shoots some sort of wet, organic material that instantly hardens as soon as it makes contact. While its primary purpose is to slow down and immobilise the smaller Typhon enemies like the Mimic so they take more damage, it has multiple other applications as well. Most notably, you can create ledges to grab onto to climb high spaces, or you could create a bridge so you can cross perilous gaps. You can put out fires with it, or stop electrical currents. You can even create roadblocks for smaller enemies, so you can get to safety, and I’m sure there are some other uses as well. While most other weapons obviously don’t have quite the same amount of utility there are a surprising amount of things you can do with them as well. Recycler Charges are another fantastic and multi-faceted tool that can be used in a staggering amount of ways. They are deceptively simple; they break down whatever thing you throw it at into its core components. While this has obvious combat applications, and you can use them to farm those very same components, you can also use them to remove any obstructions or roadblocks that might be too heavy to lift, or otherwise out of reach. The last of the big components here would be the various abilities the player can unlock via the game’s aforementioned, signature technology - Neuromods. Neuromods are devices that are capable of capturing and saving the lived experiences and accumulated skills of a person, allowing for instant transferring of information and abilities from one person to another. If, say, you suck at playing the piano, there’s a Neuromod that lets you become Lev Ornstein himself. These basically function like your level up points within a skill tree / RPG system. The downside of this technology is that, if you were to remove a Neuromod from the user’s brain, you’d delete all of their memories up until the moment that Neuromod was first installed. That means, if you installed a Neuromod that taught you how to play the piano 3 years ago, not only will you lose the ability to play the piano, but you’ll also lose the entire last 3 years of your life. That’s bloody terrifying.

The Neuromod abilities come in 2 main categories, which both have 3 subcategories.

The main categories come in “Human” and “Typhon”. Human abilities are split into “Scientist”, “Engineer” and “Security” categories respectively, while “Typhon” is split into “Energy”, “Morph” and “Telepathy”.

“Scientist” mainly concerns your healing items and PSI - which is basically mana - as well as your hacking abilities. “Engineer” works on things like carrying heavy things (which can be one of the best skills in the game), your repair skills and materials (both target weapon upgrades as well), and “Impact Calibration”, which essentially just upgrades your wrench attacks. Finally for the Human mods, Security. This one obviously revolves mostly around weapon usage, but also your “Conditioning” (i.e. health points, stamina, toughness, mobility), your stealth level and even grants you a bullet-time ability.

Now the Typhon abilities. “Energy” is comprised mostly of psycho-energetic combat abilities, which can be used against the various Typhon or robot enemies (and/or even humans). These come in the form of “kinetic”, “electrostatic” or “thermal” energy blasts, and resistance to those very same elements. Kinetic even features a gravity reversal ability that lets you lift any object into the air - less useful in combat, and more for exploration. The “Morph” neuromods are perhaps the most interesting of the bunch. Perhaps the most underrated ability out of them all; “Mimic”, which like the name suggests lets you imitate any object in the room that isn’t glued to the floor, just like the enemies of the same name. While this can be used for stealth, its real use is more geared towards getting into tight, narrow spaces, maybe slipping underneath a small opening under some rubble, or fit through a tiny hole. It also grants you some minor health recovery abilities.
“Phantom” is a weird one. The main ability is basically a very long dash/dodge that creates a doppelganger in the spot where you stood that can take a couple of hits before it disappears. You can also create doppelgängers by finding human corpses and reanimating them, although I have to admit I have never used this ability once. It also grants resistance to Ether based attacks. “Telepathy” features the “Backlash” tree, which creates an auto-deflect shield for 20 seconds that instantly repels enemy attacks. Next, “Psychoshock” which works similar to the Energy skills, lets you deal psychic damage, can one shot a lot of smaller enemies and completely disable enemies which use psychic abilities themselves. One of my favourite skills in the entire game has to be Mind Jack, which lets you turn enemies into allies that fight for you for 60 seconds, and even free human NPCs that are under Typhon mind control. Finally, there’s “Remote Control”, which lets you pick up and interact with objects up to 10 meters away (more if you upgade it) and also do the same as Mind Jack but for machines. Practically all Typhon abilities use PSI, and starting from a certain number of Typhon neuromods installed, the Talos-1 internal security system will start idenfifying you as Typhon as well, meaning you’ll be dealing with aliens, hacked robots, mind-controlled humans AND the station’s security functioning as intended.

Of course, you don’t have to use any neuromods you don’t want. You could play the game entirely without Typhon abilities, meaning that the station’s security system will never target you - which can be invaluable during later parts of Prey - or you could be playing it without ANY neuromods at all. It’s entirely possible to beat the game without acquiring a single ability.

So you can tell, there is quite a bit of freedom when it comes to how you can tackle any situation, and - theoretically - it’s incredibly fun to figure all of this out. I think my biggest problem with all of this, and why I think this whole concept is more in theory than in praxis lies with the fact that Prey is quite bad at actually explaining or relaying any of this to you. The only instance I can remember in which an ability is presented to you in a way that actually expands your horizon of it is seeing a dead NPC who tried to build a bridge with the GLOO gun. There are more problems with it, but once again, I’ll go into more detail later.

Another thing I wanna explicitly mention as genuinely great design and a fantastic and surprisingly deep game mechanic; the recycle system. Every single object, item and even character in this game consist of a set amount of materials, which are either organic, synthetic, mineral or Typhon based. There are 2 specialised kinds of machines that can be found throughout the station’s many levels. One is a recycling station, which - like the recycler charger - lets you break down any one item or object that can be picked up into its core components. The other, the fabricator, lets you create new objects from those very same components as long as you have the blueprint for it, which includes healing items, weapons, ammunition and even neuromods among others. This is genius, and made for an incredibly compelling gameplay loop, and some of the best crafting I’ve seen in a game. Literally any single object you pick up can potentially help in making you stronger, so no item you pick up is ever entirely worthless. System Shock had a similar system, but in that game you could only do it with very specific items, labelled as “junk”. Those “junk” items could either be vaporised into scrap metal or turned into money directly via a recycling station. You couldn’t recycle any weapons (except broken ones), grenades or other non-“junk” items. Here, in Prey, you can recycle anything.

The one thing where this system perhaps goes a little too far is with the ability to simply fabricate Neuromods yourself. While this is obviously a great tool for people who are trying to get very powerful as early as possible, it kind of takes away from the intrinsic joy of finding them in the wild. By proxy, it also diminishes the joy of exploration as a whole because, outside of very few unique items and weapons, Neuromods are going to be your main reward for exploring the map. You obviously can’t do this right from the start, but you can unlock this early enough that it can potentially trivialise a lot of Prey’s later sections.

Finally, let’s talk about Talos-1, as a video game world as well as a place within the story. There are very few video game maps as complete and authentic as this one. Taking very obvious cues from System Shock’s “Citadel Station”, Prey takes place entirely within (and around) Talos-1, which is made up of multiple different levels that are all stacked vertically on top of each other. Each layer serves a different purpose and its design reflects that. Like System Shock, Talos-1 needs to be traversed via a sort of “Metroidvania-lite” approach, in which you’ll be confronted with many locked doors or blocked paths that you’ll need to either find a key, password or pin code for, find the right ability to circumnavigate it, or open from the other side in one way or another. This is fantastic design, which allows for a fairly nicely structured, linear story line that the player can simply follow without thinking too much about where to go next, while also giving you the opportunity of completely breaking that very same pacing. You can grab items, weapons, abilities and much more well before you’re actually meant to find them if you know what you’re doing. But other than System Shock, Prey also lets you fly around outside of Talos-1, making for an alternate mode of traversal between its respective areas, and giving you even more stuff to find. This area can be quite tricky to navigate though, as enemies are numerous and orientation can be a bit rough.

So, up until now most of this sounds positively fantastic. An incredibly rich and multi-faceted gameplay system that allows for an almost unprecedented amount of freedom when it comes to the second-to-second experience. Deep and thoughtful world building, and a game world that feels entirely complete in-itself, and has diegetic explanations for close to everything that happens in game. Sounds like a dream come true.

So why, I ask myself, did it take so long for me to “get it”? Why did it take me close to 20 hours before I finally started to grasp how the game actually wanted me to play it when it took me roughly 25 to beat? Why did so many parts of the game feel so frustrating for me? Why did I get bored so often? Why did I have to stop the game to do something else multiple times? Why can’t I seem to recognise this game for the 10/10 that so many people say it is?

Right from the bat, you’re probably thinking “Well, that’s on you buddy.” And it likely is, for the most part. I’m definitely at fault for trying to play the game like it’s Cruelty Squad for the first couple of hours.

Let’s start with something that’s perhaps a bit subjective, but then again, so are most of my criticisms. The player character’s movement feels unbearably slow. Seriously. I unironically think that around half my problems with this game can be boiled down to how tedious it is to get around the place. This extends to all forms of movement, be it a simple walk from point A to point B, during combat or platforming; you always feel like gravity is twice as strong for you as it is for everything else. Even floating around outside the station feels unwieldy and impractical, even though can admittedly fly quite fast. There is a sprint button, but stamina is hilariously low at the start and requires multiple investments until you start to notice a change at all. I’m not expecting to to be able to dart around the map like it’s DOOM instantly, but considering that just about every other ImSim gave me ability to move a lot faster eventually, the complete lack of any real mobility upgrades just felt really off for me. Even System Shock gives you a speed upgrade a bit later in the game. Again, I know that this is very subjective and that a lot of people are likely going to disagree with me, but I really did not enjoy how much the game restricts your movement.

