Backloggd Canon Ballot List


per the comments in this thread I'd like to start collecting each of these "ballots" as it were to put together our own Gaming Canon for the site. just for fun and shit. basically what I'm saying is I'll do the spreadsheet leg-work if people want to submit these. 100 is a nice round number to aim for in terms of number of ballots, but it's not a hard threshold or anything. I'd also really love if we could, once the list is complete, get a blurb for each to contextualize each. would give a lot of really great reviewers a chance to contribute to something lasting for the site, if they're interested.

general submission vibe: if you had a personal 10 games that you feel define the medium, what would they be? there's a variety of avenues here: could be progenitors of gaming trends, peaks of their genre, unique titles that use the medium in interesting ways, and landmark titles in terms of popularity. could just be a top 10 as well. just has to be 10 games! no ordering either.

feel free to comment with suggestions and such, or to "submit your ballot". one ballot of 10 games per person. I'll use the first game on your list as "representative" here by default, but if you want a different one lmk. it won't affect the results but it's just for fun.

if you'd like to recommend a particular person to write blurbs, fill out this form:

Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest
Street Fighter II
Wolfenstein 3d
Yume Nikki
Kentucky Route Zero
The Ultimate Challenge from Beat Takeshi
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
3D Monster Maze
Prince of Persia
Sweet Home
Ninja Gaiden
Street Fighter II
Final Fantasy IX
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
Tetris: Effect Connected
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Earth Defense Force 5
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Live A Live
Romancing SaGa 2
The Bouncer


Here's my ballot! If you could pick Kentucky Route Zero for my "top pick" that would be great!

1 year ago

I'm happy to provide more context or an explanation to justify any entries' inclusion as needed

1 year ago

My ballot!
cool list :3

1 year ago

great idea, and more interesting to put together than a simple top 10. here's mine:

1 year ago

alright, added a bunch of ones both from this thread and scattered around the site, plus went ahead and asked permission for a half dozen more people. glad to see this chugging along! we've got over a third of the ballots I was hoping for... not bad for just a couple days of people doing this!
huge fan of this endeavor, here’s my ballot entry

1 year ago

Thank you for doing this! I'd love to join if you'll have me :)

1 year ago

thanks AutumnLily! is your list public? I can't seem to access it

1 year ago

Oops, it should be public now
Here's my list, and I'd appreciate it if my insignia was Fallout

1 year ago

Just decided I’ll be the one brave soul with Bayonetta leading the charge on their list

1 year ago

This comment was deleted
Wonderful 101
Ghost Trick
Disco Elysium
The Last Guardian
Spelunky 2
Rain World
Super Metroid
Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Live A Live

1 year ago

I love the idea of a Sight and Sound list for video games! Here's my list:

1 year ago

Love the idea; got mine as settled as it could be:

1 year ago

Alright, fuck it - put me under Guns of the Patriots if it’s not already been added please.

1 year ago

thanks everyone! about halfway there!
@LukeGirard lmao yeah sorry, I just threw yours on here so I wouldn't forget and I guess it stuck. truly trailblazing lmao
Decided to make a more genuine effort to list games which feel evocative of what these lists try to go for.
Here's my ballot
my list:
Um ... rep F-Zero: Maximum Velocity if ya can. thank you!!
this is really cool & fun!

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