The 'ALL OF 2023' Rapidfire

Nothing here!

Beating this was a herculean trial and I don't know if I'd revisit it but the high certainly felt good at the time
idk it was cool
grappling hooks: the cornerstone of video games
Gradius is kinda like a bad sexual partner. Keeps pumping and pumping, and then once he blows his load, totally useless
Benny hill type beat
Need more games like this
Why does everyone drop their pants for this MD port
Mid, arguably dogshit, but it has Pastel and the Moai
Mercs players :handshake emoji: Overwatch players

"Fuck Tanks"
It exists, lord knows I don't have any attachment to this incarnation of Pinocchio on a gameplay projection level
All these Capcom Mickey games are cool but kinda just worse versions of other games they made
Bomberman but a platformer turns out pretty great as long as you don't have to engage with it like a bomberman game
Oh, THERE'S the gameplay.

...where's the enemy design
Damn good, one of the better SNES things I played this year
Dogshit (sorry C_F it was still fun playing it w/ you)
I got a scope on my yoshi (it sucks)
Kino to the ends of the earth
This game is racist against fish specifically
How do you gentrify an N64 game
Have you ever been 'aw shit I wanna buy a new game on the eShop but I don't wanna spend too much' so you settle for an 80% off 1.99 indie platformer with no sauce and no ideas and no future? Then you've played AVGN 1&2, unfortunately.
It ain't even tetris!!!
games like this make it so confusing how irem pushed out something as poorly-balanced as undercover cops
Never forgiving the nintentubers for what they did to this game's price
why is a 2D n64 game with like 6 sprites on-screen running at 20fps
Grinding is (sometimes) cool
They took away my jangling keys but they gave me my ball-pop lawnmower thingy instead, all is right with the world after all
Man NES stuff deserves a lot more respect
There's a saying about how you have to judge games by their own merits but man it's impossible for me to see this as anything but a total misunderstanding of what made Cybernator good. Miserable, dreadful game.
I ALSO gave this as much of a charitable try as I could and it fucked me anyway, pre-Sonic Genesis RPG's really are soul-siphoning experiences
I'm sorry Jenny
I think this is the only time I've ever heard the N-word used in a japanese video game
This sucked, why did I give it a 5???
I'm not being an N64 boomer, this was actually really solid
Rareware fans are the only acceptable developer fans to mock. Actually that's not true, there's many others. But it's fun excluding rareware fans. Fuck rareware.
Man GG fans will just lie about anything
And ya think it's bout time ya die, and I agree
Clinger winger 2 is the second worst thing I've experienced in my life
That's some good MS soul right there
I gave this the most charitable attempt in the fucking world and it was still dogshit
Why the fuck did they put this bimbo on my mean bean machine
Mid by nature, dogshit by conception
Pretty underwhelming, remember not feeling very warm about it
Heyheyheyheyheyhey what if, heheheh, what if, heheheheheheheh, the queen, heheheheh, her clothes, hehehehehehehehe, the clothes, heheheheheheh, they go OOPS, uh oh, eek! My clothes! Ooohhhh my goodness gracious! I am Nakey!! OOooooooh my!!!!
Nintendo and Pokemon are going to hell
A good, different direction for the series to end on, but it's poorly balanced in the exact opposite way every other AW game is. Very odd.
Great, please let Ko Takeuchi work a new rhythm heaven now
Jenny read the entire Ken Penders manifesto while I raced this with Weatherby and I don't think I'll ever experience something so magical ever again in my life
Evil to an excessive degree, proof that maybe Sonic Team shouldn't listen to the fans as often as they think they should
i mean, it's bomberman
Dogshit (but has a good vibe)
ALSO kind of dogshit to play but the ludonarrative power here is immaculate
Man they should make one of these with nothing but sidescrolling, there's no way they could screw that up
Byotiful, a fantastic replay to end the year. Unfortunately, I can't speedrun this, and Terri is gonna kick my ass whenever we get around to racing it
Why did everyone gas this up so hard? This is the middest of the mid
Abominable, downright rancid balancing, thoroughly miserable, weakest of the Advance games, but still had some cool moments
grazing so close to God's light
Fantastic sequel in about every respect and peak of the series
i remember listening to this OST on my psp while visiting my uncle as a teen. He passed away a few years ago, there's no sentimentality between these two factoids but it's impossible to think about one without the other now. Life is odd.
Gorgeous, ambient, but not something I'd return to probably
Tank controls are cool but this is a little overkill
JaFAR, there's TWO of me
The courage macaroni bit but with platforming and combat
Even as Bass this plays horribly, Inafune was on something
Felt disrespected on a personal level by this one
My man Mario, you're cool, but you're bringing too much of your bing-bing-wahoo to my golf, maybe tone it down
it's good but nintentubers really neglect to acknowledge how bizarrely unfinished it is
Why did they port this to GG? Just to flex I guess
Life-changing moment
Wtf it's actually good
This was really solid when in the spots where it wasn't obviously unfinished. I really wish I didn't have to say that about every new Sonic game.
Curse you anti-rental corporate scum!
Dig dig a tunnel, quick before the hyena come
I could squeezehug the life out of this game
You hate Super Princess Peach because you misinterpreted its setting as calling Peach an over-emotional wuss. I hate Super Princess Peach cause it's a worse version of a dollar-store Yoshi game. We are not the same.
Great start to one of the best series I got into this year, wish I knew about mech spam first time I played it
I ran through this in co-op with my older brother who never plays beatemups and it was one of the best experiences I had this year. And then I realized there's like barely any other beatemups that even get close to this and I got a little sad.
This is one of the worst sequels I've played in my life
Mid (unaffectionate)
JaFAR, this actually IS the better one!
This is great for like the first 2 cups and then it keeps going and going. Good roster tho
Accidental kino
We are all WAY too generous to this janky motherfucker and will continue to do so
Incredibly based for confirming that Amy is, in fact, a white woman


5 months ago

Tee hee, plane of existence I get it.

5 months ago


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