Now, I think I understand why the player character is so low. Prey is ultimately a bit of a space horror game - or at least, it presents itself like one. I know that Arkane Studios don’t really consider it a horror title, and in all honesty it’s not very scary. But there is an undeniable focus on some horror elements when it comes to engaging enemies. What I mean with that is; typically video game protagonists tends to be very slow in horror games, which makes sense as you want to make the player feel disempowered and like they’re in over their head. In this case, it’ll be the threat of most enemies in this game being able to catch up with you effortlessly. So, that means we have to square up and fight, then? Well… the problem with that is that almost all enemies are absurdly strong at the start of the game. As established, they are all quite fast, they all have more health than you’d think and starting with the Phantoms, they are able to delete you almost instantly. Even the mimics can be a real problem if you encounter more than one at a time. So, what exactly are we to do? Should we just avoid combat entirely? At least for the early game, that seems to be the idea. While you can absolutely play this game with only a few weapons you can obtain relatively early on, playing it like that is really hard and tedious. Combat is definitely a core component of this game, but it only starts to become interesting as soon as you’ve actually acquired a decent amount of Neuromods. For the first couple of hours, I was constantly save scumming just to get past minor enemy set ups. The obvious answer to this would be “just use stealth” but I sadly found stealth to be the most underdeveloped mechanic in the whole game. To this day, I do not fully understand what exactly enemies even can or can’t notice.

Once again, I understand that this isn’t necessarily objective truth. I know that there are plenty of ways to circumnavigate enemies without the use of advanced weapons or skills, and I understand that me being stubborn was more often the problem than not, I do feel like the game communicates what you are even capable of very poorly at times. At least I can confidently say that it does get better, you do get much more ways to engage with enemies outside of just shooting at them. The other problem here is that combat feels woefully unbalanced. Some options are just always stronger than others.

For example, the shotgun is just always the best option of doing damage. There is nothing that this thing cannot chew through. Doesn’t matter if they’re aliens, robots or humans, the shotgun will take them down. You don’t even necessarily need to upgrade it, it’s just always the best option. There are other guns that work better at range or have other perks, but considering that 90% of the game takes place in rather cramped environments with small corridors and relatively low ceilings, there is almost never any reason to switch to anything else. I basically only used the standard pistol (I did switch this one for the golden version, which is just the same but better in every way) and the shotgun, and made use of the Typhon skills for combat purposes for the whole game. I tried other weapons, but they all felt very impractical to use, ammo was way too rare (or expensive to craft) or they slowed your already quite sluggish character down to a snail’s pace. Very occasionally I would also use the stun gun on robots, but as soon as I unlocked the ability to electrify enemies with mind powers, I don’t think I ever used that gun again. Generally speaking, Typhon powers are also unbelievably strong. The devs tried to balance it by making PSI regen items rather rare, but it turns out that you can do a side quest in which the entire water supply of Talos-1 becomes enriched with PSI, so you basically have infinite and free PSI at every single sink in the game. This of course means that using guns that use finite ammunition (you can theoretically run out of crafting materials, believe it or not) that deal less damage than mind powers, which can be potentially used infinitely as long as you have a sink in the vicinity, feels almost comically useless.

There are of course also various grenades, but they don’t really add that much to the feeling of combat. The recycler charges are a really neat concept though, it’s just that I found them much too valuable to be using in combat, rather than simply using them to clear road blocks.

So much for the feel of combat on the player’s end. Overall, I’d say it’s perfectly fine as soon as you understand how you’re actually meant to play this game. The closest thing I can compare this to is the feeling you get when playing a Souls game for the first time, particularly the older ones where, once you get it, it’s some of the best stuff in gaming but the game is just not good at telling you how you’re meant to play it. Now let’s talk about the various enemies.

In general, a game having an unbalanced and slightly flawed combat system doesn’t have to be necessarily bad if the enemies are interesting and varied enough. Sadly, I can’t say I found Prey’s enemies to be all that interesting, or engaging for the most part. They don’t really do it for me in terms of horror either, unless I’m really going out of my way to unpack the meta narrative of it all, and how the story presents an interesting Lovecraftian idea about opening a Pandora’s box of knowledge.

As far as the Typhon go, I don’t find their visual design particularly compelling. I think they look rather dull for the most part. Like they went out of their way to make their design as nondescript as possible. They are all variations on the same bunch of black goo that takes different forms and shapes. The general variety of enemies is also rather low. There are only 7 unique Typhon types: Mimics, Phantoms, Poltergeists, Techno- and Telepaths (which function almost the same way), Cystoids, Weavers and Nightmares. I’m not counting the Apex, since that one isn’t really an “enemy” per se.

Let’s start with the Mimic; fitting, since it’s the first enemy we see. Which is itself strange, because they are probably the most creative and interesting enemy in the entire game. Mimics can turn into any single object in the room, from random coffee mugs to chairs to actual items the player might want to loot like health pick ups, ammunition and even weapons. They are rather small, but they are vicious and fast. They are almost indistinguishable from normal items, meaning you’ll get a surprise ambush if you’re not double checking everything. While you could just shoot or attack every object in the room, it’s a lot easier to watch for a specific sign; they randomly twitch every few seconds, like they’re glitching out. Theoretically, this is probably the strongest horror element in here, at least on a gameplay level. It makes for some genuine paranoia whenever you walk into a dimly lit room with a lot of objects, never knowing which one of them might come to life. Their one problem isn’t even related to their design, but rather to Prey seriously pushing what is even possible on a PS4 - the many, many visual glitches. I lost count of how many times I lost track of what is a Mimic and what isn’t due to objects just randomly twitching by themselves, or lights flickering because the engine can’t keep up. I’ll get a bit more into this a bit later, but for now not much else can be said about Mimics. They are small and fast, but can be killed relatively easily, even at the start. (There are also “Greater Mimics” which are slightly larger and stronger but otherwise identical.)

The same cannot be said about Phantoms. They are quite a bit stronger, faster and tankier than Mimics, and especially the elemental ones will tear you a new one in the early game. They attack you with the same powers you will get later down the line, and they are quite tanky for first encountering them literally in the tutorial area. They come in all sorts of flavours, from the “normal” ones with kinetic powers, to Etheric (psychic), Voltaic (electric) and Thermal (heat). The etheric one is perhaps the most interesting since it can clone itself, but other than that they behave pretty much identically.

Poltergeists could have been interesting, but they are woefully underused and not really all that threatening. Their gimmick is that they can turn invisible and create gravity reversal vortexes beneath your feet, which can deal a lot of damage if you don’t realise what’s happening. They are not really all that threatening though, as they are almost always alone and in rather small spaces, so finding them is never a huge challenge.

Tele- and Technopaths are, for all intents and purposes, the same enemy. Both of them work by controlling other units, either humans or robots. Kill them, and their slaves are free - at least that’s true for the Telepath. Unlike the other Typhon enemies, I think their design is genuinely a bit creepy, the way you can’t really tell where front and back is on this thing. Generally, these guys can provide you some of the more interesting combat challenges since the Telepath holds human characters hostage that you can free and later meet in a different section - meaning that there is a very strong incentive of trying to NOT get the humans killed - and the Technopaths will often hinder your path by blocking doors or elevators. They also often control turrets, which can be hacked after the death of the Technopath, so you can secure the area afterwards.

Cystoids are basically sentient mines that hover towards the player and explode. Less of an enemy and more like a stage hazard. They are produced and stored in Cystoid Nests, which stop producing them if you destroy the nests. Since they explode when you kill them, you can also just shoot them into each other for maximum damage. Pretty fun when it happens.

Finally, we have the Weavers, which are the strongest regular Typhon enemies. Visually, they resemble mimics but are much larger, with far more appendages and they possess the ability to construct Coral, an orange-glowing spiderweb-like substance that seems to facilitate the spread of Typhon creatures across the station. This stuff is everywhere in the station and it keeps spreading. The weavers don’t really attack by themselves, instead they’ll create a bunch of cystoid to keep you distracted while they run away. In the lore of the game, they are also responsible for creating other Typhon, such as Mimics, Phantoms and Techno/Telepaths.

While these were all regular enemies, there is one more special enemy we’ll occasionally run into; the Nightmares. They are gigantic Phantom-like Typhon that stalk the player throughout the station, and will randomly appear to hunt us down. When we first encounter them they are basically unkillable, unless you’re extraordinarily skilled at the game. They are extremely fast, have short- and long ranged attacks, are capable of one-shotting you and are seldom alone. Upon appearing, they trigger a mini-sidequest in which you need to either evade it for 3 minutes, or kill it. Like I said, at first you’ll most likely just run away. And, if you make the mistake of trying to kill one in the early game like I did, you’ll probably keep on doing that for a while. And, in all honesty, running away is almost always the better option. Doing this will make it so the Nightmare won’t appear for 20 minutes, while killing it extends this to 30, and you also get a bit of Typhon crafting material. That is SO not worth it. Like, that’s almost ridiculous. It is by far the hardest enemy to fight in the game, and it nets you the same amount of Typhon material you’d get by clearing a room of weak mobs.

Let’s quickly move on to the more robotic enemies on the station, although there is not much to say here.

There are basically only 2 types of machines; turrets and operators.

Turrets function exactly like you’d think. They are autonomous guns that shoot at enemies. If you play the game without using any Typhon Neuromods, these things will never even consider you enemies unless they’ve been taken over by a Technopath. If you DO have enough Typhon material in you, they’ll start detecting you as a threat after a while. You can however hack them to make them friendly to you in either case. They can be very useful in certain situations, since they do have a surprising amount of firepower.

Operators are a bit more complicated. There are 3 types of operators; Medical, Science and Engineering. All three of them also come in friendly varieties. The friendly versions essentially provide infinite healing, PSI-regen and suit-integrity repair services respectively. They can be produced via a dispenser that typically needs to be repaired or hacked to be accessed and made usable.

As enemies, they’re surprisingly persistent and annoying. They basically only take damage from kinetic and electric attacks, and especially the Medical and Science bots’ shock attack deals a lot of damage. While you cannot restore them normally, you can use the hacking ability to turn them into friendlies one at a time.

The game introduces one more operator type towards the end, the Military Operator. These things are tough. They can fire lasers at you from very far away and eat through your healthbar like it’s nothing. I have some problems with them, but more related to the game’s story, and less their status as enemies. But they are pretty annoying to deal with as well, especially since the game will mercilessly dump them on your head literally every step of the way. The one saving grace is that, if you manage to hack them, these things can take out entire Typhon squads for you without blinking.

