Ranking Games I've played in 2024

Nothing here!

A masterpiece finally reaching its full potential.
Great start to a fantastic series.
A 10/10 story mixed with a rough first draft of an RPG system, with a lot of promise.
One of the most beautiful worlds in gaming, even if its shallow.
It landed for me.
Batshit insane but enjoyable
One of the hypest fighting games ever
Great commentary on the old holding back the young from flourishing. Dragon engine rough through.
Great vibe
Impressive mod.
Fun add on
Good, just not as good as 1,2 and 3
Interesting footnote of history
Ambitious but hasnt aged well.
Much improved gameplay over 7. Absolute mess of a story that really dosent stick the landing.
Necessary step for better games to be made
A game that activly works against the player having any agency
Good story stuck in a terrible game. better off just watching cutscenes
Worst classic Resi by far


Why is this in DK64
I would rather SH remain dead than shit like this be made.


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