Failed the Vibe Check

Games I just did not resonate enough with to finish. Doesn't mean I won't, and I may have simply been in the wrong headspace at the time. (ongoing)

It's quirky and funny and I have a lot of affection for it. But basic turn-based JRPG gameplay makes me want to bite a cactus
I think playing this immediately after Persona 4 may have been a mistake
World looks pretty and is cool to explore. Lore is cool and I love hearing Geralt talk. Surely I cannot be the only person who finds the gameplay too awkward to be fun
Maybe someday. I think there's a certain threshold of anime that is deleterious to my health
Call me shallow but I found the scooter in the first level and nothing felt quite as exciting after that
The game bops but I really did not gel with the gameplay itself
I really just want to hang out with the boys and not have to do chores
This game looks cool, feels cool, and is fun until that one guy shows up. You know the one. Don't worry, I'll get him
The movement is decidedly not funky fresh
Note: This game is actually fun? But I think I was all Final Fantasy'd out when I picked it up
Style Switcher makes this game so much better and I'm going to need to wait until I can get that set up again
I will definitely finish it. I just know my employee drug test is coming up any day now
Straight up could not play this game because I was too depressed. I'll try it again in 2024 most likely
I know traditional JRPGs put me to sleep so why do I keep trying
I love this game so much but combat is so impressively bad that I kind of just want the enemies to disappear forever
Plays better than King's Field but just doesn't hit the same. I'll give it another try eventually though
Game's super cool and I actually quite like the combat, I just don't think I have the attention span it demands at the moment
I dunno... Maybe lusting after machines isn't a strong enough motivator
I have a crippling fear of fictional people reprimanding me
This game is so cool but why do I fall asleep when I play it
Star Wars? Flight sim? In 2020? It's mediocre???
Got a couple of hours in and decided I was not smashing nearly enough things with a hammer. Multiplayer is hilarious though
I tried, ma, I really did
Having the best theme song I've ever heard does not excuse you
I adore what this game is going for but I have to play Caves of Qud first
I've picked this game up like five times and think I just have a hard time with games that make you feel bad for stabbing people but make stealth really boring
Heard a lot of good things about it and was having fun at first. I shut the game off the second I saw a boss with a health meter and never went back
I may have failed statistics but that doesn't mean I don't know I'm getting fucked over
Playing this right after New Vegas was probably a mistake
Bioware games might just not be my jam
Playing this on PC just did not feel right. I think I need to play it on Gamecube or something for it to click
I think I really want to like this game but the game flow just does not click with my brain. Side note: I actually tried making Amnian Dragoon Soup as per Dradeel's recipe. Definitely tastes like something soldiers would eat. Can't recommend it.
I'm lonely and that's SAD


7 months ago

bro same i tried to love jet set radio but its aight

7 months ago

Same with Dishonored. Actually doing proper stealth made my fall asleep

7 months ago

@imshitting420 If I could subsist off vibes alone I'd have it for breakfast every day. I'm gonna try to nab a copy of JSR Future and see if they smoothed it out any

@NovaNiles I tried to cut it some slack by acknowledging that fun stealth gameplay seems really hard to pull off for most devs. I heard you can get some fancier powers or something along those lines that can make it at least a little bit less tedious but my brain craves dopamine and it just wasn't delivering

7 months ago

@DoctorQuark Well the thing about Dishonord is that it isnt designt for stealth. It is so way closer to games like Deus Ex and System Shock aka they want to use all the cool magic powers. They only implimented the half baked stealth aspect mid way through development when Journalist started to push it as a succusor to Thief for some reason. Wich as a Fan of Thief, it not even in the same ball park. It also does fuck all to explain how the chaos system works. You can kill way more people than you would logicly think without getting high chaos. For the record I have finishd both the base game + the DLCs, so I can confirme its way more fun if you use magic and throw any no kill rule out the window.

7 months ago

@NovaNiles Understood. Maybe I'll give it another try some time in the future and just do my best to have some fun with it. I still haven't played Thief or its sequels, either, so maybe it's time to put those on the list

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