So, that’s it for the enemies in this game. Not much else to say about any of them. I will say that the game does a fine job of keeping things fresh with new enemies until roughly 30% through, after which you’ll see the same enemies appear over and over again. It’s kind of wild to me that the original System Shock did a better job at this 30 years ago. Especially towards the end, you’ll be slicing through the same enemies you fought at the start like a 1000°C knife through butter.

With the enemies out of the way, let’s talk about the world design a bit more. In theory, it’s great. In praxis, it’s still good but severely impacted by the fact that physically getting around is just so tedious. It never really feels like you’re gaining ground against the fact that you’ll have to backtrack through areas over and over again, without really finding anything that might make subsequent trips a little easier or at least take less long. Yes, you do unlock some locked doors between areas, you will unlock a big elevator that goes between some areas and the GLOO gun can create shortcuts were there were none. There is also the GUTS system and going outside of Talos-1. The GUTS system is a neat experience for the first time, but repeated traversal through it feels unnecessarily punishing. It’s also not particularly fast. The same goes for flying outside the station. While, yes, you can theoretically go from any area to any other by doing this, in reality most doors are jammed shut from the other side and you’re equally slow outside the station as you are inside. There is potentially some cool stuff to find out here, but most of it is locked by either a number code or by the lack of some specific ability. While it is cool in theory that it exists, once again, in praxis flying all the way out to some random piece of debris a mile away from the station only to be met with a door you cannot physically get to open is just disappointing. I don’t think I went back to any one of these, simply because getting there was such a hassle, and more importantly; I knew it was just going to be Neuromods anyway.

Neuromods are, in theory, a great reward for exploration, since they facilitate the feedback loop of finding items to unlock abilities to find more items. The problem comes from the fact that you can create them yourself very early. This problem’s nature is twofold, once in the sense that being able to unlock some of the game’s most broken abilities relatively early to the start of the game can of course utterly break the balance of the experience. That may be intended however, and I don’t necessarily see this as a huge issue. The bigger problem comes from the fact that exploration very rarely rewards you with anything better or more valuable than Neuromods anyway, meaning that what little incentive there was to go back to a random shuttle outside of Talos-1 is now utterly gone, since you know you won’t be getting any unique rewards. What makes this whole problem even more severe is that - sometimes - there IS unique and cool stuff to find, like interactions with NPCs, cool environmental storytelling moments, and maybe even a unique weapon or something. These moments are few and far between though.

This has all been fairly critical and negative, so let’s come back to something positive again.

The art direction in this game, especially in terms of environmental designs, is incredible. I genuinely think that this is one of the best looking PS4 games out there. In fact, I kinda wish it wasn’t tied to this console in particular, as the games fantastic looking environments and set designs clearly put a lot of strain on the game’s overall performance. This game would benefit from a PS5 remaster to an unbelievable degree, just so we could get a stable 60fps out of this. I’m not usually as adamant about increasing frame rates for a game that works fine, and I’m typically also ok with a stable 30 - if it IS stable, which in this case, it sadly isn’t. Graphically, it wouldn’t even need one as it looks genuinely great. The visual variety in between the zones is amazing too. From the very 80’s corporate-style Lobby, with lots of cozy, wooden browns and reds and greens, to the dark, blue and red Reactor level, the amazing looking, lush and green Arboretum, the scary and mechanical Neuromods Division and Psychotronics.. etc. Where the designers seemed to have conserved energy with the enemy variety, they seem to have gone all out with the areas. Ultimately, not a bad choice, as this game clearly plays much more around interacting with the world than the enemies. This is also where we need to address the similarities to System Shock, its biggest and most obvious inspiration when it comes to the overall design of Prey. In terms of locations, Prey does a much better job of making it all feel more natural and less video-gamey. While I love System Shock, and I ultimately prefer it a bit to Prey, the latter really makes Talos-1 feel like a real place that exists as a space station first and foremost, and a video game level second. System Shock’s Citadel Station feels also very immersive and authentic for the time, but these days the video-gamey structure is far more obvious.

Where I thought that the overall story was a bit lacklustre overall, the various side quests are great and often do a much better job of really pulling you right into the experience than the main plot. My favourite (and I reckon I’m not alone with this) would be the side quest about the imposter cook, in which you will have to deal with a terrifyingly fiendish foe, who is easily more threatening than any alien or machine on board. What’s worse is that, by the end, it’s hard to fault him for really wanting to see you dead. He’s a great villain and a real trickster. He will put really well hidden recycler charge traps everywhere, being able to kill you outright. I won’t go into too much detail because I don’t feel like describing his entire, very lengthy quest, but I really enjoyed it from start to finish.

In general, it’s quite impressive just how much of the side quests’ story contents end up flowing back into the main plot, depending on what you do - or don’t do. Characters will give different dialogues, engage differently with the story or maybe even not be there at all, depending on whether or not they’ve died. Or take the previously mentioned side quest about putting PSI in the general water supply, making the entire game play totally differently. I’ve already praised the game for its extensive immersive sim mechanics in terms of second-to-second gameplay, but what I find even more impressive is just how many different angles they considered for how the story might play out. It’s almost a shame how thinly the plot is constructed in terms of making the player progress from one area to another, because the lore and implications of the story are great.

Seeing how often I addressed it by now, we should probably talk about the actual plot. We already explored the opening of this game at the start of the review, now let’s get back to where we left off.

Morgan finds themselves on Talos-1, without any idea of how they got here or why. We just escaped the Neuromod Division, which held the little fish bowl laboratory in which we were seemingly observed and studied, but why? The AI with our voice, January, says it might have some answers, but that we need to go to our office and watch a video to understand it all. We have an office? What exactly is going on here? Turns out, not only are we on this station already, but we are actually the vice president of TranStar, and thus the co-owner of this station. By watching a video/hologram on a 3D screen by the company Looking Glass (a not very subtle hint to Looking Glass Studios, creators of System Shock and it’s sequel) that Morgan recorded for themselves sometime in the past, we learn that we are suffering from permanent memory loss due to our experimentation with Typhon-based Neuromods. As we learned, removing a Neuromod also removes all memories and experiences that were gained since it got installed. Video-Morgan also explains to current Morgan that they created January for this exact scenario, and that we can and should trust it to have our best interest at mind. Before we can finish watching the whole video, it gets interrupted by a certain someone.

Morgan’s brother, Alex Yu, explains that he can’t have us watching the rest of this video, out of fear that we might understand everything horribly wrong, and that he personally needs to explain the situation to us. January, however, implies that we shouldn’t trust Alex, and that we need to get to the Hardware Labs to get Looking Glass back online. After fighting our way through the labs and doing just that, we go back to the office to watch the rest of the video, in which past-Morgan states that - in the event of a Typhon outbreak - we need to destroy everything. The station, the research and most importantly, the Typhon. This of course, sadly, includes ourselves. Past-Morgan also warns us that Alex will certainly try and stop us. January introduces itself in “person” (it inhabits an operator) and sends us to fix the station’s main lift. To do that, we first need to go to Psychotronics. This is where the Typhon first broke out of their confinement.

Some quick lore context: In this universe, JFK survived his assassination attempt, and the USA - for some reason - got really invested in the space race, much more than in our timeline. Not sure what JFK surviving would have to do with that, but whatever. Some time during the 1960’s, the US discovers a strange alien species which they name Typhon. The USSR joins the US in a scientific effort to study the species, and begin to construct a station which would later become Talos-1. Later, when the USSR collapses sometime in the 80’s (earlier than in our timeline) and the US practically own the whole station, the Typhon break containment for the first time and kill a bunch of scientists, leading the US to abandon the project. Much later, during the 2020’s, TranStar acquires the station and restarts the research project on the Typhon. They massively increase the station’s size and build around the original station like a big church built around a small chapel. This original station is what would later become Psychotronics, and you can tell that this place is much older than the rest of Talos-1.

Moving on. After entering Psychotronics, we get contacted by yet another AI with our voice, this one’s called December. This one was also created by Morgan, but even before January. It informs us that, other than blowing up the whole station alongside ourselves, we could also just dip, using Alex’s escape pod. We’d just need to find his keycard, which we won’t find for a little while. This becomes an alternate ending to the game you can absolutely go for. As soon as you find that keycard, you’re basically free to go and end the game right then and there - if you’re ok with being this selfish. If we’re not going for this specific ending, our ultimate goal in any case is to find our Arming Key, a keycard that holds the self-destruct code of the nuclear reactor which powers this station. (Another very obvious nod to System Shock)

And starting from here, this is where we get into the section of the story I was talking about before, the part where the actual plot kind of devolves into sending you around the whole place to solve some fairly ad-hoc problems every time. The station security captain asks you to bail them out, go to this area. Oh now, something doesn’t work again, gotta go to this other area and fix it. Now something else happened, and you gotta go somewhere else yet again. Now you need to systematically gather different voice logs of a certain employee to unlock a door that leads to another area, making you run around the entire station to find the pieces. It feels weirdly unfocussed for a game that had such an eventful beginning with so many plot-strains introduced right at the start. That is not to say that there aren’t genuinely cool story moments afterwards, because there are.

Unravelling the dynamic between Morgan and Alex is very interesting, and I find it cool how often your perspective of Alex can change in a single playthrough. Depending on your viewpoint, Alex is either a ridiculously cruel and callous person, a straight up evil capitalist who will sacrifice anything and anyone just to further his own, immediate gains, or a very reasonable albeit thick-headed savant, a genius in his field of research with a very single minded but ultimately somewhat noble goal, to allow humanity a massive leap forward. The many interactions and conversations you have with him make for a multitude of possible interpretations of his character, and I think that’s great. He is very well written.

