Backloggd Canon Ballot List


per the comments in this thread I'd like to start collecting each of these "ballots" as it were to put together our own Gaming Canon for the site. just for fun and shit. basically what I'm saying is I'll do the spreadsheet leg-work if people want to submit these. 100 is a nice round number to aim for in terms of number of ballots, but it's not a hard threshold or anything. I'd also really love if we could, once the list is complete, get a blurb for each to contextualize each. would give a lot of really great reviewers a chance to contribute to something lasting for the site, if they're interested.

general submission vibe: if you had a personal 10 games that you feel define the medium, what would they be? there's a variety of avenues here: could be progenitors of gaming trends, peaks of their genre, unique titles that use the medium in interesting ways, and landmark titles in terms of popularity. could just be a top 10 as well. just has to be 10 games! no ordering either.

feel free to comment with suggestions and such, or to "submit your ballot". one ballot of 10 games per person. I'll use the first game on your list as "representative" here by default, but if you want a different one lmk. it won't affect the results but it's just for fun.

if you'd like to recommend a particular person to write blurbs, fill out this form:


1 year ago

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1 year ago

we made it to 100 ballots!! thank you so much everyone!! going to keep going for now, at least for a few more days... thank you to everyone who has filled out the blurb poll as well! it's given me a lot of useful feedback so far, and I'll be contacting people before the ballots finish trying to lock down who's writing for what.

1 year ago

I wanted to join the party, I hope they really accept it.

1 year ago

Sorry if the entry is too late, but here's mine. Either way, ended up having fun making this

1 year ago here is mine if you're still taking them

1 year ago


1 year ago

It was a little painful, but I gave it my all:

1 year ago

Everyone stand back, here are the 7 greatest games of all time, with three bonus games.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Pokémon Red and Blue (1996)
F-Zero GX
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Dark Souls
World of Warcraft

1 year ago

thank you so much everyone for participating up to now! I'd like to announce that I will be closing submissions this sunday at 11:59p est. there's no late credit for this, so if you wanted to submit, now's the time! the turnout has been fantastic and I've had a lot of fun putting together my data collection tools and poring over the results. thank you to everyone who has offered to write blurbs so far as well! I'm in the early stages of coordinating this and I'm pleased how cooperative and supportive everyone has been to each other's work.

there is a question I want to pose: for my nier fans out there, does it make sense to combine NieR and NieR Replicant v1.22 into a single entry? I don't know enough about the differences made in the remake process to assess whether I should treat them as separate entries or not (nier and og nier replicant results are already getting lumped together obv). feel free to sound off below; I think this is the only entry that I've come across where treating them one way vs the other would make a significant difference in their list placement.

1 year ago

^I think you should merge the votes of the 2010 versions with those of the "update" (Yoko Taro's words), use the entry with the most votes and maybe make a note for the votes that each entry got. I would prefer not to merge the votes but I think it would be silly to see two Nier Replicant entries in the top 100 or whatever you're planning to make lol

1 year ago

1 year ago

i guess i'm a little unclear as to why most of us have a single entry while several have all 10 of their picks listed. in any case, could i have my top pick changed to bloodborne? goty edition if allowed (to include the dlc) though it's fine with me if you'd prefer to list the base game. and i don't plan on changing my list any further, haha. thanks~

1 year ago

yeah i mean i assume that only the top pick in those full lists will be considered for the uses of the final list, though i wouldn't mind a little clarification (just for the sake of curiosity, really)

1 year ago

headwound is correct. the entries on the list here are just for categorisation purposes; the full 10 games on each ballot are used for the final list, and each is worth exactly one vote (ie the "top-ranked" isn't given any extra sway over the others). i have everything set up in the list this way so that my data scraper knows where to find all the entries. for the ballots stored in a separate list, the scraper traverses the link and then downloads the games from the separate page, otherwise it just uses the games listed in the note from this list. I'll go ahead and change your entry regardless though moonblade!

speaking of which, headwound and moonblade, could y'all hit me up on discord? the link is in my bio, I'd like y'all to write blurbs but dunno how else to reach you (i already hit you up through BLcord moonblade but didn't know if you were active on that account)

1 year ago

I just realized dark souls isn't even on your list LOL so I'm def gonna change that next time I'm at my computer

1 year ago

oh i'm typically just not active on discord unless i have a reason to be, hehe

will hop on some time soon

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