The next bit that’s actually interesting story wise, is when Alex locks us in Deep Storage, on our way to retrieve the schematic for our Arming Key. He locks us in here, to keep us (relatively) safe for one, but also obviously so we can’t progress with our quest to blow up the station. Chief archivist Danielle Sho, seemingly surprised we’re still alive, tells us of a way out, by jettisoning a storage unit out into deep space, which knocks us unconscious. When we come to, we’re a couple hundred meters away from Talos-1, letting us explore the outside of the station for the first time. After a short while, Security Chief Elazar tells us that she can let us back in through the Cargo Bay. On the way there, we receive a distress signal by one Dr. Dayo Igwe, who locked himself in a cargo container to escape the Typhon, just like we did to escape from Deep Storage. While you can choose to either leave him to his doom or kill him, saving him is almost inarguably the best choice, as he will provide you with a lot of dialogue and story context but also some side quests, and his presence can pretty drastically change the outcome of the game’s ending.

After this, the marathon continues. We need to go back to the main station, but - oh no - Typhon are camping behind the only door connecting both parts. Now we need to go back and retrieve a whole bunch of turrets to guard the door. Do you see what I mean with my statement before, about how this game’s plot doesn’t really ever move beyond giving you very immediate problems that you’ll need to address now to move on to the next area. It feels strangely video gamey for a game that is otherwise very careful to NOT do that.

Next, we need to go to Life Support. There, Dr. Mikhaila Ilyushin informs us that we need to reboot the entire system fo Talos-1 to override the lockdown that Alex enforced. She’s dying from the symptoms of an illness she needs constant medicine for, locking her in place. We can choose to retrieve the medicine and save her, despite her wishes to the contrary. So we make our way to the reactor to reboot the station, only to find that we need to replace a broken piece of equipment that we have to go somewhere else for to find it. At this point the constant detours the game makes you go on feel honestly start to feel rather contrived and gratuitous. At least, it doesn’t take too long this time before we reboot the station. Doing this unlocks quite a few places, but also locks others off because they’ve been overrun by this point. Alex finally invites us to his office up in the Arboretum to talk face to face.

Yeah, right. Did you seriously think this game wouldn’t throw another red herring your way? When you arrive there, Alex is obviously not in his office, and instead makes you watch a Looking Glass video of him and Morgan from quite a bit back. This Morgan is wildly different than the Morgan you listened to in the first video. They are seemingly fully aware and in acceptance that experimenting with Neuromods might drastically change their personality, and that they are willingly doing all of this to go all the way to the end with Typhon-based research. This Morgan staunchly believes that Neuromod research will lead to the benefit of all humankind and believes that any and all sacrifices are necessary to keep it going.

This is, in my opinion, a very interesting moment that questions your motives as a player, as well as Morgan, the character. We have different versions of the same person, separated only by a few months who utterly disagree on what to do in this situation. Old Morgan is willing to go all the way, saying that them losing their memory is an acceptable outcome to them, and that it’s imperative that current Morgan keeps getting reminded of that. The newer, still not quite current, post-Neuromod-removal Morgan instead feels quite differently, they are willing to put their own life on the line to stop it all. The question is; which one is the real Morgan? Surely it’s the one before the removals. But, on the other hand, wouldn’t the real Morgan be the one that doesn’t have any preconceived notions about what to gain from this? The more important question: Does it really matter? What is important to the current Morgan? This is perhaps the closest the game gets to actually getting really freaking profound with its story. It’s such an interesting question being posed here.

To come back to the actual plot at hand, Morgan learns that they made plans for a so-called Nullwave device, which would be able to completely kill all Typhon within a very large radius, more than enough to envelop the entire station. These Nullwaves can also be used as regular weaponry, both in form of a gun and grenades. If I understand this correctly, they effectively act like phase-shifted brainwaves that cancel out the psionic brainwaves (and thus the psychic powers) of the Typhon, kinda like how noise-suppression technology cancels out incoming sound by producing an exactly phase-shifted version of that very same sound. This realisation basically opens up a third possible ending, in which you try and kill all the Typhon instead of abandoning the station or blowing it up, instead trying to salvage the research.

Our next quest is to scan certain Coral clusters outside of the station, to gather enough data to be able to actually construct the Nullwave device. Regardless of whether we want to do this or not, Alex promises to just give us his Arming Key, effectively forcing us to do it. In either case, we have to go back outside. I feel like making this an actual player choice might have added a little more freedom to the end of the game, but I can take it or leave it. Outside, January contacts us again to make the point that past-Morgan doesn’t necessarily speak for current-Morgan, and that we should really think about what WE want. Not too much later, Alex contacts us to tell us that our parents - the owners of TranStar and main benefactors and sponsors of Talos-1 - have somehow caught wind of the outbreak and decide to try and nip this little problem in the bud.

During an attempt to upload the data, literally as if on cue (because it is), suddenly the system shots down and our parents’ contingency plan is set into motion. The so-called “Recovery team” has arrived at the station, and its chief, Walter Dahl, is out to smoke our asses. Turns out, their parents don’t give two shits about Morgan and Alex. In praxis, this recovery team is basically just this mercenary and a whole bunch of Military Operators (I told you we’d talk more about them) that now occupy literally EVERY. SINGLE. LEVEL. of this entire station. His orders are to kill everyone, destroy the entire station, and then pretend it just blew up for some reason. Apart from this being annoying to deal with in general, I was just rolling my eyes at Prey going “OH NO something went wrong at the very last second AGAIN!?? WOW! OH NO! How could this happen?? What an unlikely occurrence!!”

This is where the plot and even the pacing of the game sadly kind of falls apart for me. Let’s start with the fact that having to deal with these fuckers is the most annoying shit in this entire game. They will literally gank you every single step of the way from that point on all the way until the end, with only very occasional breaks. They are very tanky, deal absurd amounts of damage, can fly, and are constantly being produced by all the Operator Dispenser machines throughout the entirety of Talos-1, because Dahl hacked them. The only way to stop them is to kill them or hack them. Killing them truly is easier said than done, as these things will shred through ANYTHING, even the Nightmare Typhon is no match for even 2 of those things. Even IF you manage to kill them, the nearest operator will just keep on churning out more of them, so you’ll have at least 3 to deal with at any time. Hacking them requires the highest level hacking skill there is in this game - Hacking IV. As if hacking them wasn’t difficult enough (you have to stand next to them without them seeing you), you actually have to hack all 3 hostile Military Operators in ANY area for them to stop constantly spawning. The only other way to stop them from spawning on top of your ass is to simply finish the next part of the story, essentially meaning that the only effective way to deal with this is to run past everything and beeline it to the end. That also means that you better explored every nook and cranny of this station before this point, because… good luck trying to explore during this shit.

The part that really irks me is how haphazardly this all is implemented in the story. These things are literally being produced by the station’s own operator dispensers. They all run through a centralised system, with all data shared between them. How on earth did Talos-1 and its entire crew get fucked up this bad when THESE THINGS exist? As explained before, these things can shred through entire armies of Typhon, including the really big, scary ones like the Nightmare. With this technology readily available, there should be absolutely no way the Typhon could spread as much as they did, seeing how Dahl eradicates most of them in a couple of hours. Some people might argue that Dahl probably first introduced them to Talos-1, and that they didn’t exist before. The problem is that, in an optional log file you can learn the fact that these things were literally designed ON Talos-1, and that Dahl’s operator, Kaspar, is basically just forcing the dispensers to endlessly produce Military Operators with schematics that already existed on board. Unless I am missing some crucial pieces of info, this is a pretty glaring plot hole that could’ve been easily solved by writing a few lines of extra dialogue. This probably wouldn’t bother me if a.) this wasn’t an extremely important plot detail that could literally delete the entire core conflict of this story and b.) it wasn’t quite indicative of a general lack of care and polish that went into the end game.

So, we have to deal with Dahl and his horde of robots. To shut them down, we have to get to the Shuttle Bay and stop Kaspar, his main operator. We can either kill or hack it, it makes no difference gameplay wise. Important: Before we come here, we can talk to Dr. Igwe and Dr. Ilyushin back at Morgan’s office. We can actually talk to them a whole bunch of times throughout the game, and both will give you side quests. I particularly liked Mikhaila’s quest and the moral conundrum it presents you with, and it’s one of the best pieces of characterisation that Morgan gets in this whole game - weird how it’s completely optional and highly missable. The important bit would be Dr. Igwe’s suggestion of not killing Dahl, and instead simply incapacitating him, removing his Neuromods and telling him that his order was to rescue us. Depending on how you play this game, and what ending you value most, this can get you what is arguably this game’s best endings, but I’ll get to that in just a bit.

After we’ve stopped Kaspar, the final stretch of the game begins. We also learn that Kaspar was manually stopping the Coral-data upload from happening, presumably to make sure there was absolutely NO evidence left of what happened here. That makes me think of something. I just realised that I haven’t really explained why exactly one would want to delete what happened on this station from history.

Well, turns out that the primary test subjects for most experimentation with Neuromods were.. prisoners. Russian death row prisoners, no less. These prisoners apparently all got offered a deal at some point during their wait on death row, where they could gain “””freedom””” in exchange for participating in science experiments in space. These science experiments were some of the most gruesome stuff imaginable. From slowly injecting subjects with minor amounts of Typhon to letting putting a person and a mimic into an enclosed space and just… see what happens. We also learn that basically all Phantoms on the station were previously those very same prisoners. No wonder they’re so hellbent on killing you.
All of this of course means that Morgan Yu, regardless of what they choose to do past their Neuromod removal, is a criminal, piece of shit scumbag of the highest margin. When I learned this, I felt like blowing up the station not because it was the right thing to do, but because I hated Morgan so much and found that they deserved it.

But before we get to that, let’s finish this up. We receive a distress call from Alex, saying that Dahl is about to break into his safe room. When we reach the Arboretum again, we have to make a choice of how to deal with Dahl. Remember, if we don’t kill him here, Dr. Igwe can make him forget what his actual reason for coming here was. This would have been the preferred outcome for me, but sadly my game glitched and Dahl somehow died, even though I knocked him out with the stun gun and he was at around half health. The next time I checked, he was suddenly dead with no explanation of what might have happened. I still have no idea how this happened, and I’m still kinda salty. But that’s just the level of quality to expect from a Bethesda-published game at this point.

Regardless of what we do, the final confrontation with Alex is here. You can of course, just kill him and grab the key, but that would be needlessly barbaric at this point in the story. The least we can do is hear him out, seeing how Morgan truly is no angel themselves either. Alex does give us the key, as promised, but he also makes us listen to his monologue about how he knows, deep down inside, that we also want what Alex wants. In terms of what the true, actual Morgan with all their memories and experience before the removal intact would think, I think Alex is quite right. Morgan seems like an incorrigible megalomaniac, just like their brother. What’s more important is that Alex made a discovery… the Coral talks. It emits a signal somewhere into deep space, and also connects all Typhon to each other. Through this discovery, he was able to create a Nullwave device that can hijack this Coral network and send a massive NW pulse directly through it, meaning it would kill every single organism hooked into this network.

In this very second, the destination of the mysterious Coral signal becomes clear. Out of nowhere, literally materialising into the vacuum of space, swallowing the entire station in a single gulp like a black hole, appears the Apex Typhon. A gargantuan, unfathomably large Typhon organism that makes the Nightmare look like an ant in comparison. This is perhaps the strongest story moment since the very beginning of the game, since it throws you for a loop just as heavily as that first one. Panic sets in. The entire ship begins to crack and crumble. Turns out, the coral, and all of the smaller Typhon had only one single purpose: to survey and create the way for the Apex to arrive. To feed. To consume the entirety of Talos-1, and it won’t stop there. It has realised that there are more humans to feed on, and it’s already dangerously close to Earth. Things got really fucking serious really quickly. Next to this, Alex is floating around unconscious. We have to grab the key from him and get out of there, but we can also decide to save Alex by dragging his unconscious body into his safe room. If we don’t, we’re leaving him here to die.

Now, with both arming keys AND the Nullwave device in hand, we have to make a choice. And this choice is actually quite multifaceted, depending on how you’ve played the game. Should you decide to destroy the station, you must make your way down to the reactor again and start the self-destruct sequence with January waiting there. If you’ve saved Alex, he’ll show up here and destroy January, pleading with you not to do it. However, he won’t physically stop you from doing it, which feels kinda strange. At this point in time, I fully expected Alex to be ready to both kill and die for his project, but he destroys January before your eyes and yet won’t get in your way further than that. This really should’ve ended with you having to decide between your brother and everyone else.

If you decide to blow it up without having spared Dahl, you alone get the choice to either blow yourself up with the rest or make your way to to Alex’s escape pod and piss off. Everyone else will have to die regardless. IF you’ve saved Dahl, he’ll actually gather the precious few survivors of this station, including you and Alex, and leave for Earth. Like I said, initially I was going for the ending of getting the survivors out of here and blowing the station up with Morgan still in it, but since Dahl glitched himself to death on my save, I felt like blowing up the station without giving the others a chance to escape felt more like punishing them for Morgan’s crimes.

So I went for the other ending, in which you’ll have to trigger the updated Nullwave device to kill the Typhon. To do this, you’ll have to get all the way back to Psychotronics, almost at the start of the game. Remember how this is where the Typhon first broke out? This is where the heart of the Coral lies, the thickest, reddest, densest webbing on the entire station, and it just so happens to surround the very old Soviet satellite “Vorona-1”. This is where it all started. Shortly after it first got launched into space in 1958, Vorona-1 sent very strange readings back to the Soviet scientists, leading them to investigate. Predictably, all astronauts who were sent on that mission were lost and never seen again, and the existence of the Typhon kept a state secret. Only a few years later, President Kennedy and General Secretary Khrushchev would join forces to create the space program and station that would later become Talos-1. This very same satellite is still the core of the infection today, over 60 years later.

We place the Nullwave device on the satellite and make our way back to the bridge, where we would otherwise trigger the explosion. This time, however, if Alex survived before, it’ll be January knocking him out and pleading with you to blow the station up instead. It argues that there is no way to know for sure that all Typhon will 100% die, and that even IF that were the case, there were plenty of good reasons to destroy everything here. Should we decide to go through with it, January makes us kill it before we can launch the device. If we activate it, all the Typhon die and the station, along with all research, is saved. This feels almost a bit too good to be true, and that’s because it is.

Regardless of which choice we made, after each respective “””ending””” a very strange cutscene begins to play.

Without warning, a set of VR goggles lifts from your head. You are in a chair. In front of you, Alex Yu and 4 operators representing Drs. Igwe, Ilyushin, Elazar and Sho. Turns out, none of what you experienced for the last 20-30 hours or so was real. It was all a simulation. You are, in fact, a hybrid being, a mixture of human and Typhon genes. If you look down on your hands, you can even see black, Typhon-y fingers. What you experienced was in fact “a simulation based on the real Morgan’s memories”. So, to me this implies that everything on Talos-1 still happened, it’s just not YOU it happened to, at least not first. This whole thing has been an evaluation. A test to see whether or not you, unlike regular Typhon, are capable of a little human emotion called “empathy”. They are trying to see whether or not you, the human-typhon hybrid creature, are capable of bridging the gap between both species.

Why is this important?

It turns out that whatever the real Morgan was up to up there did nothing to stop the Typhon from utterly invading and dominating earth. Alex spins your chair around to reveal that the entire planet has been covered in Coral, with density many times that of even the thickest webbing on Talos-1. Earth is utterly, irrevocably lost. But there was one discovery that Alex made during the Talos incident that could somehow change everything; Typhon cannot feel empathy. They are incapable of it. So the team in front of you seemingly set out to create a simulation of reality that put the Typhon into the shoes of humanity, most likely with the idea to cultivate empathy through lived experience; the same way we do it as humans. All of those choices, whether to kill or spare people, to free prisoners, to provide medicine or to kill someone in cold blood; all of these choices will be addressed here in this final cutscene. All of it was part of the evaluation.

To me it sadly isn’t clear what exactly the ultimate end goal was here. Was it to create an ambassador for humanity? To create a new species with the strengths of both and weaknesses of neither? To negotiate peace? I’m honestly not sure, and no lore video on the subject has really been able to answer my question in a way that feels satisfying.

Ultimately, you are confronted with one final choice: Alex offers you his hand and asks you whether or not you want to work together. If you accept, you’ll take his hand, yours turns into a human hand and everything ends in that moment. If you decline, you instead kill Alex and presumably doom humanity for good.

To this day I’m not sure what I’m supposed to think of all of this. My initial gut reaction was extremely dismissive, and felt almost like a slap in the face. Were they really going for a “it was all a dream” explanation literally the last possible second? Surely they knew how cliché that might come across?

To the writers' credit, this does not come entirely out of nowhere. There is something that passed me by throughout my whole playthrough, and I didn’t quite realise its purpose until way after the fact. Very occasionally, when doing certain things, Morgan will experience something of a vision. They only last very short amounts of time, and we only see glimpses of some massive Coral network. The important bit is about what we hear. We hear Morgan’s voice, saying phrases like “Don’t let them do this to you”, “You’re not who they say you are”, “They’re lying to you”, “Kill them”, etc. At first, I thought these were kind of random and didn’t think too much about them. Then, when they got more frequent I assumed that they were talking about how “they” are either the Typhon or the corporate higher ups who intend on leaving you here. But the more I thought about it, the less sense it made. The thing that really made me get it was realising when exactly these visions are occurring. The first happens when you install your first Typhon-based Neuromod. The next happens when you make direct contact with Coral. The next happens when you get knocked out during the Deep Storage ejection and the final one plays when you place the Nullwave device on the Coral heart.

All of this is to say that they are definitely foreshadowing this ending, and that means that it’s essential to the story. This story was never about Morgan Yu defeating the Typhon, it was always about people trying to teach an alien how to be human. And I think that’s perfectly fine, and makes for a nice little extra shock at the end. It also calls back to the beginning of the game, where you break the glass to reveal the true world behind it. Ultimately, if I’m allowed to take this analysis on a bit of a meta-layer, Prey is a game about games, about choices and about how they have consequences, and this is reflected everywhere in the game. If you ask me, choosing not to kill Alex at the end almost feels like it’s doing a disservice to the story’s themes. Here we have a cautionary tale of two siblings who just couldn’t keep Pandora’s box closed, and no matter how hard they tried to control whatever was in there, it just got worse and worse with each attempt. They attempted to uncover the eldritch truth and expected not to get swallowed by the void.

The only thing I think might have really added to all of this was if they gave you the opportunity of actually breaking out of the simulation. Maybe getting all Typhon-neuromods could unlock the ability to simply reject or break it? Or maybe you could somehow merge with the Apex towards the end? Maybe it could happen automatically if you play like a bloodthirsty monster? Perhaps, doing something that the creators of this immersive simulation did not anticipate? An emergent situation, as it were? Of course you’d have to be extremely careful as to not spoil the ending, should a player discover it by accident. You could do what other games do, and only make this possible on NG+. 
I don’t know, I just really feel like breaking out of the simulation should be an option.

Those were my thoughts on the game’s overall plot. Before I end this absurdly long review of a game I can’t make up my mind about, here are some loose thoughts that didn’t really fit into the rest of the text.

I thought the game did a very good job at the facial animations and motion capture. The characters move very naturally, although they do occasionally exhibit certain Bethesda-isms. I also liked that all of the characters look really unique and distinct from one another. The same can be said for the voice acting, it’s very, very solid at the least. There were no stand-out performances or anything, but the overall level of quality was very good. My favourite is probably Alex, since he manages to convey a pretty sincere tone that feels more like “actual” acting rather than video game acting.

I wasn’t as much a fan when it came to how the game handles dialogue. While I understand that having Morgan talk throughout the whole game may have been a bit too much to ask, given how both of Morgan’s VA’s each voice January, December AND all Looking Glass videos, voice logs, and so on, that all feature Morgan. But I can’t help but feel that it’s pretty weird how no one ever questions why you’re not saying a single word throughout the whole thing. Not even Alex, your brother, notices that you’re weirdly quiet. Everyone just talks AT you for the whole game, and no one ever bothers to ask why you’re refusing to make a single sound. Then again, this was likely a deliberate choice with the intention of making you understand that Morgan is effectively a blank slate after their Neuromod removal, and that you’re supposed to imagine what Morgan is saying? I don’t know, I feel like there may have been a more elegant solution out there.

The soundtrack is pretty cool too. Nothing too extraordinary or out there, but a very solid mood-setter made by the one and only Mick Gordon. I will say that there is, surprisingly, not a whole lot of it. The official OST only features 30 minutes of music, and while I feel like there is probably more of it in the actual game, maybe it’s not even that much more. What is there is pretty memorable though. I obviously love the opening theme that feels really grand and epic and like you’re going on a big and cool adventure, only for the game to pull the rug from under you immediately afterwards. But I’m also quite partial to Alex’s, as well as January & December’s theme. They all have a cool, laid back Post Rock-ish vibe to them. Not as much a fan of the vocal tracks though.


So yeah, those were pretty much my thoughts. If you read through all of this - first of all, thank you a whole lot! - you might have noticed that I kinda convinced myself while writing that I really should play through this game again some time soon. Really sitting down and writing my thoughts down like this made me realise that this really is a great game, but I also think I also showed that not quite everything I criticised here was JUST my lack of understanding. There are some genuine flaws here, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a great game.

Arkane Studios, man. Something just doesn’t really click between their games and me. I tried Dishonored (but I should try that one again), I tried Deathloop, I tried Arx Fatalis, and yet Prey is the only one I managed to finish, and even that wasn’t without problems. It is so strange because I truly don’t have the same issue with other developers in the genre. I wonder what the deal is here. I love immersive sims. I love Deus Ex to death. I S-ranked every mission in Cruelty Squad. I even enjoyed System Shock a lot, even though it also has lots of flaws. What is it with Arkane’s games that make them feel so… boring to me? Are they really so complex and incomprehensible that I legitimately don’t understand them? I don’t feel like that’s the case. It’s just something about my preferences that doesn’t really align with their game design philosophy. But I will keep trying. If you take anything away from this, let it be that I think that this is a great game, a fantastic game even, but it just didn’t resonate the same with me as it did with a lot of other people, and while that makes me a bit sad, I can always try and play it again to see if I get it on the next attempt.

8 / 10

Well, mathematically speaking, it's just as good as McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure.

I didn't give Prey a fair shot back when it released. 2017 feels much further away than it actually is, so I can't explain exactly what had me so distracted that I couldn't invest myself in "the best immersive sim of all time," but those opening few hours didn't hold me. I found myself meandering around and bounced off right around the point where you do your first spacewalk.

But here's the thing, if you're friends with Larry Davis, you can't just be like "oh I didn't enjoy Prey." That doesn't fly. You'll start getting texts while you're out that are just pictures taken from inside your apartment, some of which show you sleeping. He lives halfway across the country, how did he get in there? When was he there? The only way to stop the threats is to acquiesce to his demands. Play Prey or else. I always negotiate with terrorists, I'm a huge coward.

And I'm glad I did, because Larry's right, this is (probably) the best immersive sim ever made. I do, however, have to dock points for not having any Art Bell, something Human Head's Prey has over Arkane's. I'm aware that these games are not related at all outside of a very ill-advised, corporate decision to cash in on Prey's red hot brand name, but the least they could've done is throw in a few Midnight in the Deserts as audio logs. Not a problem, I just played a few in the background while making my way through the wreckage of Talos 1, bashing Typhons with a gnarly looking wrench while listening to Art's guest drone on about collecting and selling Big Foot scat.

Art: When I was in high school I ate erasers. No erasers on my pencils. I guess you could call that a strange addiction. When I went to erase something, I'd just scratch through the paper. Mmm... Erasers. That flavor has faded as an adult.

Ah, the true Prey experience.

That omission aside, Prey checks all the right boxes for me. Talos 1 is a great setting populated by interesting characters and engaging side quests that command your attention from the mission at hand not because they supply you with a list of things to do, but because Arkane has crafted a world so interesting and so fun to occupy that you want to delve into every nook and cranny. I see a locked door and I find myself compelled to know what's inside, even though the last three rooms I busted into had like, a corpse with a single discarded lemon peel in their pocket. Why did they have that? Every body tells a story...

Some of those side quests are going to stick with me for a while, which is both a sign of solid character writing and good mission structure. The fake chef booby-trapping fabrication machines and entry ways after you let him go adds a fun twist to revisiting old locations and makes your revenge that much sweeter when you finally catch up to him, and it's hard to imagine what shape the end game would take if you ejected Professor Igwe from his derelict storage container and skipped his multi-part quest. Which, you know, I initially did because I wasn't patient enough to hear him out. It's fine, I had an autosave, Igwe is totally okay!

That's just the way I play these games, with a dozen backup saves so I can test the boundaries of every moral crisis my character finds themselves in. I'm the kind of dude who will release a Typhon halfway into an inmate's cell just to see what kind of reaction I can get while turning over the long-term consequences of pushing the big red button. Not enough mirror neurons in my head, that's my problem.

Early in the game, you're presented with a personality test, an ink blot, and several variations of the Trolley Problem. An excellent way to establish what Prey hopes to accomplish with the player long-term, as so much of the game is affected by the choices you make both on a macro and micro level. The ending you get is clearly delineated between one of two set paths, but how those play out on a more precise level is affected by the small choices you made along the way. Take that chef, for example. You did get your revenge, but what of his other victims? Did you help them? Did you even try to find them? And what of your brother, Alex? So much of what happens aboard Talos 1 is his fault, but does your love for him win out in the end? Can you condemn him to his fate, or will you spend 30 minutes trying to wrangle his limp body in zero-gravity because the game won't trip one of the god damn objectives, which are clearly bugged-- oh wait, shit... I put him in a grav lift and it snapped his neck. Problem solved.

One area where I deviated from my typical immersive sim habits was combat. I often build my characters around stealth and avoid direct confrontation, but the Typhon abilities you're given work so well in concert with your weapons that turning Morgan into a violent powerhouse felt much more satisfying. There are also a few "survival" modifiers you can toggle at the start of the game, and I went with allowing injuries and suit damage, but not weapon degradation, because weapon degradation always sucks and is not as fun as getting concussed and needing to take "brained pills."

These modifiers add an extra layer of tension to resource management, something you'll be doing a lot of as you lug around literal garbage in the hopes that you might be able to squeeze a few extra shotgun shells out of whatever hard drives and bananas you have on your person. Fabricators are far between in the early parts of the game, often requiring you to loop back to your office for resupplies, which is a smart way of teaching the player the ins-and-outs of the game's resource economy while drilling in how Talos 1 is interconnected.

Is Prey the best immersive sim ever? Look, it takes a very boring man to admit when he's wrong, but it may very well be. Everything from the setting and story, to combat and the larger ways in which the game questions the player's morality is fantastic. My only complaint outside of some technical issues like the aforementioned problem with tripping objectives and a few crashes/freezes on the Xbox version is that there's no Art Bell. A whole .5 off the top of the score, I'm afraid. What's that? Art Bell was dead at the time? Nonsense. If Arkane only opened up a time-traveler's line, they could've booked him. Not an excuse.

TLDR: Fuck this game. I am NOT coming back.

If you're like me and picked up this game expecting a fun space alien shooter with cool powers and spooky enemy designs, do NOT get this.

Prey is my first time with the genre “immersive sims” which I’ve seen defined as: “games that allow the player multiple options to engage with combat and puzzles, and multiple paths to progress past a roadblock.”

When I found out that Prey wasn’t some sort of “Doom clone” I was a little bummed. But I wanted to give it a fair shot before I went to write off the game altogether. And after watching a Youtube video or two about Prey and immersive sims, I decided to go in as blind as possible.

Before I get too negative, there are a few things I liked about Prey. I really liked how the first hour of the game tries to emulate a sort of "Truman-Show" vibe. Leading you to find out everything you know is fake, and slowly uncovering your place in the grander story was pretty sick. There's also a few horror sequences that get executed pretty well, and music's good too.

But on a surface level, the game wasn't very interesting to me. You don’t get any cool powers early on, and most of the combat isn’t very engaging. If anything you just walk back and forth between dull rooms in silence.

While there are a few good things that Prey has going for it, they’re completely murdered by the game's LACK OF COMMUNICATION and GLACIAL PACING.

Strike one for me was one of the game’s “gloo gun puzzles”. So early on, the game tells you two things.

One, that puzzles and routes to rooms have multiple solutions, (with multiple npcs and remarking about this to really drive this point home).
And two, that you can make stuff with the gloo gun. (With the gun being able to be used as a weapon, and with environmental hazards).

While it is true that both of these things are said in the beginning, they aren’t said in tandem. What I mean is that the game provides you with the puzzle pieces, but it doesn't really give you any direction on how to put them together.

So in the beginning of the game, I found myself getting stuck after failing to open a door. So the first thing I did was look for a vent to crawl through, or a keycard that I could use. Since both of these solutions have been successful for me. But in this instance neither worked. I wasn’t able to find a keycard, and there was no vent to crawl into. So I ended up just wandering around aimlessly and frustrated.

Eventually I found a corpse next to a lil gloo ladder. Now I assume the intention of the developers was to show the players that you could build a ladder to get up to the place where I was stuck. But despite this, my “lightbulb” didn’t go off. The npc was already dead, meaning I didn’t even understand that the “gloo ladder” was climbable, and missed out seeing a visual cue of a npc using it in action. So in reality I saw this weird npc, looked at him for like 5 seconds, and then walked away.

Ironically enough, it wasn’t until I watched a video about immersive sim’s in general, that I stumbled onto the puzzle’s solution. Sure yes, technically the game provides you with two separate thoughts, one relating to the gloo gun, and another relating to “multiple solutions” But it poorly alludes to the possibility of a ladder even being possible.

I totally understand the idea of a game offering multiple options to progress, but when you’re new to immersive sims, sure you can have just as many options as a veteran player on paper. But if you’re completely unaware of them and if the game doesn’t really tell you/point you in the right direction, they might as well not be there.

I’m aware that I’m 100% missing stuff, and not understanding what the game wants, due to my own stupidity. But I do think the game could help me better grasp what it’s trying to ask of me.

BOTW and TOTK have moments similar to this, but those games do “ah-hah” moments much better. While Prey demands experimentation to progress, Zelda provides experimentation as a bonus. Zelda makes me feel smart when I cheat through a shrine because I chose to do it on my own. But I never felt smart playing Prey. Especially when small things like story objectives are left very vague.

Despite all this shit, the final straw was Dr. Calvino's lab.

By trying to “go in as blind as possible” I’ve been mindlessly wandering around, growing more and more impatient and frustrated. I must've wasted at least 2hrs just looking around for the next thing to do.

This wasn’t at all helped by Prey’s fucking awful map. I genuinely don’t understand why the devs provide any sort of live mini-map for this game. Especially with the level of backtracking you do in this game.
Pausing and opening a menu to figure out where i was supposed to go, just to open that same shit again like 10 seconds later when I realized I went the wrong way, got HELLA OLD HELLA FAST.

At the end, I genuinely felt like someone was watching my gameplay and was actively trying to find the best way to waste my time.

Like, oh cool I found a door that needs to be opened. Every door that’s needed a keycard so far has only needed one.

Wander around for an hour and then finally get the ability to go out into space. Go outside, find a dead body with a keycard. Yay I did it. Now go all the way back to the door I was trying to open.

Oh wait what’s this, “keycard not accepted”? But why? I got it??

Google the puzzle online, apparently there’s two cards????



I’m such a fucking mongrel idiot how could I not have seen that coming??? It’s not like every single fucking door in this stupid game only used ONE KEY CARD.

Backtrack allllll the way back into space, and then FINALLY GET THE CARD.

And then, I just quit.

Prey is one of the only games I’ve ever played where even after playing 3-5hrs, you still feel like you’ve done nothing. It’s painfully obvious that the devs did this shit to just pad out the runtime.

I'm not gonna rate the whole game, since I didn't beat it, but if I could rate the first couple hours, I'd give it a fucking 3/10.

injecting alien cum through my eye made me able to pick up a fridge

We may never get another gaming year like 2017. Looking back, the sheer amount of absolute banger titles released that year just seems unfathomable to me. Among others, some of my personal favorites released in 2017 were NieR Automata, Persona 5, Dragon Quest XI, Divinity Original Sin 2, Breath of the Wild, and so so many more. With that many top tier games released in such a relatively short time, it is only natural that some titles didn't get the recognition they undoubtedly deserved. I feel like that was the case with Prey, the second to last game developed by Arkane Austin, a studio known for its strong focus on immersive sim games. I remember following the overall gaming discourse back in 2017 quite rigorously and while I do remember some outlets speaking about Prey and praising its qualities in terms of worldbuilding, storytelling and freedom of choice, I do feel like this game flew under the radar a bit. That’s probably why I wasn’t super hyped to play this game when it released. Like with so many other games, I just put Prey on my wishlist, let it rest there for a while and finally decided to buy it on sale years later. And still, I wouldn’t play it. For years and years, this game was sitting in my library, becoming one of those titles, I would surely pick up at some point in the future. That’s a shame because, having finished it now, I think I was sleeping on one of the, if not the, best immersive sim games ever created. The push to finally give this game a try came upon reading the news that Microsoft had decided to close down Arkane Austin for good. I remembered that, before the (Red)fall of this company, they had worked on games I was interested in but never found the time to play. So, the time had finally come. I sat down and started playing Prey.

And what a journey it was.

I’m gonna keep this review short. For me, this is one of those games, people should experience with as little prior knowledge as possible. That’s how I approached the game and I’m happy I did. Prey is an immersive sim in all the best ways. This genre, if it can be called that, is all about player freedom. A good immersive sim presents an intriguing premise for the story and world of the game, puts the player into a semi open world, and lets them approach a number of objectives in multiple ways. It’s a formula that was first established by the Ultima and Thief games and has since then been revised and advanced by games like Deus Ex and Dishonored. Having played Prey now, I think this formula has come to a sort of perfect conclusion with this game.

From the first seconds of the game, Prey knows exactly what it’s doing. As you’ve probably guessed by looking at screenshots or trailers for the game, Prey is a Sci-Fi story that plays with you as much as you play it. There’s an all-encompassing feeling of “wrongness” in everything you see, like something just doesn’t really add up. Playing Prey feels like playing a mind game. The first couple of minutes make it very clear that this is intended by the developers. You’re supposed to question what you see. And so, you’ll end up asking yourself if what you see is real or just an illusion, a mimic of reality. But Prey is more than that. It deals with questions of humanity, identity, technological progress and morality. Only on its front is it a Sci-Fi story with a cosmic horror twist. Prey is a deeply human story that is not afraid to question the cost of technological advancement, touching on topics like the value of human life in a world dictated by corporate greed and the never-ending hunt for profit, no matter the cost. That’s a premise that immediately hooked me. I wanted to know more about this version of our world, where John F. Kennedy survived his assassination attempt, launching the world into a new era of space exploration. I had so many questions in my head that needed answering. What’s the point of Talos I? What’s a Neuromod? What happened on this station and who are we anyway? Step by step, the game will have answers for you, some of which will be hard and unforgiving truths whereas other will pose even more questions. And sometimes, there’s no right and wrong and it’s up to you to decide how to interpret the “truth”.

Freedom and choice, that’s what it’s all about in an immersive sim. Not only is that reflected in Prey’s narrative, it’s also a significant aspect of its gameplay. Every challenge the game offers can be approached in different ways. Again, I’m not going to go into detail what options you have at your disposal to deal with challenging situations as I want everyone interested in this game to find their own solutions. Let me just tell you that to me, Prey felt like a playground (or a Preyground….sorry^^) that managed to tickle my sense of creativity. Sometimes, I would just go crazy with the most outrageous strategies to deal with enemies and it just…worked. And if it didn’t, I at least had a laugh and learned something for my next fight. But it’s not just about the combat. Player choice is at the forefront of everything you do in this game. How do you get into that room? How will you deal with that environmental trap? How can you get to that precious piece of equipment that seems out of reach from this point? It’s all up to you and each time you come up with a solution, it feels right. The game doesn’t punish you for finding creative solutions to problems, it encourages you. In every moment of the game, I felt like I was truly in control of deciding how to play my character. The choices I made were truly mine. Prey let me choose who I wanted to be in this world. I could be a reckless killer, not minding any questions of morality and just going around like an absolute mad man. It also gave me the option to be empathetic, to be kind and honest and to go out of my way to help others. In this regard, it reminded me of Deus Ex and Bioshock in the best ways possible.

Prey is a masterpiece. It’s absolutely unthinkable to me how the people, who worked on a game like this, are out of a job now. As immersive sims go, this is as good as it gets. Prey takes clear inspiration from games like System Shock when it comes to story, presentation, and gameplay. It revises and improves the core ideas found in those games and offers and experience that is just next level. There’s a clear line of continuous improvement that Arkane went trough coming from games like Arx Fatalis and Dishonored and it’s an absolute shame that we will never know what their next immersive sim game would have looked like. There’s still hope that Arkane Lyon and Wolfeye Studios will continue to scratch that itch that these games leave. In any case, please play this game if you are at all interested in games like these. Prey is certainly not perfect. There are sections that include heavy backtracking, some enemy respawns felt unnecessary and the ending came rather abrupt. Still, Prey is the culmination of decades of perfecting the immersive sim formula and should be experienced by any fan of the genre.

Saw some chat complaining the freedom of choice in this is an illusion and you're railroaded into a certain playstyle to progress, so I'm about to start a no-neuromods run out of spite, wish me luck x


Game finished with zero neuromods, using various cheeses and physics quirks, but no cheating or glitching or owt. Here indeed is a game that you can play in any style you like, and have a good time. Can't wait to go back for NG+ with the 80-odd unused neuromods sat waiting in my office.

Imperfect, and yet also a masterpiece. Play it.

"We got all these cool alien powers you can use. We have teleportation, mimicking objects, pyrokinesis, telekinesis, mind control, and even..."
"Nah no thanks. I'll just make my shotgun a weapon of mass destruction and increase my speed to the point that I'm playing this like one of those modern boomer shooters."

Yeah I didn't use the unique alien powers. They come at the cost of the space station's security system becoming hostile towards you, but in retrospect that isn't as big of a downside as I thought. Doubly so that you can have some alien powers without being marked for death by the automated turrets around every corner of this dying space station.
The example above is not how I was playing at first, however. At the beginning it's difficult to brute force your way through the Typhon invaders. They can kill you very easily and are very spongy in return. You have to get into the rhythm of stunning them with the GLOO cannon or stun gun, then whacking them with your wrench. It didn't help that the last game I played was Cultic, a game where you could strafe and jump all over the place with an arsenal that atomizes the opposition. Took a while to get into a more slow, careful mindset; needing to respect the enemy more then I'm use to.
It wasn't bad by any means, but it wasn't firing the neurons (HA!) other games usually give me. Sneaking and stealth killing is fun, but I have a bigger preference towards more aggressive and reckless playstyles.
Turns out I just needed to be patient. It's one of those games where your extremely weak at the beginning, but slowly the tide of power turns to your side. I still couldn't disregard the Typhon's capabilities, but I really like that. I'm reckless, but I love bobbing and weaving between different enemies; keeping track of what each can do and the on-the-fly decision making. Even when I was at the point of power, I still found myself sneaking a lot; though this time is what because I wanted to be sneaky to get the drop on my foes.
Prey is a game where you're gradually adding more tools to your toolbox, and most of these tools come in the form of neuromods. As mentioned at the beginning you can get a lot of crazy psychic powers, but you can also get hacking abilities, mobility enhancers, common stat upgrades to health and damage, and so forth. This isn't rare for a "immersive sim" by any means, but it helps gives decisions on how you want to play the game which I'm all for. Does have some good ole "immersive sim glitches and jank", but not as bad as other games; plus it was never anything a reset couldn't fix. Though that t-posing, headless astronaut flying on-screen was terrifying...
Speaking of scares, this was more of a horror game then I expected. Nothing "pants-darkening" but it did get me good a few times. I do like the setting a lot and how every npc, whether dead or alive has their own name. It's small, but adds some much-appreciated character and makes me more sympathetic to (most) of these character's deaths.

And without giving away specific details, I always admire a game where you can fight off nihilism and go from a survivor to a hero... or not. Play it your way or something... or don't I'm not your parent... seriously that shotgun can get borderline broken with enough investment its great

This game asks one of the most controvertial questions ever: What if JFK's head just did that on it's own?

shortly after prey released, raphaël colantonio (founder of arkane) left the studio, his words more or less "i want to make games but i feel like i'm just making products". i empathize. prey, a crown jewel of the immersive sim genre and a fascinating combination of player freedom with tight writing and attention to detail, was a commercial failure. prey was strangled by bethesda who refused to ship review copies and who stapled the completely unrelated 'prey' title onto what is ostensibly a something shock game all in order to hold onto their precious trademark, a spoil of war from human head studios. the game was rigged from the start.

immersive sims are tough to design. you've got to create level design that isn't some last of us cutscene hallway--you've got to allow for all sorts of playstyles, approaches, theories, and strategies... especially when you give the player some very, very interesting tools such as the gloo gun, that which is a metroidvania sequence breaker in handheld form. immersive sims generally have tight narratives (or, at least, strong worldbuilding). prey does both, of course--it's always interesting to discover every little story nestled in every little corner aboard talos 1, the stage for prey's play. but like i said, they're tough to design... so most studios don't bother. and who can blame them when gamers too seem to reject the genre, dishonored 2 a commercial failure, deus ex mankind divided a commercial failure (and square enix's meddling, like bethesda, sure didn't help). no, no, we want more slop. we want more movie games. etc, etc

despite me thinking this deserving of a near perfect score, i'm bothered that i don't feel enthusiastic writing this. i guess i'm down harder than i realized about the current state of the games industry, the current state of triple a. what is it about these games that just don't click with gamers? are they too hard? immersive sims are interesting in that, if you don't know what you're doing or don't make an effort to really understand the game, you're going to find yourself loading a save far too often. prey is merciless in this regard, and i speak to experience. my first playthrough found me desperately scrounging for ammunition and barely surviving encounters with anything. four years later, forgetting near everything, i was suddenly doing so. much. better.

why? well, i started actually scrounging all the trash i could, for one. i stopped breaking down weapons into spare parts--there's more than enough of those around the station. i started REALLY using the hell out of that wrench (don't underestimate it. i used it to the very, very end). but the most important thing i did was using the analyzing helmet tool that researches enemies and offers you advice, strengths, and weaknesses. holy hell, why did i never even bother with that before? enemies i remember giving my hell last time were cakewalks on this run. lord, over halfway through the game i felt like space jesus, undefeated.

awkward transition but there's definitely some negative aspects that hold prey back from being absolutely perfect. art aside, the bugs (when and rarely they appear) are rough. bodies disappearing or clipping through the ground, glitched objectives, flickering lighting, and invisible fire all add up to a laundry list of annoyances... but if you're not going for 100%, you probably won't stumble over many. prey's got an incredible introduction and charges full speed ahead with its first act, but loses steam around halfway when the environments start drying up in creativity and everything starts feeling samey and boring. it's like playing half life's residue processing but for ten hours. and without spoiling, the endings are suuuuper anticlimactic and sloppily rushed through. worse, there's no real good combat payoff before then, either. i was geared up for war, man.

i think my favorite part about the game is that, despite playing through massive runs, i could still definitely see myself going back for thirds in a few years and playing just a little differently. with as many options, styles, and tools the game hands you, it's a little impossible for anything but maybe the same story growing dull. that's the magic of an immersive sim.

Prey definitivamente me marcou. E isso se deu pela união da sua história bem escrita a todas as suas mecânicas de jogabilidade, como tiro em primeira pessoa, furtividade, gerenciamento de recursos, segredos e possibilidade de encontrar caminhos/soluções não convencionais para as mais diversas situações. Tudo isso foi feito com uma maestria e perfeição que não encontramos todo dia em grandes produções de video games.

A imersão, ambientação, escolhas de faixas sonoras e de música... Tudo isso também colaborou para gerar todo o clima de tensão e mistério que a narrativa transmitiu, tornando a exploração de toda a Talos I extremamente prazerosa. Mesmo seus pequenos problemas não são nada frente ao conjunto da obra. Em Prey eu me importei com quase todos os personagens, com a situação caótica da realidade de de ficção futurística apresentada, passei por dilemas morais que dificultaram imensamente minhas escolhas, tendo em vista as consequências que elas poderiam trazer, tive que pensar em como lidar com os inimigos em situações em que passava por escassez de recursos como munição e a "mana" para utilizar habilidades psíquicas...

A única coisa que não me desceu foi o modo de microgravidade, que na minha opinião baixava bastante a qualidade nas seções em que era obrigatório, mas isso definitivamente não atrapalhou a experiência como um todo. Não chegou nem perto disso, na verdade. Um ótimo jogo, e um dos melhores que já joguei!

The most singularly arresting aspect of this game is most certainly its atmosphere. That coupled with an intriguing and heavily thematic story, brilliant intrinsically connected level design, and an absolutely aces soundtrack by Mick Gordon made this game an incredibly compelling and memorable experience. It so masterfully manages to mix several seemingly disparate gameplay elements from other immersive sims of its ilk while still feeling mechanically cohesive and retaining an incredibly unique identity. It’s flawlessly paced from start to finish and it fluidly mixes rewarding exploration, challenging and well wrought puzzles, engaging side missions which contribute meaningfully to the overarching narrative, and combat that feels immensely satisfying and fun to ensure that the core moment to moment gameplay loop never becomes boring or repetitive. Prey is quite simply one of the coolest games that I’ve played all year and i’m already itching to give it a revisit.

This game is as subtle in showing its inspirations as is calling one of the major tech in the game "Looking Glass" but people STILL call it Bioshock in space like come on

Sights & Sounds
- While the game did look pretty good, it was hard not to notice that it's aged a little bit. Character animations are noticeably clunky, for example. Not bad by any means, but I've played games from the same period that have held up a little better
- I particularly liked the setting and overall look of Talos 1. Arkane has a knack for theming environments well
- The sound design is god-tier. The great thematic soundtrack and the terrifying enemy screeching/roaring/chittering/etc really draw you in. Definitely a game to play with headphones
- The voice acting is also well done. Good performances all around

Story & Vibes
- The story is a high point but contained more twists and turns than it honestly probably needed. I appreciate the writers' efforts to keep things interesting, though. I just wish they'd let the atmosphere do a little more of the talking and focused less on tossing you from plot point to plot point. I did, however, appreciate the post-credit twist despite my complaints
- Prey isn't really a horror game in the traditional sense. It feels more like a 1st person stealth action game, likely a byproduct of the fact that you'll often have tools or abilities that can conquer or capably evade most threats. Though I do like the little scripted sequences (the elevator one in particular--you'll know what I'm talking about when you experience it) that hammer home that you are, indeed, still playing a game with some scares
- The overall vibes are ominous, imposing, and mysterious. Paired with the sci-fi setting, it feels very Ridley Scott

Playability & Replayability
- If you've played Dishonored (another Arkane property), then you'll have a decent sense of how Prey plays. Given that you're on a space base, though, you won't be zipping between rooftops and scrambling up walls all parkour style
- That doesn't mean that the environment is an unimportant element, however. There's still plenty of branching paths that can take you to your objective. You really can avoid a good deal of combat if you're resourceful or observant enough. As I noted before, the level design is quite good, and that goes beyond appearances and factors meaningfully into gameplay
- Depending on the difficulty you're playing on, the game can feel very different. Easier difficulties play more like an FPS, but stealth and resource management start becoming increasingly important even on normal difficulty
- Gear and abilities also play a big part in how your playthrough will go. I did a full human run (no Typhon skills) for this playthough, which resulted in sneak attack, hit-and-run style gameplay that I found kinda fun. Sure, the psychic alien powers may have been more powerful and made me feel like a superhero, but I enjoyed how I had to plan out encounters, ration ammo, and switch weapons to get by with just the human skill trees

Overall Impressions & Performance
- There just aren't a lot of games like Prey. Alien: Isolation and Dead Space come close to matching the tone and certainly match the setting (while also being stellar games), but those titles are far more straightforward in their respective approaches to gameplay. The immersive sim elements combined with the first-person perspective are simply better at drawing you into the experience and really make Prey stand out in my opinion
- If you're running modern hardware, you shouldn't experience too many performance issues outside of the rare stutter. I didn't encounter any bugs on my playthrough, either

Final Verdict
- 9/10. Maybe just a slight step down from Dishonored, but it's still one of Arkane's best games. It often goes on sale for dirt cheap (it's 90% off as I'm writing this review), so I'd highly recommend giving it a shot if the setting or gameplay sound appealing

I'm just a bitch for immersive sims and arkane delivered again. I'm happy.

ps: the nightmare is so fucking annoying, fuck him


Besides the enemies being a massive pain in the ass, this is probably one of the best games from an american based publisher to come out in recent memory, jumping around and using your boosters while throwing objects at enemies never stops being fun.

Glad the immersive sim genre is having it's own indie wave, can't wait to play Peripeteia.